Martial Inverse

Chapter 1292 Never Surrender

Chapter 1292 Never Surrender

This is a figure condensed by electric arcs. If it is real, he is majestic and majestic. If it is Thor who descended from the God Realm, his aura is extremely frightening.

He just walked out of the black cloud of robbery so slowly, every move carried a destructive aura, it seemed that he raised his hands and feet, was enough to destroy this world Sweep across the world, invincible forever.

In that pair of silvery-white eyes that look like mercury, there is the rotation of the sun, the moon, the stars, the rotation of all things, the collapse of the starry sky, the birth and death of the universe, and a long silver-white hair fluttering behind him automatically without wind, every strand of it is as if It is the Pillar of Destroying the Sky, and with a slight movement, it shakes the space around it into substantial distortions, as if, just with this full head of silver hair, it can shatter the world.

He just walked so slowly, it seemed extremely ordinary, but in this ordinary, it contained a kind of earth-shattering power. As he stood there, everything around him depended on it, and there was nothing in the world. The sound came out, and there was a dead silence, as if the space had been frozen, the calamity cloud on the sky did not roll, and the electric arcs were retracted into the calamity cloud, sinking and settling, as if, everything surrendered under his feet.

Although he didn't do anything, but Feng Hao was carrying ten thousand mountains on his body, not to mention levitation, at this moment, he couldn't even stand up straight, and bent down bit by bit , to make a submission to this figure.

"Battle Heaven Art."

Feng Hao was running Zhan Tian Jue crazily, his eyes were crimson without any impurities, like a hellish sea of ​​blood, full of violence and various negative emotions.

However, at this moment, even his fighting spirit cannot be broken out of his body at all. It seems that there is a peerless and powerful aura that envelopes him and directly destroys all his methods. It is also broken because of it, and it will not have any effect.


Feng Hao gritted his teeth, his body was trembling, and the bones all over his body made a teeth-stinging sound, as if an unoiled shaft was running.

Although his waist was bending down bit by bit, his head was lifted up with all his strength, and he would never give in despite the crackling of his bones.

too strong.

Feng Hao's heart was trembling. This kind of power directly surpassed all his cognition. He had a feeling that the figure on the sky could take his life at will.

But at this time, he should be playing with himself.


He just wanted to surrender to him slowly, so Feng Hao endured the humiliation, even if his body collapsed, he was unwilling to bow his head.

When he was in Yulan City, he wanted to understand a truth, a truth that he has always insisted on. Sometimes, dignity is more important than life.

"Who is this person? Why is he not punished twice?"

Questions flashed through Feng Hao's mind one by one, but he couldn't think of the reason, nor could he get the answer.

At that time, Huang Tianyun said that the eight orifices will face the first heavy punishment from heaven when they are promoted to the realm of the Great Sage, while the nine orifices, Huang Tianyun deduces, maybe, it should be the second heavy punishment.

According to the prediction, after the first punishment, he should face the second punishment, but a strange figure came out.

This made Feng Hao really puzzled.

What exactly he is going to face, no one knows, because there is no such thing as a person with nine apertures in this world.

After a while, Feng Hao's feet sank into the ground, and gradually, he reached his calves, even his knees, and it continued to spread upwards...

If he fell into it again, then, judging from Feng Hao's posture at this time, he would be prostrate on the ground, surrendering to someone.

"No,,, farewell,,."

Feng Hao was roaring in his heart, the anger was boiling, erupting like a volcano, the endless anger mixed with the fighting spirit surged like a flame, a will that could conquer the world, sprouted from the bottom of his heart.

Zhan Tian Jue, dare to fight even the sky, how can it be crushed by manpower.

With the sound of toothache bone rubbing, Feng Hao raised his head little by little, trembling violently, little by little, looking at the sky, those red eyes contained the meaning of never giving in, being able to Faith that conquers all.


On the sky, a strange color flashed in the eyes of that silver-white figure looking at everything. He was quite surprised, but after a while, he returned to normal and indifferent to everything.


He spat out bone-chilling words, each word was sonorous, like thunder, resounding through the sky, the sky and the earth trembled under his words, a real ripple rippled down and pressed towards Feng Hao.


Feng Hao roared like a trapped beast, his body trembled violently, and he wanted to escape, but he couldn't do it at all.


It is true that the sky is shattered, crushed down, shattered everything, hit Feng Hao, he spit out golden blood, all the bones in his body were shattered at this moment, and people were crushed directly down.

"Do not,,."

A sharp voice pierced through everything, tore apart the silent space, and also shattered the coercion. At this last moment, Feng Hao's life was saved.


Coughing up two mouthfuls of blood, Feng Hao's eyes darkened, and he fell into the darkness.


This is a simple small mountain village with beautiful mountains and clear waters. The adults go hunting in the mountains, and the children dance swords and swords on the small field in the middle of the village.

In the early morning of this day, the middle-aged people in the village got up early as usual and went hunting in the mountains not far from the village.

Because it is the Hundred Clans Continent, the aura of heaven and earth here is not comparable to that of the Tianwu Continent. Therefore, the middle-aged people in these villages are all very extraordinary. The young man even reached the realm of Wuzong.

However, because of the strong aura of heaven and earth, the beasts in this mountain are also extraordinary. Even if there is a Wuzong realm among them, if they encounter the overlord in the mountain, they still cannot retreat completely.

However, their luck was very good today. In one morning, they hunted two beasts weighing hundreds of kilograms, and they didn't encounter any danger. Therefore, the group of people were in a good mood.

"Brother Quan, it seems to me that there is a person here."

Beside a small stream, suddenly, a young man who looked to be in his twenties screamed, arousing the attention of a group of people.

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