Martial Inverse

Chapter 991 Another big fish

? Chapter 991 Another big fish

The first powerhouse of the Wu Ling family, Wu Neng, is well-known in this source realm, and his defeat has never been reported, so it can be said that in this source realm, those who can defeat him, Countless. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

However, if there are people who can kill him, it is absolutely not.

Because no one dared to say that they could completely suppress him.

But now, the No. 1 powerhouse of the Wuling Clan is being chased around by an unremarkable jet-black Origin Beast, which can't help but make everyone's eyes drop.

"Damn, what the hell is this!"

Seeing the source beast approaching, Wu Neng cursed, but his heart was full of shock.

When Wu Li told him, he couldn't believe it was true no matter what, and scolded him badly.

Attack immunity.

This is a joke. There are still creatures in this world that are immune to attacks. Isn't it invincible, and the world will be ruled by it.

In his opinion, how could such a tyrannical creature be unknown.

However, Wu Li's anxious expression didn't seem like he was cheating, so after they reported it, the Wu Ling family's bosses weighed it and gave them enough Originium Stones, and returned them to them. Got a divine source.

However, those bigwigs have explained that if Wu Neng can kill those strange creatures, he must cut the grass and root, and never have future troubles.

Wu Neng is full of confidence. In his opinion, there is no creature of the same level that he cannot kill...

However, now he knows that he is wrong, there are things in this world that he can't imagine exist.

The one chasing after him is one of them.

Although he has never heard of this kind of creature, as Wu Li said, it is almost immune to attacks. No matter how much power he condenses, he cannot completely kill it.


Seeing this scene, Feng Hao let out a slight sigh, and let go of his slightly lifted heart.

As he had guessed,

As long as it doesn't break through the energy of the holy order, it is almost ineffective for these bugs.

"Another big fish!"

Looking at Wu Neng fleeing, his eyes were bright, as if he saw a pile of Originium beckoning to him.

"Not good!"

Not far away, there was a wry smile on the corner of Wu Li's mouth.

In the city, no matter how he explained, Wu Neng couldn't listen. Now, let's go in.

When he saw the arc at the corner of Feng Hao's mouth, he knew that this gave Feng Hao another reason to blackmail.

Isn't this sending Originium to others?

However, if this kind of creature hadn't been encountered in person, it would be hard to believe.

The price is definitely high. If it is in the outside world, perhaps, it is not the source stone that is paid, but one's own life.

"What do you need to do to stop!"

Shen Shen Shen, Wu Li asked directly towards Feng Hao.

He really lost his temper, but thinking about it, if he had such strong help, I'm afraid it would be worse.

Thinking of this, he felt a lot better.


The corner of Feng Hao's mouth pulled out a cold arc, and asked lightly, "Why should I stop!"

If he hadn't had a pair of purple eyes and had detected it ahead of time, it would not be very possible for a person of this level to be lurking in a sneak attack.

If possible, he would not choose Originium, but would strangle such a person in the cradle.

However, this is clearly not practical.

However, it was still okay to give Wu Neng some hardship.

The Wu Li who listened to it actually softened again, and the expressions in the eyes of the Wu Ling family all dimmed.

At this point, they no longer dared to have the slightest chance.


In a word, Wu Li, who was blocked, had no way to defend himself, and was speechless.

Yes, why do people stop.

If you force yourself and others out of the source realm, the Wu Ling family will only lose a lot of qualifications to compete. However, if Wu Neng is forced out of the source realm, then the Wu Ling family will directly lose the qualification to stand at the peak.

Therefore, no matter what, he cannot be allowed to force Wu Neng out of the source world.

"One thousand source stones!"

He knew that only Originium could stop this vampire-level robber.


Feng Hao snorted, as if he didn't hear it, and another Origin Beast condensed from the swamp under his feet...

"Two thousand Origin Stones!"

His words just fell, and the Origin Beast swooped towards Wu Neng with a 'swish', its mouth wide open, and it had the momentum to swallow Wu Neng with a big bite.

"Five thousand source stones!"

Wu Li was in a hurry, and when he shouted out the price, he was sweating profusely, and his clothes were soaked through.

"It's almost there!"

Hearing this number, Feng Hao showed a satisfied smile, and the movements of the two Origin Beasts also stopped, falling back into the swamp under his feet one after another and blending in, as if nothing happened. Same.

"Too cruel!"

Everyone in the distance twitched violently in their hearts.

It's really a pity that this guy doesn't become a robber.

Moreover, he is also a civilized robber, because he actually took the lead.

Wu Neng didn't say anything, just glanced at Feng Hao lightly, and without stopping, he swept directly towards the direction of the Wu Ling family city.

Feng Hao didn't stop him either, he wasn't afraid that the Wu Ling family would refuse to pay.


Wu Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, because the bosses also expected this to happen, they also prepared an extra 10,000 Origin Stones for him. Now, only half of it is used, which is already a blessing.

"There are twenty-four thousand six hundred and thirty Origin Stones and a piece of Divine Origin in it, please count them!"

Saying that, he threw a ring to Feng Hao.


Hearing this number, everyone near and far couldn't help but take a deep breath, and even Feng Hao himself couldn't help but tremble.

This number is really too huge. Even the highest-ranked power among the races with one source line may only be the same number of source stones in a year, not to mention, it also includes a piece of divine source.

Feeling the scorching eyes around him, Feng Hao suddenly understood why Wu Li deliberately revealed this data.

He is also ill-intentioned, this kind of temptation, no one can resist.


Feng Hao snorted lightly, his face sank directly.

I am a human race. In this source world, although no one dares to provoke me, what if I go out of the source world.

If a person has such a huge amount of Origin Stone, if this is spread, he will definitely not be able to live in peace.

At this time, neither he nor the Feng family at this time have the ability to protect this huge amount of wealth...

However, when he thought of Huang Tianyun, his heart calmed down. Please go to -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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