Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 354: Northern Xinjiang situation

Ege was afraid of angering the adult in front of him.

As the most powerful person in the martial arts in the ethnic group, he naturally has some insights. Although he did not go to the north and the north in this life, he did not leave the northern Xinjiang region, but he also heard many legends about the innate strong.

As soon as this person appeared, he immediately killed two powerful beasts, which is definitely the most powerful innate power. However, the legendary temper of these people, a bad, provoked this person angry, I am afraid that the same must be destroyed.

So he approached cautiously, but did not expect that he had just moved a few steps and was immediately seen by the other party.

A pair with He Yiming's eyes, his heart's daring disappeared instantly, and immediately fell to the ground in desperation.

He Yiming gently said, "Get up."

There was an irresistible force in his words, and Iger hesitated, or stood up as words.

"Where is the place here, where is the North Ma Ice Palace." He Yiming asked casually.

Iger’s body is awkward. He steals his eyes and looks at He Yiming. Such a young man would have such powerful force. He really didn’t know how he cultivated. However, after hearing the other party's desire to find the ice palace in the northern part of the Holy Land, the question in his heart suddenly fell.

Only the strongest in the Ice Palace can interact with such powerful people.

Leaning his head, Eiger trembled: "Adult, the Holy Land Ice Palace at the end of the far north.

However, 1111, he hesitated a half-sound: r忐忑 uneasy road = "but you may not know." Now is the horror of the millennium, and outside the holy place, it is the gathering of all powerful monsters. Land, so it is best not to get close. ”

He Yiming’s face flashed a trace of surprise, the other side is just an ordinary innate power, but how is he now in the ice palace?

The human society is an orderly society in which the hierarchy is strict and difficult to overcome.

Just as He Yiming used to be in Hejiazhuang, there were not many things he was exposed to, let alone the Tianchi, even if it was Yokoyama. The situation in this small village is farther than that of the former Hejiazhuang. Far from being good, but how did he know about the temple?

Eyes condensed, He Yiming said: "How did you hear these messages?"

Iger naturally did not dare to hide. He said seriously: "Adults, this is the order passed down by the ambassadors of the Holy Land. We must try to stay away from the Holy Land in the last few years, and wait until this beast has passed through the literary novel network. Return to the Ice Exhibition Center."

He Yiming was first stunned and immediately understood.

Above the northern Xinjiang ice sheet, there is no unified country, but a human world composed of countless tribes.

Because there is no such thing as the existence of the royal family, everything here is based on the ice palace. The first big school in northern Xinjiang has the supreme status in the minds of all the ice people. They dominate the entire ice sheet in a unique way.

He whispered a little, and he said, "Why, why don't you move away?" ”

Iger smiled bitterly: "Adults, we are already far from the center of the Holy Land. If we move again, we must leave the ice field."

He Yiming's brows were slightly wrinkled. He snorted a few times. Although Iger did not hear it, he was even more afraid to ask.

In fact, there is still a very long distance from the Eastern Dashen and the northwestern realm. If it is a large-scale human migration, I am afraid that I will not finish the journey for ten days and a half.

The reason why these people are not willing to leave is not that the place is a thick border, but because it is reluctant to take care of the family business here.

Shaking his head slightly, He Yiming only sighed in his heart, he could save them once, but they could not save them for a lifetime. Since you are not willing to move, you have to pray that there will be no more congenital beast-level monsters coming here.

"How far is the ice palace from here?"

The lower the head of Iger's head is, the more obvious, the Northern Palace Ice Palace has a supreme position in his heart. After hearing the name, his attitude becomes more and more respectful. .

"When you return to the adults, the Holy Land is at the end of the far north. It takes at least a year to get there."

"One year?" He Yiming's voice has increased by eight degrees. Is it a joke? Eiger’s face is awe: “Adults, if the villain goes, it will take a year, but you should be able to be faster.”

He Yiming realized that he did not look at the guy with a good look, and he screamed in his heart.

How can a master of the day be able to compare with the white horse thunderbolt? It may take a year for the person to walk on foot, but if he is on his own, he may be able to come to the ice palace in a few days.

Gently patted the horseback, the white horse thunderously kicked the four hooves, ready to leave at any time.

He Yiming hesitated, or said: "You are too close to the Ice Palace here. If it is possible, it is better to move as soon as possible."

His words just fell, the white horse lightning has turned into a white light, far away.

Iger stared at the direction of He Yiming's departure. He only felt that there was a flower in front of him. This man disappeared suddenly, and his eyes were just a white figure.

This degree, for him, has caused considerable shock.

After pondering for a long time, Eiger turned back and the village was already a mess. Although the two beasts did not enter the village for a long time, the damage they caused was unparalleled.

"The patriarch, what do we do?"

Lu Yan's, some of the village's prestigious people slowly rely on i & here, their eyes have a sad color, some people are even more distracted, it is obvious that the six gods have no owner.

Ai Luo looked at the two black-eyed monsters, and his face suddenly appeared a sly color. He said: "Come, give me cramps and peel them, and eat them tonight. .

There was a cheer in the village, and no one objected to this decision.

Eiger’s face gradually returned to calm. He sighed for a long time and finally said: “Our village has been destroyed. Perhaps, this is God’s will...”

On the second day, the village began to move. They moved to the south with everything they could take. However, they did not enter the Eastern Dashen or the northwestern territory, but had already started camping and waiting before that. This millennium animal tide has receded.

Above the entire northern Xinjiang ice sheet, this is happening all the time.

Only some beasts and monsters can destroy the human village, while some monsters and spirit beasts die in the hands of human beings.

This situation will continue until the disappearance of the millennium Iceland.

The Millennium Reincarnation - at this moment, it is completely open...

The white horse swayed the four hooves, but how long it has returned - in place.

As He Yiming expected, the nine human strengths of the two human peaks did not leave, but waited silently in the same place.

In front of them, put a wooden table and two chairs, do not know who took out a tea set and a chessboard, while tea, while playing chess.

Not far from them, the 108 and the Shinto coagulation people stood quietly, and there seemed to be an invisible horizontal line between the two sides.

He Yiming laughed and said: "The two are really interested."

Emperor Shih-hsiang raised his head and raised a teacup toward him. He said: "A cup of He Yiming repeatedly waved his hand and said: "Thank you for being insensitive. ”

For him, no matter whether it is famous tea or wine, there is no attraction. Perhaps with the increase of age and experience, he will change his opinion, but at least not now.

Jimo Fanshu glanced at him calmly and did not ask for the result. Because both of them know that there are few monsters in this area near the inland, even though there are some monsters, but most of them are ordinary beasts, even the beasts are quite rare.

After all, the distance from the real Northern Xinjiang Ice Palace is far away. If you can meet the king of the sacred beast here, then the strength of these sacred beasts can already sweep the world.

When Emperor Shihiko reached out and disturbed the board, he stood up and said, "It's time to go."

After all, he reached out and waved a hand, and the seats, tea sets and chessboards in front of him were all stunned by the moment, but they were stunned.

He Yiming looked at them suspiciously. I don't know if there was any spear between the two strong players. "He wants to lose." The sound of the hundred and eight is gently introduced into the ear.

He Yiming said slightly, "What?"

"They just played chess, and the emperor will soon lose."

He Yiming realized this. He looked at the emperor with a look of sorrow and sorrow. It turned out that he would play the role of the strong.

The emperor’s sudden turn of the day turned his head and said: “He brothers – what happened to this time?”

He Yiming’s face was positive and he said the experience he had gone this time.

When I heard the raging in the village, it was not an ordinary beast but the congenital beast, the faces of the two strong people could not help but become quite ugly.

"There will also be a congenital level beast a here?" The emperor released the sky slowly: "This time the site of the expansion of the North Sea monsters is too big."

Gima Fanshi’s eyes turned gently, and he suddenly said: “Dear brothers, the monsters did not seem to be so violent in the past few thousand years.”

The emperor’s nod of calmness said: “When the first few animal tides came, they basically came against the ice palace. As for the small city feeders far away here, they did not see the monsters coming, even if they came, It’s just a few little beasts, far from the terrible nature of the innate spirits.”

He Yiming’s heart sinks and says: “You two are saying...”

The emperor said that he slowly nodded his head and said: "The power of the monster seems to indicate that there has been variation in the millennium of Iceland."

He Yiming looked at each other and their hearts were full of fighting spirit.

Shinto legend...

They are coming soon!

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