Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 351: Old assassin's guess

He Yiming's double eyebrows __ wrinkles, his eyes swept away, and suddenly the face of the emperor Shi Tiantian and others will be in the eyes, although there seems to be no strange look on their faces, but He Yiming is I know that the three of them are quite concerned about this matter.

Indeed, for the strong people of the nine-day world of humanity, anything that can be related to "Shinto" is extremely important.

After He Yiming introduced the power of the Golden God, not only did he not die or the blast of Dantian, but it was a good activity to live and dance. This kind of change is unique in this five thousand years, and there is no semicolon.

So they wanted to know from the heart, how He Yiming did it, and the three of them did not explain it in their mouths, but they all had a thought in their hearts. If you can get this method, can they also try it?

Anyway, you can get out of it at any time, and you won't be in danger.

In the unlikely event of a successful promotion to Shinto, it is not the first step in the world to become the world's first master.

With a light cough, He Yiming smiled bitterly: "The emperor brother, in fact, He Mou can not be sure, but one by one r one by one"

When He Yiming said that he could not be sure, everyone’s eyes flashed a disappointment, but they did not doubt, because the changes in He Yiming’s body were mostly, and these things Most are unexplained.

However, when He Yiming’s words turned, they had a glimmer of hope on their faces.

He disturbed the nose, He Yiming said sincerely: "But He has a feeling that the reason why he can escape safely should be related to the power of other gods in Hemou.

"Other powers of God..." The emperor said, muttering, if his heart is realized.

The lips of the **** operator squirmed slightly, and he seemed to be calculating something. But after a while. He was disappointed and sighed. Road: "This is ... difficult."

The brilliance in the eyes of Jimo Fanci slowly faded. He slowly nodded his head and agreed with the view of the **** operator.

In their bodies, they only absorb the power of a god. This is to promote the humanity to the peak of the nine heavens, so it is hard to absorb the scalp and absorb the smelting.

In the process, they clearly understand the difficulties of comprehending and absorbing the power of God.

Even in the face of a **** force, they all have a feeling of being difficult to drive. If you add another one...

Even the three of them did not have a little bit of control.

"The power of many gods is the result of the legendary people in the Shinto, but under the Shinto." The emperor shook his head slightly and said: "Be able to concise the power of God under the Shinto. It is."

Gima Fanshu and the **** operator look at each other, and the two of them are in the same darkness in their hearts. It is too little, it should be unique.

Although in the past generations, there have been several humanistic peaks that have succeeded in absorbing the two gods of different attributes. However, in addition to He Yiming, there is no second in the world.

It is because of this that they clearly know that their wishful thinking can not be started.

"Shendao..." He Yiming suddenly smiled a bit: r said: "In fact, in today's world." Even though the Shinto people are present, there is nothing terrible."

The face of the three emperors of the emperor was changed at the same time. They looked at He Yiming’s eyes and did not reveal a strange brilliance.

The **** operator coughed softly and said: "He elders, the power of Shinto, there is indeed the ability to go to the sea, far from humanity." He paused and said: "You should have seen it with your own eyes."

In the middle of the desert, the performance of the Shinto coagulation makes everyone remember.

He Yiming looked awkward and didn't have a little joke. He said: "God elders, of course, He knows. But you should also remember the situation at the time."

God counts - the child is awe-inspiring: "Life is unforgettable."

He Yiming said: "The elders of the gods can remember that after the move, what is the power of heaven and earth?"

The obedient's obedience to the olives is a glimpse. Even the emperor's release is also moving.

They remembered that after the magical power of the gods, the power of the heavens and the earth around them was exhausted. This feeling can be clearly sensed by any innate power, and they are naturally impossible.

However, under the enormous power of heaven and earth, they are deeply shocked, so they are subconsciously neglected for other things.

The gods took a shot with both hands, and he said with excitement: "Yes, the power of heaven and earth needs a huge force of heaven and earth to release. Once the power of heaven and earth cannot be supported, even the people in Shinto will not want to release the power of heaven and earth."

There was a faint blush on his face, and it was obvious that the impact on him was enormous after he had figured it out.

The emperor hesitated for a moment, saying: "He brothers, the power of the Shinto, the inscrutable, can not only use the power of heaven and earth."

He Yiming snorted, he also read the ancient books of the previous generation, knowing that the Shinto strong has the infinite power of the river, but all the ancient books are unclear, and did not give a specific induction.

But think about it, the Shinto has disappeared for 5,000 years. If the things at that time can still be preserved intact, it is incredible.

In fact, before seeing the power of the day of the Shinto coagulation, He Yiming even wondered whether the Shinto people had such a powerful force. At the moment, he certainly believes.

However, in addition to the power of heaven and earth, there are special magical powers in Shinto people, which is not what He Yiming can know.

In the eyes of Jimmy Van Gogh, there was a fascinating color. He had not seen the power of the gods, but he heard a little clue from the dialogue between the three of them.

Not only that, but he also remembered the sight that he saw on the wild bird that day, and that island was actually split in half by a certain force.

This kind of strange event is afraid that only the legendary world of heaven and earth can do it.

The eyeballs turned slightly, and Jimo Fanshu smiled and said: "Dear brother, have you seen the power of Shinto?"

The emperor's brow was slightly wrinkled. He had already learned the origin of the sacred blood coagulation from He Yiming's mouth, so even when he was present, he felt a little embarrassed.

He Yiming smiled heartily: "The owner of Huang Quan, He Mou went to southern Xinjiang this time, and he was lucky enough to get a shackle. This 傀儡 has the power of Shinto."

"Hey?" The more surprised the face of Jimmy Fanshu. But only for a moment, his face has completely recovered: "He brother, your embarrassed, I wonder if you can come out and meet."

He Yiming laughed and said: "This is actually a acquaintance with the lord of the door." He said, there was a long shout.

Although the whistle was not high, it was spread far and wide, and the entire Tianchi Mountains were clearly audible.

Gimfan's heart is more and more amazed, and he seems to know only the ancestors of Yu.

But on that day, when he was in the battle of the island, he saw it with his own eyes. The ancestors of the Yu family were angered by the dark speaker Garfield. He did not know what his means were. The result was that he rushed to He Yiming and eventually was He pointed at the frowning relic and finally sank into the sea.

Gimfanfan was originally planning to go looking for it, but when he saw that the two Western powers had released the power of light and darkness, he only had a moment to see how far it was, how far he could afford it. What is wrong with it.

But now listening to He Yiming's tone, it seems that this embarrassment did not die, and even more incredible is that he actually has the power of Shinto.

In the thought of this, the heart of Jimo Fanshu is suddenly a mess, even if it is his strength, there is also a hint of incitement.

The black figure flashed in front of everyone, and then immediately settled.

Jimo Fanshu looked at the familiar face and took a deep breath. He said, "It’s that he’s one by one, he’s a one-on-one, and he doesn’t care. He shrugged his shoulders and said: “Yes, it's him. ”

The face of Jimmy Van Gogh gradually became iron and blue, but he was refining it. For this embarrassment, he not only spent a lot of energy, but also coagulated with hundreds of years of hard work. People are all invested in it. But I didn't think of it, but in the end it became a wedding dress for others.

In the heart of the micro-motion, Gimfanfan wants to use special skills to try to control the coagulation again, but he then gave up, because he clearly knows that in his mind, the faint idea has long since dissipated, and this is his The true cause of the death of blood coagulation has been determined in the past.

However, what made him think at this time is that since the idea of ​​the blood coagulation has dissipated, how can He Yiming control this embarrassing thing?

Mindful thoughts, Jimmy Fanshu exclaimed: "Seventy-two relics? You have cultivated the blood coagulation.

He Yiming nodded slightly and said: "Hemou sees the hunter, so I learned a little."

Gimfan smiled and smiled a bit, then said: "Seventy-two relics are powerful, but they are still insufficient compared to the old coagulation, how can he have the power of Shinto."

He Yiming spread his hands and said: "The owner of Huang Quan, this question should be asked by me.

Both the emperor and the gods are slightly nodding. In these people, Jimo Fanshu is the real coagulation person. If he doesn't even know him, then He Yiming, who is obviously a half-hanger, knows how~ The old face of Gimovandri is slightly red, and he stares at the sacred blood coagulation, but if he wants to break his scalp, he can't think of it.

After a long time, in the sunshine that everyone expected, Jimo Fan said slowly: "Maybe because the two coagulations have lived together, so there will be a deliberate change."

He Yiming is not moving, but the heart is a dark road. This old assassin is indeed extraordinary. He guessed the reason, but he could not think of it. It is not 72 relics that blend with his blood coagulation. It includes the one hundred and eight sages of the Shinto relics.

Although Jimo Furnish showed some interest, he did not have any intention to ask for the coagulation.

Nowadays, the situation is stronger than people, even if it is the oldest assassin in the world, it is only the teeth and blood, and this is not mentioned.

When the emperor released his eyes, he smiled and said: "Since the brothers have already achieved success, then we will leave tomorrow."

He Yiming’s heart glimpsed, and he nodded deeply, expecting a lot of heart...

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