Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 358: Forcibly breaking into Murong's house

"Yes, Patriarch. According to legend, the Duoming Sword Immortal has a golden divine bird with wings spread out and a width of ten feet. Besides, there is no one else in the rivers and lakes who has this divine bird. This person must be Duoming. Undoubtedly, I am a Sword Immortal!" an elder replied hastily.

The Patriarch of the Murong family nodded: "I didn't expect this deadly sword fairy to come so fast. It seems that Wang Yuluo's position in his heart is extremely important!"

All the elders of the Murong family around nodded their heads one after another, they were quite sighed, more surprised, they didn't expect that the deadly sword fairy cared so much about Wang Yuluo. He even couldn't help but secretly rejoice in his heart, fortunately he didn't do anything to Wang Yuluo.

If something happened to Wang Yuluo, I'm afraid this deadly sword fairy would really go crazy. Thinking of the illustrious achievements of the Death-killing Sword Immortal, the elders of the Murong family felt terrified and terrified.

"Let's go, since the life-death sword fairy has arrived at my Murong's house, I will go to meet him. After all, he is the leader of the Five Sacred Sword Sect. He is a stepping stone in the two ways of righteousness and evil, and he can shake the whole world." A big man who is shocked. Even if he secretly learns my Murong family's handed down magical skills, I still have to give him some face." The head of the Murong family said, and many elders nodded one after another.

A group of people walked out of the conference hall, only to see the golden divine bird descending from the sky, but the half-stick incense time passed, but there was no trace of the Death-death Sword Immortal.

The Patriarch of the Murong family couldn't help frowning, and was about to say what happened. But seeing the disciples of the Murong family panicked, they hurried over and shouted loudly: "Patriarch, Patriarch, it's not good."

"What's going on?" Murong Family Patriarch asked in a deep voice.

"Death-killing Sword Immortal wounded the guardian elder and disciple, and rushed directly into the place where Wang Yuluo is under house arrest!" the disciple shouted anxiously.


The Patriarch of the Murong family let out a cry, and instantly became gloomy. His face was livid and ugly. Almost all the elders around showed shock, and then anger.

"It's too arrogant, this life-killing sword fairy is really too arrogant! He stole my Murong family's magical skills and was found out. He didn't say anything about his attitude, but he dared to be so arrogant. Ignoring my Murong family, he is obviously wrong." Take my Murong family seriously!"

"Yes, Patriarch, this is intolerable, absolutely unbearable! If rumors spread to the Jianghu, what will the people in the Jianghu think of my Murong family? My Murong family has no face left!"

"This matter must not be left like this! Absolutely not!"

"Let's fight. I told you earlier, in order to defend the honor of the Murong family. It is to fight against the Wuyue Sword Sect! People from Shaolin support us, so what are we afraid of? Show the courage to break the boat, don't be afraid, it is war !"


All of a sudden, the elders of Murong's family were in an uproar, the crowd was raging and furious, they all shouted angrily.

The noise was so loud that it gave the head of the Murong family a headache. With a gloomy face, he scolded angrily: "Don't make noise! ​​What's the point of being so noisy? It's not clear what happened, so we called Zhan Zhan Zhan, can we survive this battle? We don't need Wuyue Sword Sect to take action, just With the life-killing sword fairy alone, I can destroy the door of my Murong family!"

"What about your many years of experience in the world? Have you been eaten by dogs? After being a high-ranking elder for so many years, you can't even recognize the situation?"

He was scolded by the head of the Murong family. All the elders bowed their heads and fell silent without saying a word. But everyone's eyes are still full of anger, and their hearts are extremely angry.

The head of the Murong family was also extremely angry, but he still maintained his reason. Glancing at these elders, he snorted coldly: "Follow me to see, what is this deadly sword fairy going to do?"

After finishing speaking, he took the lead and walked towards the place where Wang Yuluo was under house arrest, and the elders behind him followed in a hive.


Back in time to the half-pillar incense stick, Lin Yi rode on Xiaojin's back, all the way from the top of Mount Hua. After crossing thousands of miles, they arrived at the headquarters of Murong's family in Gusu.

Lin Yi also had a lot of dealings with the Murong family in Gusu. When he was competing for the examination of Huashan's chief disciple, he came to the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions.

Occupying the forty-nine prefectures of Jiangsu and Zhejiang made a lot of dealings with the Murong family. After a battle of wits and courage, Gusu Murong's family was successfully controlled by Lin Yi, and Lin Yi obediently tied him to Huashan's chariot.

The fact is just as Lin Yi thought at the beginning, in the three-year war between righteousness and demons, although the main force of the Demon Sect army did not directly attack the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions, there were also many members of the Demon Sect who came to fight Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

The Murong family also contributed a lot to the defense of the affairs of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions. Regarding the previous impression of Murong's family, Lin Yi was quite good.

But this time, they dared to touch Lin Yi's people!

In particular, Fairy Yuluo was moved!

Lin Yi was completely angry, the anger in his heart was burning, and his impression of Murong's family had completely changed. In his heart, the Murong family is just a subordinate sect under Huashan Mountain. Although it is a famous family, but a famous family does not exist among the top masters, no matter how high his status in the arena or how famous he is. In Lin Yi's heart, it is still a subordinate force of Huashan.

The Murong family actually dared to force Wang Yuluo back to the Murong family when they knew that he had a good relationship with Wang Yuluo.

What are they relying on? Dare to do this?

Even if Lin Yi learned his family's legendary skill "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi", so what? Normally, Lin Yi didn't want to make a fuss about robbing them of their martial arts skills, but due to a coincidence, Dou Zhuan Xing Yi fell into his hands and was learned by him.

At this moment, the best thing for the Murong family to do is to pretend that this matter never happened. You don't know, I don't know. But the Murong family singled out this matter, what is it?

After a little thought, three words flashed in Lin Yi's mind - Shaolin Temple!

Only with the backing of Shaolin, the Murong family dared to bring this matter up, went to the door to arrest Wang Yuluo, and dared to ask Lin Yi to come in person.

What is Lin Yi's identity at this moment?

The top ten top players in the sky list!

And what about the Murong family? Not a single top player! No one from a small famous family would dare to make waves and put on a pose in front of him, a top ten master in the celestial list, not to mention that Lin Yi is also the leader of the Five Sacred Sword Sect. Lin Yi never believed that there was no one behind the Murong family.

There is only Shaolin!

"Sure enough, Shaolin has not given up on the land of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and wants to intervene. I am afraid that the Murong family knows that I have learned how to change the stars, and it is also Shaolin who told me. After all, the Murong family alone will not be so clear. You know, such detailed information during the war."

"Hmph, with the backing of people from Shaolin, the Murong family dares to act presumptuously in front of me without any scruples? Naive, really naive!"

"That's fine, I am famous among the various sects of the Devil's Cult, and they are frightened by the news. But in the righteous way, I don't have a bad reputation. A person who only has a reputation but not a bad reputation really doesn't know how to do it." Make people so afraid of me!"

"Murong's family, I hope Yuluo will be fine. If there is anything wrong with Yuluo, just wait to bear my anger!"

Lin Yi muttered to himself, thinking through the ins and outs of the matter. With a cold snort, he patted Xiao Jin on the head and landed on the Murong family's compound.

Leaping forward and stepping on the ground, Lin Yi's eyes were full of murderous intent, and with endless power, he coldly glared at a Murong family child who was closer to him.

That Murong family disciple, stared at by him, felt chills all over his body, trembling restlessly, like falling into an ice cave. His scalp was numb, and his heart was terrified. He trembled and looked at Lin Yi.

"Take me to Fairy Yuluo!"

Lin Yi gave the order lightly, his voice carried an unquestionable order, the Murong family disciple was about to refuse with a face of embarrassment, but suddenly a cold snort exploded in his ears.

It made him smart, and there was no doubt that if he dared to refuse, he would be decapitated in the next second.

This deadly sword fairy is really terrifying!

Sure enough, the elders and patriarchs miscalculated, and underestimated a person in the top ten of the heavenly list who made the devil's sect fearful and famous.

If you think about it, the Sword Immortal Slaying Death killed more than 10,000 people from the Demon Cult by slaying demons and eliminating demons? How could a person with such a strong killing intent be so easily manipulated by others?

Please kill the life-death sword fairy to come to the door, he is here. But the plot after the visit was completely different from what the Murong family thought.

Under Lin Yi's coercion, that Murong family disciple was forced to obediently lead the way. Not even daring to complain, trembling, not daring to play any tricks, obediently entered the courtyard where Wang Yuluo was under house arrest.

Several guards in front of the yard, Wang Yuluo, a first-rate master and a second-rate master, just jumped out and shouted, trying to stop them.

But as soon as he called out, he hadn't finished speaking. The disciple leading the way couldn't even stop him, only to see a gust of cool wind behind his head, and an afterimage flashed out.

Clap clap!

Only a few slaps were heard, and several first-rate masters and second-rate masters who jumped out were slapped flying and fell to the ground. Half of their faces were beaten into pig's heads, and a bright red palm print appeared. These few people didn't even make a sound of pain, they were all fainted by a slap.

The disciple stared blankly at the scene, but before he could react, a faint voice came from behind: "Why are you still in a daze? Lead the way!"

The disciple was alert all over, nodded his head Lian Lian, and led the way. But there was a look of horror in his eyes, he didn't even know when the Death-death Sword Immortal made his move, let alone when he would go back.

It was as if the Death-Dying Sword Immortal had been staying behind him, not even moving a bit. The first-rate masters and second-rate masters of the guards were slapped unconscious!


These are a few first-rate masters and second-rate masters, not just a few pigs, who didn't even have time to react in front of the Death-death Sword Immortal, and were slapped unconscious.

It would take the blink of an eye for the life-death sword fairy to take a few lives!

Thinking of this, the disciple of the Murong family felt terrified, and he didn't dare to take a breath. I was secretly glad that I was obedient just now.

Just when the disciple was shocked, he led Lin Yi into the small courtyard, pointed to the courtyard in front of him and said, "This is the residence of Fairy Yuluo, she has been like a distinguished guest when she entered my Murong's house..." (unfinished To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome)\u003c

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