Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 355: Looking for snow fox

"He brother, do you know how vast the northern ice is?" asked Jimo Fan.

He Yiming was slightly stunned. He shook his head. Although his relationship with the old assassin was not very good, he still admired the courage and knowledge of this guy, so he did not look at the other side.

The eyes of Jimo Fanshu looked far away, and he whispered: "The size of the northern Xinjiang ice sheet is almost not in the entire eastern world."

He Yiming’s double eyebrows jumped, and he did not think that Northern Xinjiang had such a vast territory.

"However, it is a pity that there are not many places in the northern Xinjiang that can really make people live. On the contrary, there are many beasts and beasts living here." Ji Mofan said: "No matter It’s the Eastern world, or the masters of the Northwest. When you travel the world, you often like to come to the North Xinjiang. If you are lucky, they can meet the innate spirits and get the first day.”

He Yiming slowly nodded, even the masters of the field knew to run here, indicating that there are indeed a lot of spirits here.

"Since the human pace has entered the northern Xinjiang, here is the battle between human beings and beasts and beasts. For nearly 10,000 years, the struggle between the two has never stopped." Jimo Fanshu smiled and said: "This is In order to survive the battle of space, no one race can give up."

He Yiming nodded silently, but he did not know what to do, and his heart was full of strange feelings. Huang Quan’s ancestors suddenly said what they said to themselves.

"Here, there are human masters hunting the beasts and beasts every day. People peel and cramp them, sucking blood and eating meat. There are also many people killed by beasts and beasts, especially those who are weak. The place of residence. In the absence of a congenital strongman to sit in the town, it will often be attacked by beasts and beasts." Gimfanfan faintly said: "This is the law of the jungle, the weak meat, the survival of the fittest."

He Yiming’s eyes suddenly burst into a picture, and he finally understood the intention of Huang Quan’s old words.

He actually told himself in this way, hoping that he would stop doing something like killing the beast.

With a sigh of relief, He Yiming’s heart was faintly cold. This old assassin was not at all tempted when he was being slaughtered. For him, it is obviously a matter of raising his hand and he is not willing to give a helping hand.

With a gaze, the emperor is still standing calmly, but from the indifferent expression on his face, it can be seen that the lord of the Tianchi is also agreeing with this statement.

Taking a deep breath, He Yiming said coldly: "Huang Quan's ancestors, if the children under the door of the Nine Lands are threatened by the beasts, will you stand by?"

"Of course not." Gimovan said without hesitation: "But the people here are not my children."

He Yiming snorted and said: "We are going to the North-Eastern Ice Palace this time. If you kill more spirits on the way and save some humans, you are not a good gift."

Gimfanf’s face finally showed a smile, saying: “He brother, if you are in the vicinity of the ice palace to save people, the old man will help you, but it is not necessary here.

He Yiming was slightly stunned, but he immediately understood what he meant.

Those who live within the ice palace must have a close relationship with the northern Xinjiang hail.

It is like the children of Huangquanmen who live in the land of Jiuyou. They live under the Tianchi Gate of the Tianchi Mountains. They are the backbone of the major sects.

However, the characters living here are small and insignificant. According to Gimhaven, even if it is all dead, the Ice Palace will not care. If you save them, it is a waste of time and energy.

He Yiming’s face was gloomy. He smiled and said: “Huang Quan’s old rent, He’s has a temper, and that’s what he’s determined will not be repented. If there is a sin, please A lot of inclusion."

Jimo Fanshu shook his head slightly and looked at He Yiming deeply, no longer persuaded.

The emperor released a smile, and he waved his sleeves. When he first, he did not hear their conversation at all, so he left.

However, his departure also unintentionally resolved the shackles on the field. He Yiming and Jimo Fanshu looked at each other and looked over at the same time. Both sides once again embarked on a long journey.

This time, the degree of the emperor’s release of the heavens has obviously improved, but the limit of the humanity’s peak is still far from the difference. He Yiming has repeatedly asked for inquiries, but in the end it is still a hard-pressed press. Because of his faintness, the two will definitely have other deep meanings.

In this way, he walked for three days, in which He Yiming shot twice and saved two human settlements. However, he also saw that when the beasts and beasts attacked humans, the humans in northern Xinjiang also hunted them. The entire northern Xinjiang sky seems to be filled with a strong murder.

Three days later, the walking of the Jimo Fanshu suddenly stopped, and his figure shook a little, and it has appeared more than ten feet. Then he reached out and touched the ground. It seemed to be checking something. After a while, he stood up and smiled.

The emperor immediately came to his side and whispered, "I found it?"

Jimo Fanshu’s deep nod, saying: “It should be wrong.”

He Yiming’s curiosity rose and he glanced at the place where Jimo Fansong had just checked, but his face turned into an extremely strange moment.

It turned out to be a pile of dry, solid things like butter oil. He Yiming, who grew up in the mountains, was no stranger to this. If he didn't read it wrong, it should be the dung of some kind of creature.

However, this feces has been at least for a few days, otherwise it is impossible to dry up to this point.

After listening to their words, He Yiming finally understood why they were so slow on the way. That's because they want to catch a certain kind of beast here.

The emperor released the day with a heavy smile: "This time you will come to you, it is correct. Without your experience and tracking, I am afraid that no one can find the trace of this thing."

Jimo Fanshu shook his head slightly and said: "You don't have too much hope. This guy is very embarrassed. I only have half of my grasp to find its whereabouts."

"Half is already very impressive." Emperor Shi Tian said: "But in any case, we have to find it, otherwise..." He glanced in the direction of He Yiming, it seems that there is something unspeakable.

He Yiming hesitated and said: "Dear brother, what are you looking for?"

The emperor released a bitter smile and said: "We are looking for a sacred beast named Xuege.

"The King of the Beast?" He Yiming's two days brightened, said: "How is its power?"

"It's quite powerful. If there is only one old man, you can't kill it anyway."

The emperor said that the day is right.

He Yiming’s heart was shocked and said: “Is this guy even more powerful than the sacred beastmaster?”

Jimo Fanshu shook his hand and said: "If it is based on power, snow fox is not as good as the sacred king of the sea, but once the snow fox is promoted to the sacred king, it has the fastest degree in the world, whether it is broken ground, Still walking on the ground, its degree is the best in the world. Even if our gods fly, it is difficult to catch up. So we must be close when it is not prepared, if it is now, then It will be a waste of effort."

A snoring sounded from the back of He Yiming. The white horse thundered with beautiful big eyes and dissatisfied with Jimo Fanshu. If there was no He Yiming blocking between them, I was afraid that this one had The top holy beast of the blood of the beast has been directly opened.

He Yiming quickly turned and appease the half-sound, so that he would smooth the temper of the white horse.

He turned around and met the inexplicable two top-human peaks. He smiled bitterly: "Huang Quanmen, please don't pretend to be the first in the world."

Gima Fanshu olives, his eyes suddenly illuminate a happy color, watching the eyes of the white horse lightning is even more gleaming, and the expression of the emperor's release is not much better, the two of them look at each other, at the same time Nod.

He Yiming’s brow wrinkled and said: “Two, the lightning and the snow fox are innocent and invincible, and we are not willing to kill innocents, so we will not shoot.”

The two human peaks exchanged a look, and the emperor sighed and said: "He brothers, there is actually something the old man forgot to say."

He Yiming said: "Let's talk about the brother.

In fact, He Yiming has long guessed that these two people value the Snow Fox Saint Beast, which is definitely an important reason. And this reason is 100% related to the upcoming Millennium Iceland. "If this is not the case, in their capacity, they will be so concerned."

However, if he wants to help him, he must let him know the cause and effect. If not, he will never take it easily.

The emperor’s expression is very serious Road: "He brothers, we hunt snow fox, is prepared for Yuan girl."

"Ren Xun?" He Yiming's eyes suddenly rounded out, although he returned to normal in the next moment, but this expression has already let the emperor release the Yuan Li Xun in his heart.

"Yes, it is Yuan girl." The emperor said calmly: "After this time in Iceland, Yuan girl must use the imitation artifact ice mirror to guide the light of the real artifact ice mirror, so that we have the road to Iceland. , the possibility of entering it."

He Yiming’s face is gloomy: “What does this have to do with snow foxes?

The emperor released the sky slightly, saying: "Yuan girl has the body of the cold, and it is not difficult to use the imitation artifact ice mirror to open the light of the artifact. However, this is quite expensive, even if it is a five-powered statue. Only one quarter of an hour can be maintained."

He Yiming’s eyes suddenly brightened and said: “Is this snow fox actually able to help people recover?”

The emperor finally released a smile: "In the words of the brothers, it is really smart..."

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