Martial Inverse

Chapter 992: Say hello to me

? Chapter 992 Say hello to me

This time, soon, it was spread from the mouths of the other two races...

Immediately, thousands of waves were splashed at once, and everyone who heard it was shocked. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

One person robbed a race, and the average strength was ranked among the top ten Wu Ling family.

Everyone was inquiring about the authenticity of this matter, but the result made them even more shocked.

Wu Neng, the first powerhouse of the Wu Ling family, was redeemed with five thousand Origin Stones, otherwise, he would definitely be forced out of the Origin Realm.

This news made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Wu Neng's name has been heard by people who have been in the source world for a long time. He is one of the top powerhouses in the source world and has never failed.

However, now it is fallen and forced to redeem himself with Originium.

This makes it difficult for everyone to accept.

Nearly immune to any attack, can engulf everything...

Is there really such a tyrannical creature in this world?

Although it is still uncertain, as long as it is the race that gets the news, they all issue an order...

Do not take the initiative to provoke the human race.

The witch spirits are the best example.

Not to mention the death of so many elites, the forced indemnity, a piece of divine source, 40,000 source stones, such a painful price is telling them not to provoke the human race, otherwise, terrible things will happen.


After obtaining the Origin Stone, Feng Hao recalled the Origin Beast without saying a word, and reintegrated into the swamp under his feet. It was Haotian and his group who rushed towards the human city.

"Let's go!"

Wu Li kept looking at the back, until he disappeared, then turned around and said softly, he was the first to leave.

For them, in fact, such a result is quite lucky. After all, Feng Hao said what he said, and after taking the source stone, he did not embarrass them any more. This is already a fortune in misfortune.

speechless all the way,

Because Feng Hao didn't speak, Haotian and others didn't know how to speak. They waited until they returned to the human race city. Feng Hao saw that two pretty figures were standing on the city wall and facing him. Looking into the distance, his icy face suddenly softened, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Hao!"

Qiong Linger and Wan Xin were far away, so they jumped up from the city wall and rushed towards Feng Hao.

"Go back!"

Feng Hao gave an order to the female worm, and immediately, the swamp under his feet rolled away into the distance, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


Seeing this scene, the Haotian people following him were relieved.

After seeing the power of this strange swamp, although they knew they would not attack themselves, they still felt very pressured, as if there was a heavy object in their hearts, and it was difficult to breathe.

"What the hell is that!"

They didn't understand why Feng Hao let this strange creature go away. Could it be that he was not afraid that he and others would attack him, or that he was so confident in his own strength.

Thoughts flashed through their minds one by one, they couldn't find the answer, but they didn't dare to disagree.

"Isn't this the Xuantian twin fairies!"

After sinking, they realized that the pair of beautiful women in front of them was the rumored Xuantian Palace Xuantian Shuangxian.

They still remembered the incident not long ago, because these two women, Xuan Tiangong was in a hurry... But now, why did they suddenly get along with this strange man.

Didn't it say that Xuantian Shuangxian, cold as frost, didn't pretend to anyone, why is it now like that little woman to embrace people.

The appearance of the little bird Yiren broke their hearts.

It goes without saying that the appearance of the two women, and their strength is also first-class, which makes people impossible to pick on. It is indeed the dream lover in the hearts of all men.

If it weren't for the scene where Feng Hao showed his mighty power, they would have already rushed up at this time.

When they looked at Haotian, they found that this guy seemed to have known it for a long time, and his head was turned to one side.

"Everyone, I say goodbye!"

After getting intimate with the two women, Feng Hao turned around with a face full of spring breeze, bowed their hands to Haotian, and grabbed the two women and swept towards the city.

"Please wait, brother!"

Seeing that he was leaving, Yan Mo shouted.

"You want to ask, am I a child of the Yan family?"

Seeing him, Feng Hao actually already understood what he wanted to ask, so he said directly, "My surname is Feng, Feng Hao, say hello to Clan Head Yan Aotian for me!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Hao smiled kindly at him, and pulled the two girls away quickly.


Yan Mo was startled and looked up again, only to see three backs swept into the city, his eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes were a little distant, and he murmured, "Listening to his tone, it seems that he knows the patriarch. !"

After thinking for a while, he still couldn't figure it out, so he got up, turned into a bolt of lightning, and quickly swept toward the city.

He wanted to rush into the Hui clan to ask, what is the relationship between this strange man and his Yan family.

However, seeing Feng Hao's attitude towards him, he felt that it should be some kind of friendly relationship.

And the rest of the people, after looking at each other, also followed.

They also have to report this matter as soon as possible, and, the most important thing is to figure out what the origin of this Feng family is and whether they can win over them.

This is too important, as long as you have this person, it is equivalent to invincible Origin Realm, and you will not have as many Originium Stones as you want.

Using force will naturally not work, it will only push people towards others, so this method of attracting people is also extremely important.

However, according to the current point of view, the most promising is Xuantian Palace, which is related to the Yan family, because these two families are obviously related to Feng Hao, especially Xuantian Palace. The relationship between the two women and him can be understood at a glance. , At that time, as long as Xuantian Palace exerts a little pressure, or plays an emotional card, the chance of success is simply not comparable to other forces.


"Patriarch, do you know someone named Feng Hao!"

Standing in front of Yan Aotian's desk, Yan Mo asked respectfully.

"Feng Hao!"

Yan Aotian suddenly raised his head and looked at him with some surprise, before asking, "Why are you asking this!"

He vaguely felt that that person, did he enter the source world, and then something major happened...


Hearing what he said, Yan Mo knew that Yan Aotian must have met Feng Hao, but he didn't understand why the two met, and what was the relationship between them. Please come to see the first release without advertisements -\u003c =""=""\u003e - .

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