Martial Inverse

Chapter 1291: Horror Figure

Chapter 1291 Horror Figure


This is a silver-white giant dragon formed by the condensed electric arc as if it were a substance. trembling, even the bugs hiding deep underground.

"Tiantian handprint."

Without hesitation, Feng Hao directly pushed out the big dark gray handprint on his left hand, and the space roared, as if an ancient chariot was moving, with a world-shaking momentum, it directly crashed into the giant dragon in Jieyun .


Seeing the handprint hit, the silver World Extinguishing Dragon directly raised its thick body, jumped down from above the clouds, raised its claws, and grabbed the dark gray handprint.


When he saw that the dragon claw was about to touch the handprint, Feng Hao yelled fiercely, and immediately, the dark gray handprint burst open, and a cloud of shocking energy crazily rolled out, directly impacting on the The world-destroying mad dragon directly shook it back a lot, nearly half a meter away.


Before its body stabilized, a large dark gray dragon rushed up from below, came in front of it, and exploded again, forming a huge energy tide, violently impacting on it, exploding Its stout body flickered again, and the agility in those ruthless eyes became slightly dimmed.

"Sure enough."

Seeing this scene, Feng Hao was so determined that he didn't hesitate at all. The earth-shattering handprint and the big dragon kept colliding towards the world-destroying mad dragon, and then exploded on their own, hitting it, although it was not as big as the first handprint. However, it slowed down its speed, moreover, the impact along the way also weakened the aura on the body of the World Extinguishing Mad Dragon, and those eyes even lost their former strength. So agile.

Obviously, after Feng Hao's efforts, the results achieved are also extremely good.

However, if this is the case, although it has some effects, it still cannot stop the pace of the world-destroying mad dragon. It is like a dragon sent by God to punish the world. The big dragon, or the energy storm erupting from the earth-shattering handprint, was crushed by its pair of dragon claws. It was with this incomparable momentum that it rushed down and slammed into Feng Hao.


See it under the impact,

There was no fear on Feng Hao's face, his eyes were red, like a volcanic eruption, his whole body was filled with a violent and piercing aura, his left hand did not condense the earth-shattering handprint, on the contrary, a crimson glove appeared , turned his palm over, and a dark gray giant sword with flashing arcs was in his hand. Without the slightest hesitation, he jumped up, holding the seal of the swallowing dragon in one hand, and a glove in the other, holding the huge sword. The sword jumped up, advancing instead of retreating, and rushed towards the world-destroying mad dragon that fell down.

If there is something that cannot be avoided at all, attacking is far better than evading.

Feng Hao, who has the Zhan Tian Jue, understands this truth even more deeply, even if he knows that rushing up is dead, he will still do it.


The dark gray dragon exploded first, and a huge energy tide violently impacted on the dragon's body, causing it to stagnate slightly, and the silver-white eyes dimmed even more, and its momentum Subtract again.

"Mysterious heavy domain."

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, Feng Hao used his thoughts to cover the area where the World Extinguishing Mad Dragon was located, forming a gravity field. When the giant dragon was slightly uncomfortable, he held the giant sword and had already killed it, almost Without hesitation, he raised the huge sword, as if opening up the world, condescending, and directly chopped on the head of the giant dragon.


The dark gray giant sword with electric arc hit the dragon's head, and there was a sound like gold and iron. I don't know if the Xuanzhong domain also had a great effect. Under the impact of the attack, the silver-white World Destroyer Dragon was chopped off more than ten meters away.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Feng Hao was overjoyed, but he was still very calm in his heart. Holding the seal of the swallowing dragon, he frantically poured the power of virtual force into it, and the dark gray dragons swooped down in the air, exploding on their own, constantly impacting The World Extinguishing Mad Dragon, it was so blown up that it couldn't stop falling, and it actually opened up the distance again.


Being oppressed in this way, the intelligent World Exterminating Dragon finally became angry. It raised its head and screamed, and a huge destructive energy spread out from its thick body, destroying everything, and the surrounding space was layer upon layer. Ups and downs, the discomfort in its body disappeared instantly, raised its head, raised its claws, and grabbed Feng Hao.


Feng Hao lived in the sky, and his red eyes contained a touch of indifference. There seemed to be no surprise at all about this situation. The earth-shattering handprint and the dark gray dragon all fell down like rain, bursting on their own, and constantly impacting The world-destroying mad dragon, stop it from advancing.

In the end, the agility in the pupils of the world-destroying mad dragon, who was only the peak of the Martial Emperor, gradually disappeared.


As if it were a reflection of light, a bright light suddenly burst out from the huge silver dragon's eyes, and his figure suddenly swept up, rushing towards Feng Hao unstoppably, as if he wanted to die together.


Feeling the locked aura, Feng Hao once again condensed the earth-shattering handprint cover for a while, and at the same time, carrying a dark gray dragon and a giant sword in one hand, with a violent aura, he rushed down from the sky .


After two explosions, there was a clanging sound like metal being torn apart, and the silver dragon's huge head was cut in half by the dark gray giant sword. Then, the huge dragon body , directly exploded, and a huge tide swept in. Feng Hao was the first to bear the brunt, and was directly blown out. In mid-air, a little golden blood spilled down. However, in Feng Hao's eyes, there was It contained a look of extreme surprise.

He was actually able to face a nine-level punishment from heaven.

This time, he did it with his own strength. I believe that if he finds a deserted place next time to drain Jieyun's energy, it will be easier to deal with him.

In other words, it shouldn't be too difficult for him to advance to the realm of the great sage.

"Ahem, cough..."

After standing up, looking at his bruised body, Feng Hao coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, and suddenly, a peerless aura descended, making his hair stand on end, and his heart trembled.

He raised his head, and saw a figure walking out of the strange ink-like calamity cloud.

[Fifth update, thank you for your big votes, Xiami is ashamed, it’s too cold these days, I really want to add more updates, but my hands are frozen and I can’t code, and I have to code for more than ten hours every day, but don’t worry , Xiami will definitely find time to add updates,]

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