Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 347: Legend of Divine Casting

"Oh... the sudden explosion in the air blew up, and after the huge gold power began to condense, and was suspended in the air, the real and false He Yiming, finally, it was like a thunderous roar. sound.

This is the harbinger of the power of gold bars to release their powerful power to the outside world. It is like the sound of countless gold and iron crosses spread throughout the Tianchi.

The scope of the Tianchi is extremely large, and the floor space is not much smaller than that of the cave.

However, because there is no assistance from the tree god, the land here is far less fertile than the earth, and it cannot support a million people. However, there are more than 100,000 people living in the main peak of Tianchi and in this mountain range.

This time, everyone who lives here clearly hears this cell sound, and the network is ringing in their ears, clear and heart-rending.

Subsequently, a huge gold force spread out from the sky, centering on the cliff, with He Yiming's body as a guide, spreading like a water surface in all directions.

He Yiming slightly closed his eyes, his body filled with the power of the gold system, and the body of the long-repressed five elements suddenly exploded. They are like a compressed spring. Once they lose the powerful pressing force, they immediately suppress the power of light and darkness with the fastest degree and stronger power.

Of course, this can be done because He Yiming is in the golden power of the time. Otherwise, under the circumstance of the five elements, it may not be able to combine the power of light and darkness. .

Slowly, the huge power was released from He Yiming’s body. This powerful power has reached the point of inconspicuousness, because He Yiming’s release is not his strength, but from The 7-the golden power of the cliff.

Compared with the Wanzhang crater of the Liuli Cave, He Yiming is more thorough in controlling the power of God at this time, and the use of this power is more subtle and unbelievable.

The huge pressure has finally been released. This is an indiscriminate pressure on everyone.

Feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the martial arts Night killing gods and gods, the throne, seeking the devil, arrogant, the world's most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou, the royal family, making the gods, killing the gods, the gods, the throne, seeking the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandoning the big Zhou royals, the strength of this pressure, and the scope of the release. The three faces under the top of the mountain are covered with stunned colors. However, in the horror of Jimo Fanshu, I couldn’t help but sneer.

He Yiming is so young, he has grown to this point, although he does not know how he cultivated. However, the level of cultivation like this three-level jump will certainly leave hidden dangers. Today, after touching the power of the gods of the gold system, this hidden danger seems to have been cited.

"Holly 1111"

The sound of a thundering sound suddenly sounded, and the pressure from the airborne air was stronger and dignified.

And the closer to the main peak, the people can feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred god, the god, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the night, the god, the god, the throne, the sacred The strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts will be the night of the gods of the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the arrogance, the world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the Zhou Dynasty The pressure to get there is even greater.

At this time, the powerful sages have long left the courtyard where they usually live, and after looking at each other for a while, they rushed to the summit of the summit.

They all know that they are qualified to enter the mountains. They have only been the masters of the lords and the adults of the gods. But the situation at this time is obviously different. The huge momentum that has fallen from the sky has completely shrouded the whole mountain range. This powerful Power is absolutely unheard of, and more importantly, both the lord and the singer have disappeared, so they will not look at it together and want to see what happened.

However, it was only after the crowds reached the summit that they were surprised that the original master and the gods had come here long ago, and their eyes were cast into the air.

At this time, in the high sky outside the cliff, there were actually two people hanging.

One of the obvious ones of the top five qi dynasty, he quietly turned his back to the crowd, his feet on the void, surrounded by a magical light, unbeatable The pressure that fills every inch of the mountain is released from his body.

But what really scares everyone is another humanoid monster on top of this person.

No one knows what it is, but they can see that this is an illusory figure shining with infinite light, but the feeling of this figure is not so illusory, but rather like a real human body. .

This strange feeling makes everyone shocked. They can't figure out what it is. What is this?

Ai Wenbin's eyes flashed in the blink of an eye. The more he looked at it, the more he was jealous. He finally exclaimed: "The Great Elder?"

Everyone was shocked. In today’s Tianchi, there are two great elders in history. One of them is naturally an adult, while the other is the legend that has advanced to the peak of humanity. Jiuzhong Tianhe sang a song.

Looking at the direction of Ai Wenbin's eyes, everyone's face was quite weird. However, his heart is secretly sighing, can release such a strong and unbelievable pressure, this is indeed the absolute strength of becoming a great elder.

The **** operator turned his head. His face was quite ugly, as if someone had committed his three million and two silvers and committed suicide, so that he could no longer find the creditor.

Ai Wenbin and others first glimpsed, and then they all felt that they were cold and cool.

The gods and the grown-ups have always been pleasing to the people, even if they want to be sinister, they are also smiling. But at this moment, his face is unprecedentedly ugly. It was only for a moment that everyone knew that at this moment, it was definitely something that made him unable to endure.

"The soul is out, the gods are casting... This is all true!" Gimfan said in a mutter, his eyes were also on the illusory figure that gradually emerged in the air, and the look in his eyes gradually became complicated. stand up. This is an envy, jealousy, and with a pity of look, seems to be cherishing what it is like.

Although the emperor did not speak, the gods on his face were no better than the gods.

In the hearts of the three insiders, there was an unanimous identification of one thing, that is, He Yiming has already finished, even if this time he can save his life, it must be a total martial arts, and it will be difficult to repair again.

However, at this moment, the illusory He Yiming in the sky is a sudden glimpse. The fascinating phantom figure in his body has not continued to solidify, but has slowly dissipated.

From the gradual clearing to the final slowly blurring, and eventually completely dissipated...

The following people are all round eyes, even the two human peaks and the world's first **** countless old guys are inexplicable, they subconsciously exchanged a look, there are deep doubts.

The huge pressure that spreads over the entire mountain is slowly weakening after the illusory figure disappears.

At this moment, the idiots know that this sudden pressure must be related to the hangover grand elder He Yiming. However, with the insights of these nobles, they do not understand what is being pursued. Only when their gaze falls on the body of the Sovereign and the great man of the gods, will the two of them now have a color of surprise that cannot be concealed.

"Elder brother, is this an advanced Shinto?" Gimafan was asked abruptly.

The emperor hesitated for a moment and said: "I don't know.

Gima Fanshu turned his attention to the body of the **** operator.

In today's world, the status of the **** operator is indeed the most special. Although he is only a martial artist in the cultivation of martial arts, what he is good at is the way of God. Even the millennium Iceland was calculated by him a hundred years ago, and the approximate range that may appear is drawn.

Therefore, although he is not a nine-day, but even if it is a real nine-day, he must give him a few thin faces.

The **** operator has stunned for a long while, saying: "The owner of Huang Quan, the appearance of the elders of He, seems to be similar to the promotion of the Shinto in the ancient books. But the elders obviously did not succeed, and they failed in half, so he Automatically retracted."

Jimo Fanshu snorted and dissatisfied: "God operator, although the old man is not from a famous school, but he has lived for hundreds of years, and the ancient books he has read in his life are not too small."

He paused, and his eyes flashed in a flash of light. He said: "The old man has never heard of it. On the way to the promotion of Shinto, there is an automatic retreat."

Others don't know, but the greatest desire of the humane peaks in their lives is to be able to go further and reach the real state of Shinto.

So they are all trying to read the books left by those who are in Shinto and want to know how they are promoted to Shinto.

In fact, if there are many advances in the Shinto people, no two people are exactly the same. However, there are two points that are definitely recorded in all books.

The soul is out, the gods are casting, this is an obstacle that must be crossed to advance the Shinto.

Shinto, that is the realm of humanity peaks is a force at another level, under this level of power, it is no longer the human body can withstand and wave.

Just as you want to be promoted to the five sages, you must pivot your mind. If you want to advance to Shinto, you must go further and use the power of God to refine the human body.

Only in this way can you have the incredible magical powers of flying freely, in the blink of an eye, and in the mountains.

The other point is that promotion to Shinto is an irreversible process. Once you start to promote Shinto, you can never quit or give up without success or failure.

This step between the gods is the biggest watershed in the life of the practitioner.

Further becoming a god, stepping back to death, even if it is a fortunate life, it is finally a rupture of Dantian, and it is no longer possible to cultivate martial arts.

However, looking at this time, He Yiming, who is still floating in the air, is a deep wrinkle in the three strong people who know the reason.

What kind of incredible things happened to He Yiming?

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