Martial Inverse

Chapter 1351: Protecting the calf

Chapter 1351 Protecting the calf

"Heaven-level pharmacist."

After seeing the liquid-like properties of Feng Hao's fingertips, some exclamations erupted from all around.

Even ordinary people can understand what the liquid-like medicinal properties represent.

This is the sign of a heavenly pharmacist.

"This level of medicinal properties... has surpassed me..."

In the crowd, a white-haired old man surrounded by many extraordinary people observed it for a while, and expressed his own emotion in his mouth.


After he said these words, many people burst into exclamations of astonishment.

This old man is a well-known heaven-level pharmacist. Many people present know him. He has not joined any faction. He wandered in the human race area and left a lot of good fortune. Therefore, there are always some strong people around him. Follow him voluntarily and protect his safety.

"Doesn't that mean that he is a heavenly mid-level pharmacist?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was swept away like a tidal wave. In a short time, Feng Hao directly became the focus of the audience, truly attracting everyone's attention.

He is so young, not yet thirty years old, but he has already reached the mid-level of the heavenly rank. Who dares to say that he has no possibility to go further.

If it goes one step further, it will be the peak of the sky level, which is the limit of a pharmacist.

"Among the new students from the Human Emperor's Mansion, they actually have both the body of the Nine Heavens Profound Spirit and a mid-level pharmacist of Heavenly Extremes..."

Many people felt that this made some people look very ugly, among them, the people in Jiuyou Mansion were the worst, and the person in charge of Nandou Mansion also had an imperceptible gleam in his eyes.

When the Human Emperor's Mansion is about to go into desolation, it cannot be allowed to revive, otherwise, all the efforts they have put in will be wasted.

In this way, on the high platform, the corners of the mouths of the bigwigs of the Emperor's Mansion showed a slight arc.

"Hmph, if you know that he is the protagonist of Xuan Mingtian, hehe..."

Wan Hongwen, Xie Yandong and the others were all thinking badly in their hearts.

Xuanmingtian incident,

Shocking all races, the impact is too great, no matter whether it is the person with eight orifices, or the mysterious woman in white, no one can ignore the existence.

It was rumored that the Master of the Human Emperor's Mansion once went to find Grandmaster Haotian, but there was no news about it. Therefore, the protagonist of the incident has been kept in the fog.

"Hugh's talking nonsense."

The old man with the mustache seemed to be getting angry from embarrassment, glaring at Feng Hao with murderous intent.

On the side, the handsome young man also had a flash of panic in his eyes, and quietly, he winked at the old man again and again.

Others think that it is a mid-level medicinal property. Those who deal with poisons, don't they know it?

Heaven-level peak medicinal properties, and, vaguely, they also feel that this medicinal property is not simple, and the medicinal properties mixed in it are beyond their imagination.

They have ghosts in their hearts, how dare they let Feng Hao try it, won't it ruin their event.

"Am I talking nonsense, you know it in your heart."

Feng Hao squinted his eyes and looked directly at the old man with the mustache, without retreating in the slightest, and the words in his mouth were cold.

"Do you really think that you are a student of the Emperor's Mansion, so I dare not touch you?"

In the eyes of the old man with a mustache, colorful flashes flashed, and there was a strange fragrance coming from his body, just like the fragrance of a flower garden, so refreshing that people couldn't defend themselves.

"If you slander my Poison God Palace, you will still die."

He has already moved to kill, even if he wants to tear himself apart from the Emperor's Mansion, he still wants to kill this scourge. An invisible poisonous mist presses towards Feng Hao.


At this time, a coquettish laugh suddenly sounded, which seemed to have some kind of magical power, and many people trembled. Among them, the three deans of the Emperor's Mansion on the high platform also lost their composure slightly.

It was in this coquettish laughter that the old man with the mustache stepped back a few steps, looking at Liu Canyan who was walking towards him with lotus steps with a pale complexion.

"Ugly old man, don't think that you can bully my students just because you are ugly. Otherwise, I will pull out your poisonous hairs one by one."

Liu Canyan squinted her long and narrow eyes, and although there was still a smile on the corner of her mouth, in the eyes of the old man with a mustache, she looked like a female Rakshasa.

"Who are you, you dare to meddle in the affairs of my Poison God Mansion."

With a gloomy face, he carried him out of the Poison God's Mansion.


Liu Canyan smiled happily, as if she had encountered something interesting, her crescent-like eyes shone brightly, and the corner of her mouth curved slightly, "I don't care where you are from. , If you dare to touch my students, then, even if it is the king of heaven, my aunt and grandma, I will still peel his skin and cramps, then put it in a frying pan for seven days and eight nights, and then feed it to the dogs."

Her words were light, with a charming smile, but in everyone's ears, it was chilling to the bone, and there was a shiver involuntarily.

The tutors of Shengtian Academy are not ordinary people, and the old man with a mustache was forced to retreat just now, which further proves that this beautiful tutor has extraordinary strength.


Long Yue closed her nose and twitched, her eyes were red.

He was touched. Once upon a time, under Liu Canyan's abuse, he thought about committing suicide, but fortunately, he didn't make up his mind so quickly.

It turned out that this enthusiastic and cold mentor actually had a protective side.


The old man with the mustache trembled from the anger, but he couldn't speak.

Just now, a huge aura locked on him suddenly, at that moment, he really felt like his life was being deprived.

That's why he didn't dare to confront Liu Canyan who appeared.

Liu Canyan didn't pay attention to him at all, but walked straight towards Qingwu's mother and daughter...

After seeing Qingwu facing her, her pupils elongated even more, but for a moment, she focused on Xiao Qingmeng who was looking at her curiously.

Although Xiao Qingmeng is small, she is not afraid of strangers, she stares blankly at her with big bright eyes.

"Hehe... What a cutie, I like my sister so much."

Seeing the little girl like this, Liu Canyan laughed even more. From her laughter, she seemed to be very happy at the moment. She had really encountered something happy. For a little while, she turned her head, Feng Hao said, "The mentor will give you a task now, that is, no matter what method you use, you must bring this little cutie to my Tianjiyuan, do you understand?"

Such unconcealed, open and aboveboard words made everyone in the Poison God's Mansion look a bit ugly, especially the old man with the mustache and the handsome young man, who were even more angry.

"Feng Hao understands."

Feng Hao was overjoyed, and his eyes showed gratitude.

[Fifth update,]

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