Martial Hero Rebirth

Chapter 359 Yuluo, come home with me

"Our Murong family actually didn't do anything to Fairy Yuluo, we always treated her like a distinguished guest, eating well and using well, and we also treated her with the highest level of honored guests..."

Seeing that Lin Yi was about to walk towards the door, the disciple couldn't help but rambled on, meaning only one thing, Fairy Yuluo lived well in my Murong's house, and we didn't hurt him.


Lin Yi's indifferent voice sounded extremely abrupt in the quiet courtyard. The disciple looked at Lin Yi in astonishment, and immediately shut his mouth.

"You don't understand Lin's words, do you?" Lin Yi turned his head and looked at him coldly, with coldness in his eyes, and his tone seemed to be devoid of any emotion, but full of rage: "Get out! Get out! Get out! !"

"Senior Lin, calm down, please calm down, I'm going to get out, I'm going to get out..."

The Murong family disciple's legs went limp in fright, he knelt down on the ground, kowtowed and begged for mercy, sweating coldly, he scrambled and left the small courtyard.

Get out of the small courtyard, seeing that Lin Yi didn't look over, the disciple heaved a sigh of relief, wiped off his cold sweat, and the look of fear still remained in his eyes.

The leader of the Five Sacred Sword Sect, the Death-killing Sword Immortal is really terrifying! The strength is unfathomable and terrifying. His temper is even more moody, and his shots are decisive.

Such a person, the Murong family dared to provoke them, they really don't know how to live or die!

Thinking of this, the disciple was terrified, and couldn't help secretly scolding those elders of the Murong family who made this decision, they are all idiots!

To provoke such a terrible person!

The Murong family's life and death this time really depended on that person's thought!

"No, I can't just sit and wait to die with this name. I have to find a way to survive. Maybe it's a good idea to leave Murong's house..."

After thinking about it, this disciple couldn't help becoming anxious, and faintly felt a hint of running away. For the first time, he wanted to escape Murong's house quickly.


After that Murong family disciple rolled out of the small courtyard, the small courtyard became silent again. Looking at the door. A faint figure seemed to be sitting by the window very lonely, silently in a daze.

Lin Yi stood outside the window, motionless, staring at the figure in a daze.

After a long time, the person inside the window noticed a figure outside the window, and stood still. Can't help but speak. Asked softly: "Mr. Murong is outside the window? Could it be that your Murong family is going to execute Yuluo? Then come on, Yuluo has said it long ago. One person does things and one person is responsible. This matter is all Yuluo's own doing. Mr. Lin has nothing to do with you. You Murong family, whether you kill or blow, Yuluo is at your disposal."

The sound is like wind and rain, like trickling water, very beautiful. Although he was talking about life and death, he didn't have any emotional fluctuations, and his tone was flat. With a hint of determination, it seems to be saying a very small thing.

This voice was Wang Yuluo.

Lin Yi's voice was sour, and he felt ashamed: "It turns out that Yuluo has done so many things for me silently, and I didn't realize it. If it wasn't for the Murong family's arbitrariness, it would take me many years to come to discuss this matter." After that, I will be free and have nothing to do, and I will know about it when I think of the rain."

"However, many years later, I'm afraid it will be too late. All I can hear is that Yuluo took the blame for me alone, and was secretly executed by Murong's family. Mandala Village expelled her from the gate wall. Even the tomb of the crown was not cleaned up. …”

The more he thought about it, the more ashamed Lin Yi felt, his nose was sour, and he almost burst into tears.

"Is that you, Mr. Murong? Why don't you speak? Could it be that Yuluo's conjectures are all true?" Wang Yuluo's voice came from the window again, and there was a hint of doubt in his faint words.

Lin Yi sniffled, took a breath, and opened the door. He walked in with big strides: "'s me!"


Inside the room, Wang Yuluo cried out in surprise when he saw the figure barging in. He looked at the face of the person very seriously, which matched the person he had been thinking about day and night. Blame: "Young Master Lin, why are you here?"

On Wang Yuluo's face, seeing her sweetheart, she was pleasantly surprised, astonished, and shy. Lin Yi saw the mentality of the little girl, and her heart was even more sour. He owed this woman too much. There are so many that he can't even explain it himself. In this life, he thought that he would not let anyone down, and that he could go alone and explore the road of martial arts alone.

However, unknowingly, he failed the woman beside him who silently cared about him. Even the admiration of the woman around him, he dare not bear it, he can only live up to it.

Can you still call yourself a strong man?

A strong man, no matter on the battlefield, in cultivation, or emotionally, will always be able to endure all pain and suffering.

Difficulty Afraid of something in the future, don't you dare to bear a relationship?

Then why is such a person called a strong man?

I can't be considered strong yet!

Because I don't even have the courage to accept a relationship!

Thinking of this, Lin Yi suddenly raised his head, looked directly at Wang Yuluo, and said loudly: "Yuluo, I'm here to take you home!"

"Go back to our home!" Lin Yi added: "I stole the knowledge of Star Shift, and it has nothing to do with you. You have suffered too many crimes that have nothing to do with you, and you were expelled from the school by Mandala Village. But it doesn't matter, Today, I will take you home, back to Mount Hua!"

"Mr. Lin, I..." Wang Yuluo's face was filled with surprise. To her, she never thought that happiness would come so quickly. One second she was worrying about life and death, and the next second her sweetheart who was thinking about her day and night told her that she would take her home. It was like a dream, she couldn't believe this fact, it was unrealistic!

"Don't call me Mr. Lin!" Lin Yi scolded.

"Ah? What did Yuluo call you?" Wang Yuluo showed a confused expression on her face. The naive girl looked extremely cute in Lin Yi's eyes.

"Call me Brother Yi!" Lin Yi smiled, like a spring breeze, like spring sunshine, pouring on his face, warm.

"Yi...Brother Yi!" The girl with blushes on her face shyly lowered her head and called out shyly. The voice is shy and coquettish, cute!

Lin Yi laughed and stretched out his hand: "Follow me back to Mount Hua!"

Wang Yuluo timidly stretched out her delicate jade hand, and gently put it on Lin Yi's big hand, lowered her head, her ears were blushing, and her voice was like a mosquito: "Okay..."

Just as Bai Nen's jade hand rested on Lin Yi's, Lin Yi grasped it firmly. Wang Yuluo exclaimed slightly in pain, but quickly closed his mouth tightly. He didn't even dare to open his eyes, and his blushing face spread all the way to the base of his ears.

Being held by the big hand, she just felt as if she was wrapped in a ball of sunshine, which was very warm and reassuring. A taste of happiness filled her heart, it was sweet and memorable, and she wanted this kind of sweetness in her heart, and kept it until the end of time, the sea withered and rocks rotted.

It's a teenage fantasy.

But this fantasy had just arisen, and was soon awakened by the noise outside. Wang Yuluo came over in surprise, listened carefully, and with an anxious face on his face, he shouted in surprise: "Murong's family is here!"

"Don't be afraid!" Lin Yi gave her a look of reassurance, full of confidence and unquestionable domineering, and said: "With me here, no one can hurt you!"

"En!" Wang Yuluo nodded slightly, feeling a sense of security in her heart. She seemed to have found a sense of home, and by this man's side, it seemed that nothing could hurt her.

The cold wind can't blow her body, the hot sun can't get her body, and the heavy rain can't drench her body...

There is no place in the world that is safer than being by this man's side.

She is the happiest woman in the whole world!


outside the hospital.

"Patriarch, guarding the elders and disciples, was slapped unconscious by the Sword Immortal. His face was swollen, because it contained the internal power of a top master, and it would take several months to recover. However, although the injury seemed serious , but none of them were in danger of life. It seems that the Sword Immortal took his life well. Otherwise, with the method of the Sword Immortal, one palm would be enough to smash the bones of these guarding elders and disciples!" Murong's family The doctor said to the head of the Murong family.

The Patriarch of the Murong family nodded slightly, and glanced at the guarding elders and disciples who were lying on the ground, motionless, completely fainted, half of their face swollen into a pig's head. His face was ugly, his hands were clenched tightly, and his tone was filled with an uncontrollable anger: "But the slap of the Death-killing Sword Immortal really slapped my Murong family in the face!"

"Death-killing Sword Immortal stole my Murong family's unique skills, and even forcibly broke into the door of my Murong family, wounding the elder caretaker of my Murong family. This slap is really hard!"

Hearing these words, the surrounding Murong family members showed anger on their faces and clenched their hands tightly. This deadly sword fairy is really deceiving!

"Patriarch, according to me, make preparations early, and immediately notify the Shaolin people to come. If the Murong family doesn't give me an explanation today, the Death-killing Sword Immortal must not let it go like this!" The elder, seized the opportunity, immediately agitated, his eyes lit up, and he shouted angrily.

"That's right, Patriarch, you absolutely can't let the Death-dealing Sword Immortal go like this! Is there any morality in this world? The Death-dealing Sword Immortal stole the knowledge handed down from my Murong family, and even forcibly broke into the door of my Murong family and beat me, Murong. The door of the house! Could it be that the Wuyue Sword Sect can act so recklessly? It's really deceiving!"

"Yeah, bullying too much, bullying too much, I can't bear it!"

Many elders who advocated not to go to war with the Wuyue Sword Sect before could no longer bear it anymore, and all supported them one after another, shouting loudly for revenge.

Even the elders of the Wuyue Sword Sect who never advocated offending the Death-death Sword Immortal and the Wuyue Sword Sect, at this moment, looking at the fainting Murong family guard elders and disciples on the ground, each and every one of them was full of anger, and no longer objected. .

The attitude was obvious, the elders all supported the death-death sword fairy to give an explanation, if not, the Murong family would not hesitate to fight!

Seeing this situation, the head of the Murong family couldn't help smiling wryly. Confession? He also wanted to confess, wishing to cut the life-death sword fairy into pieces.

But, do their Murong family have this strength?

For a moment, he was a little bit perplexed and at a loss.

At this moment, the door of the small courtyard opened, and everyone in Murong's family looked up, only to see a young man walking out holding a young girl's hand. (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome to come)\u003c

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