Martial Inverse

Chapter 1293: Quan Yong

Chapter 1293 Quan Yong

In the clear stream, lay a young man. His complexion was as pale as paper, without human color, and his body was even more miserable. There were cracks everywhere, his skin was ripped apart, and his white bones were exposed, and they were in a broken state. Scary, his eyes were closed, he was in a coma, and he was flowing down the river.

"It's a dead man, don't worry about it."

A stout man glanced at it, then spoke in a rough voice.

Because, on his shoulders, he was still carrying two lion-shaped beasts weighing hundreds of catties. Even if he was already at the peak of martial arts, it would not be so easy for him to walk along the way.

His words won the approval of most people, because the man in the stream seemed to be not breathing.

Moreover, even if he is still alive, it is almost impossible to heal with such severe injuries on his body.

"and many more."

The one called Brother Quan, who was also the only one among the group who had been promoted to Wu Zong, his eyes were fixed on the left chest of the young man soaked in the stream.

There, there was a slightly trembling arc, although it was not big, but he could clearly see it with his sharp eyes.

And heartbeat.


Under his signal, the four men jumped into the water and carefully rescued the young man in the stream.

"He's not dead yet."

Stretched out two fingers and put them on the left chest of the young man to sense it, the man named Brother Quan said in a somewhat surprised tone.

"not dead."

The eyes of the burly man carrying the beast were all round.

The young man who was salvaged in front of him had a large area of ​​his body cracked, his chest collapsed, and the broken bones burst out. The wounds everywhere were soaked by the stream water, and the blood seemed to have drained dry. It's still alive.

These people from the small village couldn't believe it, but it seemed that Brother Quan was very prestigious in their minds. After he spoke, no one questioned him.

"This is no ordinary person.


Glancing at the scars on the young man's body, the man named Brother Quan's eyes froze.

Not to mention other things, it is really not easy for a person to be injured like this, and it is even more strange that he can still be able to do so after suffering such trauma.

"Brother Quan, even if he's not dead, he's definitely useless. We don't need to worry about him. Besides, who knows if he's a good guy or a bad guy, so why ask for trouble."

The strong man carrying the beast muttered again.

These two beasts are really heavy today.

However, his words expressed the aspirations of the entire group.

Brother Quan frowned, agreeing with their words in his heart. Just as he was about to stand up, he saw that a small wound on the young man in front of him healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then, he saw that the wound scabbed over, and then fell off, and even quickly returned to normal skin color.


Brother Quan was dumbfounded at the scene in front of him, his pupils revealed a look of shock, after a long time, under the urging of the people at the side, he finally came to his senses and made a definite decision, "Take him back first. "

Although the crowd was a little reluctant, they still made a simple support and carried the young man back to the small mountain village.

The people in the mountain village are relatively simple, and the two beasts were quickly distributed to each family, and the rescued young man was placed in Brother Quan's home.

Brother Quan's name is Quan Yong. In fact, he is not from this village, but he came to this small village more than ten years ago. At that time, he was seriously injured and brought a baby girl here. With his strength, he rescued the villagers several times while hunting in the mountains, and the people in the small village soon accepted it. Moreover, because of his existence, the casualties in the village were reduced, and they never went hungry again. Gaining the respect of the villagers, the villagers will generally do what he wants.

More than ten years have passed since I lived here. Usually, Quan Yong goes out hunting with the villagers every day, but when he is alone, there is vicissitudes and sorrow in his eyes.

Therefore, the old people in the village said that he was a man with a story, but whenever someone asked him, he never answered, and he never even said who the mother of the baby girl was.

Quan Yong's house is at the north end of the village. A group of people carried a young man to the door of the house. The door was opened, and a young girl with a handsome appearance and a rough cloth came out of the house. Seeing this After the scene, she was a little dazed, but she was relieved when she saw that Quan Yong was not on the stretcher, with a pure smile on her face, and the young people watching were a little dazed.

"Rongrong, get out of the way first."

Quan Yong came over, pulled his daughter aside, and ordered several young people to send the severely injured young man into his room.

After a while, the young people arranged everything and left here, and Quan Yong also returned to the room.

"Daddy, who is he, and why is he injured so badly?"

Seeing the young man with closed eyes on the bed, Quan Rongrong's bright eyes flashed a look of curiosity, and she asked Quan Yong who came in.

"I don't know, I met in the mountains, but there should be help."

When facing his daughter, Quan Yong's eyes revealed a look of love, and he rubbed the top of the girl's head, signaling her to leave.

"Sure enough, the wound on his body can heal by itself."

Quan Yong's gaze was once again placed on a tiny wound on the young man's body. As expected, after he observed for a while, the wound healed naturally, and there was no trace of it at all, just like the wound just now. It doesn't exist.

After observing many places in a row, Quan Yong was able to confirm that the young man in front of him did have the ability to recover by himself, and the recovery speed was astonishing.

Moreover, after his observation, whether it is those big wounds or those broken bones, they are all healing and recovering at a slow speed...


He smacked his tongue secretly, took a light breath, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

This speed of recovery is simply astonishing. Quan Yong is the most knowledgeable person in this small village. At this moment, he can't recover.

"It's certainly not a simple person."

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and then he walked out and walked straight into the mountain. It was not until nightfall that he came out of the mountain with a beast on his back and a handful of herbs.

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