Martial Inverse

Chapter 1322: Will to Destroy

Chapter 1322 Destruction Will

Shengtian Academy enrolls students once every ten years. In addition to the Hongmeng Realm, Nine Nether Realm, and Asura Realm, other than these three realms, the human race forces that exist on the Hundred Clans Continent will also recruit.

After all, Shengtian Academy is the highest institution of human race, but people from Hongmeng, Jiuyou, and Shura three realms will directly enter their respective three realms, while those recruited from Hundred Clans Continent will choose to enter this Within three courtyards.

It's just that the newly recruited students from the Hundred Clans Continent will not choose the Human Emperor's Mansion. Yes, there are very few individual people.

Therefore, this has led to the decline of the Human Emperor's Mansion, and until now, it has lagged behind the other two mansions by a large arc, and has been at the bottom for more than a thousand years.

This is also a matter of no solution, people always go to high places, good students are given to Jiuyou Mansion, Shura Mansion is selected, and Renhuang Mansion naturally picks up others.

Let me ask, under such circumstances, how can Renhuang Mansion compare with the other two mansions?


In the secluded valley, there are shades of ancient trees, and there are many exotic flowers and plants, beasts lurking, dangers everywhere, small rivers flowing, tinkling, as if the heaven and earth are playing a beautiful piece of music, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, a piece of A peaceful scene.


Suddenly, a burst of thunder-like resounding resounded in this quiet valley, shaking the surroundings. The beasts that were playing, all crawled down directly, trembling all over, even , Even the bugs deep in the ground stopped screaming, curled up in the depths, not daring to move.

However, the strange thing is that the sky is still bright and clear, and the sky is cloudless, which does not look like thunderstorm weather at all.


Suddenly, a deafening explosion resounded, and a mountain with a height of more than ten meters beside the valley suddenly burst open. All the trees on it were shredded, and the rocks cracked. , Some of the beasts crawling around were smashed to death, but they still didn't dare to move, their bodies trembled violently, but they didn't even dare to roar, letting the blood flow in pools.

"Chi Chi,..."

Silver-white arcs flickered in the smoke and dust, and a destructive aura spread, just like the end of the world, making everything unsafe.

However, amidst the smoke and thunder, there was a figure entrenched there.

There are frightening silver-white arcs flickering all over his body, and when they collide with each other, they make a piercing sound, which makes people's hearts tremble. He is like a god of destruction, sitting there , the aura is vast, and within a radius of tens of miles, everything surrenders.

"Chi, Chi."

Suddenly, this God of Destruction-like figure opened his eyes, and two shocking thunderbolts burst out from his eyes immediately, piercing through a hill thousands of meters away.

It can be seen that the attack strength and penetration strength are strong.

At this time, in his pair of silver-white eyes, there is no emotion at all, what is there is indifference to the destruction of everything, if you look deeply, you can make people feel that there is a scene of the collapse of the world in these eyes, Very appalling.

After a long time, it returned to normal and returned to the normal darkness.


Opening his mouth, Feng Hao spit out a long mouthful of turbid air. Within this mouth, he could vaguely see some sparse electric arcs flickering in it, and some gravel scattered in front of him directly It shattered on the spot.

It can be seen that the attack power of these electric arcs is very high.

"It's done."

Fen Lao's voice resounded directly in his mind.


Feng Hao nodded, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised a shallow arc.

Ever since he entered meditation, he has immersed his mind in that special burning sound. Time and time again, not long ago, he really grasped that peculiar meaning.

This is a kind of destruction that is pure to the extreme. Apart from destruction, there is no other existence. Destruction, destruction of everything, everything is destroyed.

But at this time, in the "Tao Core" in his brain, although there was not an extra Dao Seal on the Dao Seal, there was a shallow one on the original striped road. Layers of silver-gray streaks.

Although it still looks like one dao pattern, it is actually two different existences, which proves that Feng Hao has comprehended the will to destroy the world.

Then, there was a moment of silence, maybe Fen Lao was digesting the news.

This was too appalling, if he hadn't been able to perceive the difference in this kind of divine punishment energy, he would not have believed it.

"Remember, in front of outsiders, you must remember that you must never tell the fact that you are Jiuqiao, and you must never tell anyone that you have mastered the cycle of heaven and earth, and the energy of heaven's punishment, do you understand?"

After a long time, Fen Lao's cautious voice sounded in his mind, full of warnings.

"I see."

Feng Hao also nodded seriously.

Of course he understood these things, even Qiong Ling'er and the three daughters who were closest to him didn't tell them, so how could he tell others.

"Well, even if someone sees the difference, you must not admit it. Just say it's the Leiji attribute. Anyway, you also control the Leiji attribute. If you really say it, your eight orifices are exposed now, just treat it as the The mutation caused by the opening of the eight orifices is not a big deal."


Feng Hao nodded again, fully agreeing with Fen Lao's statement.

Because, in fact, he thought so too.

The last time he opened the Nine Apertures in front of the Xuanmingtian Tomb, it has already been revealed that he is definitely a person with the Eight Apertures, so this will not arouse too much suspicion.

It's just exposing the identity of the Eight Apertures, and his hidden martial body, the comprehension of the cycle of heaven and earth, and the natural punishment energy under his control can all be well hidden under the halo of the Eight Apertures Body .

After all, the Man of Eight Apertures was an existence that could compete with the Fenlao Tribunal at its peak, so it could not be said that he was not powerful. Even if he performed a little better, he would never be suspected.

"Well that's good."

Fen Lao seemed very satisfied. When Feng Hao wanted to experiment, he said again, "By the way, it is only one month away from the time you mentioned for the new competition."

"What, it's only been a month."

Feng Hao, who was the one who got up, froze there directly, his face full of disbelief.

He remembered that when he entered meditation, there was still more than half a year, why did half a year pass in such a blink of an eye.

He was just stunned for a while, but without any hesitation, he directly headed towards Fengming City,

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