Martial Inverse

Chapter 1321 Prestige Lost

Chapter 1321 Prestige Lost

"It's someone from Jiuyoufu..."

"I heard that they have already defeated the new generation of students from the three courtyards of the Diji Academy, the Xuanji Academy, and the Huangji Academy..."

"Are you coming again? Every time a new contestant comes to show off his might..."

"I heard that this time, there was a great talent in Jiuyou Mansion, who was even said to be invincible at the same level, and defeated many students of the older generation in Jiuyou Mansion..."

When Xie Yandong and others were looking at the five people in front of them, some voices came from beside them, letting them know the origin of these people.

"People from Jiuyou Mansion..."

Immediately, the faces of the group became a little gloomy.

Naturally, they have heard of this kind of thing more or less. Before the new promotion competition, the new students from the three prefectures would walk around each other, in order to hit each other's morale, and at the same time they were trying to find out.

Moreover, listening to the words of these people around, it seems that these five people have already visited the other three courtyards, and they have already defeated the newly promoted students.

It can be seen that these five people are also extremely extraordinary characters, because they know that there were quite a few tyrannical existences in that group of students back then, but they were all defeated.

"It seems that Jiuyou Mansion is bound to win the new competition this time."

Someone next to him lamented that in the five young students, they felt an unusual fluctuation, which was so strong that it frightened them.

This kind of fluctuation, even among their newly promoted group at that time, few people can compare with it, and even some newly promoted champions at that time are no more than this, but now, Jiuyou Mansion actually sent these people to do scouting, It can be seen that in Jiuyou Mansion, there are more powerful existences than these people.

"Hey... When will it be our turn for the Emperor's Mansion? We haven't even won the second place. If this continues, our Human Emperor's Mansion will not have any prestige at all..."

someone sighed,

The words were full of sadness.

Although they also compete with each other, the most important thing is that in the eyes of outsiders, they are a whole. In the Hundred Clans Continent, when people mentioned the Human Emperor's Mansion, they would laugh at the people who were at the bottom and dragged their feet.

Facing the ridicule all over the sky, although they were angry, they were powerless to refute.

For thousands of years, it has been at the bottom, and what people say is the truth.

Therefore, many students of the Imperial Palace concealed their identities when they were walking outside, and they could only choose to swallow their anger in the face of those ridicules all over the sky.

However, it is not as good as Jiuyou Mansion and Shura Mansion.

Therefore, this person's sigh quickly aroused the sympathy of some people beside him...

"Walking out now, if many forces hear that it is my Emperor's Mansion, they will not buy it at all. They say that the Human Emperor's Mansion is not as good as them, and that my Human Emperor's Mansion occupies the resources of Shengtian Academy. It is a waste..."

It was a middle-aged man who spoke. As soon as he said this, many people immediately lowered their heads, and no one opened their mouths to refute him.

Obviously, they have all heard this series of rumors.

In the period of mythology, the God of Nothingness, the Nine Nether Hades, the God of Shura, and the three major gods stood side by side, and they were the gods with the highest cultivation level of the human race.

However, like the Supreme Poison Ancestors, these were also the strongest powerhouses at that time, and they were all rampant for a while, second only to the three great gods.

Although there are many direct lineage forces left by the gods who have withdrawn from the eyes of the world, but at the same time, there are still many developments that are extremely powerful.

The strength of the Poison God's Mansion left over from the Supreme Poison Ancestor is really no less than that of the Human Emperor's Mansion.

What's more worth mentioning is that the Nandou Mansion is now in the limelight outside. It can be said that in the eyes of the human race and even other races on the Hundred Clans Continent, it is stronger than the existence of the Human Emperor's Mansion.

Moreover, its background is not low, it is the same level as the Supreme Poison Ancestor at the beginning, second only to the three great gods, Nandou Tianshen, the descendant lineage left behind.

Therefore, in all aspects of the background, it is extremely powerful, and some of the top students cultivated are extremely tyrannical, not inferior to the students of Shengtian Academy, and can even stabilize the students of the four courtyards of the Emperor's Mansion. .

Just ask, how can someone bow down to someone who is weaker than you?

In this world where the strong are respected, the one with the biggest fist has the final say. If one has no strength, one will not even have the minimum dignity.

So, now on the territory of the human race, there is really a wave of limelight urging it, saying that it is going to replace the Human Emperor's Mansion with Nandou Mansion.

These things can be learned by just going out and inquiring a little bit. How could they who have stayed in Shengtian Academy for decades, or even hundreds of years, not know.

At most, they just pretended not to know.

In fact, speaking of it, it's not that the Void God who created the Human Emperor's Palace is not strong enough, but because the current Human Emperor's Palace is far from the Human Emperor's Palace that had the Void God back then.

At the beginning, the Void God preached to enable all ordinary human races to practice. His contribution is definitely the highest among human races.

However, it is precisely because of this that, in Human Emperor's Mansion, except for the God of Nothingness, the overall strength is lower than that of other branches.

Without the Human Emperor's Mansion of the Void God, it is equivalent to losing the highest military power. Naturally, the average strength will drop a lot.

"If our Human Emperor's Mansion is at the bottom again this time, it will already be 1,500 years..."

Although many people didn't sigh out loud, Xie Yandong and his group saw the gloomy look in those eyes, and suddenly, their complexions became much uglier again.

They do know that in the Jiuyou Mansion, there is still a supreme Pluto body.

Moreover, according to Xue Mo's calculation, the Shura Mansion's No. 1 this time, that is to say, if they can't beat the Supreme Pluto Body, let alone No. 1, they will definitely be at the bottom again.

Although they have only entered the Imperial Palace not long ago, the lineage of the Hongmeng Realm is the direct line of the Void God. How could they not maintain the dignity and prestige of the Imperial Palace?

"You are the newest students of Tianji Academy."

While they were looking at each other, among the five people, the bald man standing in the middle spoke with a strong sense of contempt in his words, and his gaze was fiercely scanning Qiong Ling'er and the three daughters .

Such stunning beauty is rare in the world.

"Hey, seems that the Human Emperor's Mansion has recruited quite a few 'good' students this time..."

The five of them laughed intriguingly after seeing the beauty of the three women.

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