Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 352: Going to northern Xinjiang

The vast expanse of the Arctic and the barren land of the haze are like a repository of ice and snow. Tens of thousands of years of cold ice accumulate, like the high peaks, smooth and crystal, surrounded by the earth's poles, bringing together the growing cold.

This is the true scenery of the North, far more desolate than imagined.

Riding a white horse and holding a pig, He Yiming followed the two nine-days slowly.

Behind them, two inhuman powerful humanoid weapons are slowly flying in the air.

For their pedestrians, the coldness of the northern Xinjiang region has no impact.

After leaving the main peak of Tianchi, He Yiming and others marched directly toward the north. In this journey, the more northward, the more desolate it is.

It is absolutely appropriate to describe the northern Xinjiang with a thousand miles of uninhabited smoke.

Except for those fixed population settlements, they simply couldn't see a little bit of people.

At the junction of Da Shen and the Northwest, there are many three zones. But even there, at least there are robbers and caravans, and at most a hundred miles away, you can see the village where humans live.

However, the northern Xinjiang is absolutely different. The size of the place where humans live is not small, but apart from these scattered places, there is no sporadic diaspora.

In this extremely harsh environment, human beings can only survive in peace. Of course, for the masters above the innate realm, they will not care about this weather. He Yiming and others are even more unlikely to be affected.

He Yiming still maintained considerable curiosity when he first entered this piece of ice and snow.

But after a few days of walking, he was a little impatient.

This trip to Northern Xinjiang, only the emperor Shi Tian and Jimo Fansuo and his peers, the three of them, together with the white horse lightning is the most prestigious existence in the world, even if the two non-humans behind The guy is also not good at it.

According to He Yiming's thoughts, they can rush to the Northern Xinjiang Ice Palace in the shortest possible time, but the emperor Shi Tian and Jimo Fanshu apparently have other ideas. They seem to be delaying time. "It’s slow, it’s heart-rending.

The imperial emperor's release of the day suddenly stopped - down, he squatted down and reached out and gently cast a hand on the hard land.

He Yiming was amazed, although he was very criticized about the strong, but did not think that his action is also to delay time.

Sure enough, after standing up, the face of Emperor Shi’s face flashed a dignified color, saying:

"The footsteps of the northern Xinjiang spirit beast have come here, it is really fast."

Jimo Fanshu smiled and said: "The faster they expand, it means that Iceland is about to appear, oh... it is really exciting."

He Yiming's brow wrinkled, and he sighed: "Dear brother, are you now a trace of the northern beast?"

Emperor Shi Tian nodded slightly and said: "This time, the expansion of many beasts in northern Xinjiang is much faster than we expected. Perhaps the emergence of the Millennium Iceland will be advanced."

He Yiming’s eyes turned and said: “Can these monsters predict the time of Iceland’s appearance? The emperor’s day clapped his hands and smiled: “Even the elders of the gods who are the first gods in the world are not allowed this time, they How can I know. However, these monsters have an instinct. The closer the Icelandic time is, the more irritated they are and the greater the chance of riots. He paused and said: "Jimuo brother, your research on the beast is far above the emperor, please explain it one or two." ”

There is no expression on the face of Jimo Fanshu, no matter whether he is willing or not, but he still calmly said: "The territory of northern Xinjiang is bigger, even more south than Xinjiang, and the vastness of ice and sea is almost not under the open sea.

Moreover, the environment here is not suitable for human habitation, but it is suitable for the survival of those cold monsters and spirits.

Therefore, the land of northern Xinjiang is the only place in the human world that can't take advantage of the monsters and beasts. ”

He Yiming took a sigh of relief. Although he didn't know much about the Northern Palace Ice Palace, he knew that he could coexist with the Eastern Lingbi Hall, Dongtianfudi, the northwest Tianchi and the southern Liuli Island. It is definitely a powerful martial art. However, under the help of that martial art, the humans in the northern Xinjiang could not suppress the beasts and monsters. This is really unimaginable.

It seems that I saw the hesitation of He Yiming’s face. Jimo Fanshu smiled coldly and said:

"He brother, the old man heard that you have encountered the king of the wild sea in the southern Xinjiang."

He Yiming nodded slightly, and the sea sacred beast that he encountered was not only one, but two. However, under the attack of Shinto coagulation, one of them was killed on the spot, while the other was obedient and obedient, and the news of the island of the sea outside was told to him, so He Yiming also let him go.

Ji Mofanshu handed a shackle in the void, saying: "When the old man was born in the early days, he once rose up and went to the open sea alone. He wanted to see how the outer sea in the past Shinto legend looked. ”

He Yiming’s heart was shocked, and there was a hint of admiration in his eyes.

He also traveled to the open sea and handed over to the two kings of the Holy Beast, so he clearly knows the dangers of the outer seas, which is definitely not comparable to the inner sea.

In the Shinto era, there used to be such a sentence that it was able to travel in the open sea, only the Shinto people. That is because there are ten or nine of the world's beasts living in the open sea. Therefore, if there is no Shinto cultivation, they will enter the open sea. If they encounter a beast, they will escape and escape.

Although the Shinto disappears today, there are still a large number of top outer sea sacred kings in the outer sea.

These sacred beasts in the open sea are powerful, and the power is not comparable to the sacred king of the mainland.

Perhaps, only the top sacred beasts with the blood of the beasts can compete with them.

Even in the special circumstances of the outer sea, it is not necessarily possible to defeat these wild sea sacred beasts.

However, at the time of the martial arts Dacheng, he was able to step into the open sea. This courage, even in the peak of these humanities in the world, is one of the best.

"The bigness of the sea is not something humans can imagine." There is a rare embarrassment in the voice of Gimhaven, which seems to remind him of the feelings of the past when he was wandering away: "But it is precisely because it is almost boundless. It is vast, so a large number of sacred beasts will be born. These sacred kings grew up in the open sea, where the living environment and pressure are far from being imagined by the inner sea and the mainland.

Each of the outer sea sacred kings is governed by a vast sea area. The power they possess is extremely powerful. The old man has repeatedly played against the different kings of the outer sea, and he has not been able to successfully hunted one.

He Yiming opened his mouth and said: "Huang Quan's ancestors, how many sacred beasts are there in the open sea?" I don't know. "Jimoufan smiled bitterly: "How big is the external flooding, there are many sea sacred beast kings, although the sea area controlled by each sacred king is not the same, but their strength is between the two. After hesitating, he still said: "In fact, these sacred kings are also very clever, and the area of ​​the sea they control is related to the degree of their swimming. If it is a slower sea sacred beast king, then the area of ​​the sea it controls is definitely much smaller than the surrounding neighbors. Even if its strength is not worthy of the boss in this sea area, He Yiming slowly nodded his head, and he faintly understood the way the sea sacred beasts survived.

The size of the territory is not related to strength, but to the swimming of the holy beasts. This kind of thing is really no one can pick it up before it is clarified.

Jimo Fanfan turned his head and said: "The size of the outer sea is far better than that of the human world. If all the wild sea sacred beasts and monsters can come ashore, then the master of this land may not be able to turn us human. ""

He Yiming’s face changed slightly, and for a moment, he also sighed.

The creatures in the Dadi are definitely much more than the creatures on the land, not only because of the size of the site, but more importantly, on the mainland, except for the birds, there is only one layer of land for people. survive. But the sea is different, but the same place can accommodate countless fish.

This is the nature of the sea, and what a cubic world can hold will be far beyond the mainland.

The emperor Shi Sha shook his head and said: "Jimuo brother, you still talk about the northern beasts. As for the wild beast, the old beast will give the old man a headache."

Jimo Fanshu smiled slightly and said: "Yes, in fact, the world of northern Xinjiang is a world of ice and snow. Our human footsteps only stay at the outermost periphery of northern Xinjiang. The deeper place is the world of northern beasts and monsters. The number of them is equally huge, but those spirits have higher intellect and know the humanity's terrible, so in general, they will not actively attack the human habitation." His eyes turned to the bottom, he said coldly: "But now that the millennium is about to appear, these beasts are beginning to become violent. Their bodies are full of killing atmosphere. They are eager for human blood, so at this moment, they will be everywhere in the northern Xinjiang, and they will gather their companions. Attacking the human base."

He Yiming’s face is no longer beautiful. Road: “These footprints are one by one, one by one”

Jimo Fanshu calmly said: "This is the signal of the assembly of the northern monsters, they are gathered together, it should be to deal with a certain city lock -o"

He Yiming took a deep Road: "Let's help."

The emperor Shi Tian and Jimo Fanshu are at the same time. They look at He Yiming’s eyes quite strangely.

After a while, the emperor released a light and coughed a ping-pong, saying: "He brothers, the people living here are some ordinary people scattered in the northern Xinjiang, and those who have a relationship with the ice palace are more concentrated. Living around the Ice Palace."

He Yiming’s heart was cold and said: “Is it right to stand by and watch?”

The emperor said that he had no choice but to do so. "There are too many things like this. Every time before Iceland appears, it will be like this. Even if we take it, it will be the same."

He Yiming proudly smiled and said: "Since the two are unwilling to take a shot, Hemou is not reluctant, please wait a moment, Hemou will go."

As soon as he caught his horse's belly, the white horse thunder suddenly turned into an electric mans, and instantly went along the footprints on the ground.

Behind him, the emperor Shi Tian and Gimfan Fans face each other. After a long time, Jimo Fanshu finally said: "Young... really good!"

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