Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 350: ask

Like a light smoke, He Yiming has already appeared in the foothills of Tianchi without knowing it.

After regaining control over the five elements of infuriating, He Yiming was quicker and smarter. However, this time after entering the dense fog of the mountains, it was immediately seen.

The movement caused by his aptitude was a little too big. Not only did all the sages be alarmed, but even the attendants came out of the courtyards with a rare sight.

The far-reaching is like a sneaky mountain. Although it is not a voice at the moment, it is also everywhere that people can walk around.

He did not deliberately conceal his own whereabouts, He Yiming's return was immediately revealed, and he was accused in the first time.

He Yiming turned a blind eye to this. He deliberately slowed down his footsteps. Only after the person in front entered the courtyard of the **** operator, he came in.

This is not the first time he has entered the courtyard, but every time he enters, the treatment he enjoys is somewhat different.

At this point, he didn't even need to report at all, but went straight into it and walked toward the lobby, and no one dared to go forward and block and cross-examine, as if he were the owner of the compound.

There was a hearty laugh in the hall: "The old man said long ago, the brothers will return immediately, the master of Gimo, this time you lost."

Jimo Fanshu snorted and said: "Bet with you, the old man has never been stunned." He paused, it seems to be self-deprecating: "If you lose, you will lose, no one can win you." The first **** in the world is counted."

He Yiming’s heart is quite a bit surprised. There are already a lot of great people who have seen in the various sects. But as far as he knows, all the great sages are respectful to the human peak, even though they are also peers. Proportionate, but the attitude is not the case.

But at the moment, when I heard the conversation between God's operator and Jimo Fant, it made him somewhat difficult to understand.

The two of them actually talked in a position of near equality, which is absolutely unthinkable for the more rigorous practitioners.

Three people came out of the hall, which is the most powerful three strongmen in the Tianchi.

He Yiming’s eyes were as electric, and he carefully watched the half-sounding sound on the body of the **** operator. The faint "he seems to be a strange thing.

The breath in the body of the gods seems to have subtle changes. Although this change is not very large compared with the past, this trend has made He Yiming think a lot.

He blinked his eyes twice and suddenly he said: "Golden power?"

The **** operator nodded with a smile and said: "He has a good eye for the elders, but unfortunately, if you want to complete this process, there is no more than ten years. That is absolutely impossible.

He Yiming laughed happily and said sincerely: "Congratulations.

He finally understood why Jimo Fanshu was so polite when he was treating the God operator.

The original **** operator has realized the power of God and began to absorb this power.

In this world, there are only one person who has the chaos of chaos. He is able to absorb the power of God directly into the body without burden, because Chaos Dantian can easily accommodate the power of various attributes.

Therefore, when he has not yet advanced to the Supreme, he successfully inhaled the powerful earth power of God into Dantian.

However, no matter what other people, this is unthinkable.

Even if it is to realize this kind of heaven and earth power, but if you want to absorb it into the body and advance to the peak of humanity, then you need a long time process.

Nowadays, the **** operator has successfully absorbed so little gold power, but the number of this is too small, and it is impossible to help him consolidate the light of all the gods in the body, so he Did not immediately promote the nine heavens.

However, since he has successfully reached this step, then when he can be promoted is a matter of time.

He Yiming’s gaze fell to the emperor’s release, saying: “Elder brother, this time I went to Northern Xinjiang, and the elders of God’s operas are walking with me.”

The emperor Shi Tian shook his head slightly, and sighed: "If you wait another ten years, the **** operator should have this opportunity. But now..."

He shook his head so little that everyone understood what he meant. The face of the **** operator flashed a faint color, his age is not small, although after the promotion of the peak of humanity, life expectancy will be considerably extended. However, anyone knows that this extended period of time cannot support the arrival of Iceland in the next millennium.

In this life, the God operator has been doomed to be unable to advance the Shinto.

Suddenly, the **** operator chuckled and said: "He elders, thank you for your kindness, but the old man's life can advance to the peak of humanity, it is already satisfied."

He glanced at somewhere under the mountain, and sincerely said: "If it weren't for the elders and Mr. Hundred and Eight, the old man had no chance to be promoted to the five sages, let alone the hope of the gods."

He Yiming gave a slight glimpse, and there was a trace of suspicious color in his eyes.

Emperor Shitian smiled and said: "The elders of God's elders studied the way of God's life, claiming to be the best in the world. The last time the **** operator and the hundred and eighty-one battle, although defeated, but let him see the limitations of the way of God, After a year of retreat, it was finally a small success.

He Yiming nodded his head and shouted in his heart.

At the time of the New Year's encounter, the God operator has actually succeeded in absorbing a trace of gold power.

However, He Yiming met with them, but all the attention was concentrated on the emperor's body, and even neglected the gods, so they were aware of the first time.

At the sight of Huang Quan’s ancestors, he immediately saw the mystery.

If He Yiming does not hear the strangeness of the conversation between them, there will be no doubts, and thus there is a clue.

It can be seen that even at this time, He Yiming’s martial arts repairs have indeed passed the ordinary peak of humanity, but in the experience of watching the rivers and lakes, it is still inferior.

"He brother, this time the power of the gold, it should be a benefit." Jimo Fanshu said calmly.

He Yiming smiled and said: "In fact, there is no such thing as a slap in the face of a five-line god."

The faces of the three emperors of the emperor's day are slightly changed, and their hearts are not filled with emotion. This sentence is afraid that only He Yiming can say it.

Before the general humane peaks, without the advanced Shinto, they absorb the power of a kind of god, and at most they absorb only two kinds. But that is already quite remarkable, even if it is in the same rank, it is also a superior existence.

However, listening to He Yiming’s tone seems to be dismissive of this. It seems that in his body, there is more than one power of God.

Shaking his head, the emperor released the bitter smile and said: "The talents of the heavens and the genius cannot be viewed by ordinary people."

Huang Quan’s ancestors and the gods acted silently at the same time, and then the gods screamed:

"He elders, just now you have ignited the gold power, I wonder if there is anything wrong with it?"

The eyes of the emperor's release of the sky are also a little nervous.

He Yiming made a glimpse of it, watching them look so serious, he hesitated for a long time, and finally honestly said: "No."

The **** operator was relieved and said: "He elders, the gods of heaven and earth are the power of the gods. It is not the level that we can control. Although you are lucky to escape this time, you must be careful in the future. Raise this power."

He Yiming was dumbfounded and said: "God elders, if you can't provoke the power of God, then where do you want to absorb the power of the gods?"

The **** operator is helpless: "He said that the elders are laughing, we absorb the power of the gold system, and all of them are slow, and they will not alarm the origin of this power, so they will not look down on any storms.

He Yiming's eyebrows rose, and he indulged for a moment, and finally he paused and nodded.

The face of the **** operator is quite dignified. "The elders don't know. The lord of the Northern Palace Ice Palace before the millennium has cited the ultimate guardian power of the Ice Palace. Although that power is powerful, it can In the blink of an eye, all the enemies were wiped out, but after the incident, the predecessor was ruined and smashed.

He Yiming had a glimpse of his heart. He immediately thought of Franklin, the Western Pope, who also ignited the power of the ultimate guardian power of the temple, and the final result of using this power was also explosive. There is nothing wrong with this.

He barely squeezed out a smile and said: "Is the elder of the gods, is it the end of the world?"

The God operator considered for a moment under the gaze of He Yiming, he finally shook his head slowly.

He Yiming suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. In his heart, it was really scary and scary. I have just introduced the power of the Golden God. If the God operator tells himself that all the people who do this will die, then he will certainly feel scared.

However, the God operator slowly said: "In the past five thousand years, the number of times the gates have been sent to the protection forces is few and far between. Some people are trying to defend against powerful foreign enemies, while others want to use God. The power is promoted to Shinto. However, as long as it succeeds in attracting the power of God, it is either a sudden explosion on the spot, or Dan Tian is the best, and can no longer practice martial arts.

He Yiming’s cheeks became quite ugly, and the news... It seems that it’s not good news.

The emperor released a little step forward and came to the opposite side of He Yiming. His eyes were so bright that he seemed to want to see He Yiming see through.

He said: "He brothers, you have just introduced the spirit of the gold system, and even began to take the soul out, the gods cast the body. But..." His voice has been improved a little, but with Endless questions: "How did you get out of the body?"

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