Martial Inverse

Chapter 1294 Awakening

Chapter 1294 Awakening

I don't know how long he has been in a coma, Feng Hao's consciousness has been in chaos, he can't think, he can't move, just lying quietly...

Early in the morning, Quan Yong and the villagers went to the mountains to hunt again. In the wooden house, only his daughter Quan Rongrong was left to take care of the young man who had been picked up.

Now, half a month has passed, and within this half month, earth-shaking changes have taken place on this severely wounded young man. Those horrible wounds on his body have all healed, and those broken bones are also miraculously The normal recovery made Quan Yong exclaim in surprise, and he was sure that this young man must have an extremely extraordinary background.

However, even after healed, the young man still showed no signs of awakening.

At this time, the young man put on Quan Yong's clothes and lay quietly on the bed. Quan Rongrong propped his head on one hand by the bed. There was a faint smile on her pure and pretty face, as if she was dreaming some kind of sweet dream.


A faint voice came from the bed, and suddenly, Quan Rongrong, who was dozing off, was startled. She was slightly startled, and then looked on the bed, and saw that the young man who was lying quietly was opening his eyes. Opening his mouth, he murmured weakly.

"You're awake."

Quan Rongrong immediately jumped up like a rabbit, with surprise and panic in her eyes, she ran out of the room, but after a while, she ran in again.

Because, Quan Yong has not come back yet.

"How to do it."

Looking at the young man who was still murmuring intermittently on the bed, Quan Rongrong was wandering there like a headless chicken, not knowing what to do.

"By the way, feed him medicine, it should work."

Thinking of the medicinal soup made from herbs that Quan Yong brought back every day, Quan Rongrong's eyes lit up, and she ran out again. When she came in, she was holding a wooden bowl in her hand, which was already cold. After drinking the medicinal soup, he came directly to the bed.

Then, she carefully took a wooden spoon, filled the soup spoon by spoon, and fed it into the chapped lips of the young man.

After feeding a bowl of medicinal soup, Quan Rongrong was busy sweating profusely, and the young man fell asleep again, regained his tranquility, and his breathing became longer.

"What a queer man,

It's really strange that he recovered early tomorrow and still can't get up in bed. "

Even after calling several times, the young man didn't respond in the slightest. Quan Rongrong muttered something, then walked out of the room with lotus steps, holding the wooden bowl.

However, what she didn't see was that after she turned around, the fingers of the young man on the bed moved slightly, and his closed eyelids trembled slightly...

Time passed day by day...

In the darkness, images flashed in Feng Hao's mind one by one, various battle images, various figures' shapes, and finally, a few pretty faces appeared in front of him like pear blossoms with rain, those red eye sockets made people feel His heart was clenched, and his soul was trembling.


With an exclamation, Feng Hao, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes fiercely, and a frightening divine light flashed in his eyes, and after a while, the normal darkness returned, as deep as the stars. bottomless.


Opening his mouth, he spit out a long breath of air, and then he began to look at everything in the room. Suddenly, a daze flashed in his eyes, "Where is this place?"

He remembered that he should have survived the catastrophe in the inner tomb world, how could he appear here, and the clothes on his body did not seem to be his own.

"What on earth happened."

Feng Hao sat up and rubbed his dizzy head.

He only remembered that he had successfully passed through the first layer of nine layers of heavenly punishment, and then, a figure walked from the black cloud of calamity...

As if feeling that kind of coercion again, Feng Hao's hair stood on end for a while, he was sweating profusely, and his complexion became a little pale.

It was too strong, he seemed to only hear a few words, and then, a familiar voice came, and he fell into the darkness as soon as he lightened up. He didn't know exactly what happened behind.

"What about her, did she bring me out?"

Feng Hao thought of the woman in white, and the voice that finally appeared in his mind was also very similar to her voice.

Just when he was about to think deeply, some noises outside the room caught his attention.

At this time, at the entrance of the village, several strong men were carried in covered in blood. Immediately, they attracted the attention of the people in the village, and some crying voices also came out, adding a sense of sadness .

Some middle-aged men in the village stood aside with expressions of indignation, fists clenched tightly, teeth creaking, Quan Yong also stood there silently with a pale face, his eyes were flickering , and finally turned into a helpless sigh.

"Rongrong, why did you come out?"

Lian's own daughter trotted over, Quan Yong's expression changed, and he rushed forward nervously, not letting his daughter see the bloody scene.

"Daddy, what happened to those uncles?"

Quan Rongrong's petite and pretty face was a little pale, and she asked in a panic.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Quan Yong's body froze slightly, but he quickly returned to normal, stroking the top of the girl's head with a loving expression, comforting her.


Then, Quan Yong's eyes suddenly showed a look of shock, his mouth opened and closed, but he couldn't speak.

Because, a young man in his clothes was walking towards him.

"Big brother, you're awake. It's been seventeen days, and you just woke up."

Sensing the abnormality of his father, Quan Rongrong also turned his head, and when he arrived at Fenghao, he exclaimed in surprise, a pair of clear and bright eyes flashed some light, and his pretty face returned to rosy.

"Seventeen days."

Hearing this sentence, Feng Hao couldn't help being slightly startled, glanced at the father and daughter in doubt, and blurted out, "Could it guys saved me."

Suddenly, an ominous premonition surged in his heart, and his face sank a little.

He thought of the woman in white. He was sure that the one who saved him at the last moment was definitely the woman in white. However, how did he come out of the world of the inner tomb to appear here? Then, where did the woman in white go? went.

One question after another flashed through his mind, but he couldn't find the answer to any of them.

Also because of his strange condition, Quan Yong carefully guarded his daughter behind him, looked at him with some vigilance,

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