Martial Inverse

Chapter 1352 Fallout

Chapter 1352 Fall Out

When Feng Hao wanted to approach, the old man with the mustache once again blocked his way forward.

"Three principals, my Poison God's Mansion is a human force, and the mentor of your Human Emperor's Mansion is persecuting you everywhere. Could it be that you want to force my Poison God's Mansion to withdraw from the competition?"

His tone was compelling, and every word exploded, spreading throughout the audience.

Obviously, he wanted everyone to mistakenly think that the Emperor's Mansion was not as good as his Poison God's Mansion, so he took this despicable method to persecute him.

For a while, basically all eyes were focused on this area, and the crowd flowing in the square also slowed down, turning around and paying attention to the dynamics here.

Indeed, at this time Liu Canyan was suspected of persecuting him, which made people wonder whether this was another method used by the Emperor's Mansion.

If so, the Imperial Palace will really lose its reputation and be cast aside by the entire human race.

"Such a method is really a clever plan."

On the high platform, the person in charge of Jiuyou Mansion said in a mocking tone, and cast a disdainful glance at the old man with white hair and youthful face beside him, which made his face darken.

No one thought that this old man with a mustache would dare to directly target the Emperor's Mansion.

"Master Left Protector..."

Wan Hongwen hesitated for a moment, then came to him and whispered a few words.

"It's true."

The old man's Gujing Wubo's old face finally showed a touch of emotion. Although it passed by in a flash, it was caught by many people.

"I'm ninety percent sure."

Wan Hongwen nodded seriously.

For a moment, strange looks appeared in the muddy pupils of the white-haired and child-like Guardian Zuo, like a frightened horse, frightening people's minds.

People who knew him well, such as the person in charge of Jiuyou Mansion and Asura Mansion, couldn't help being startled, wondering what Wan Hongwen had said to him just now, which caused him to have such emotional ups and downs.

The other three deans of Human Emperor's Mansion looked at each other, all of them confused.

What the hell is this old fox doing?

Is it really necessary for the Imperial Palace and the Poison God Palace to fall out because of this incident?

This is definitely not a good thing for Human Emperor's Mansion. Regardless of the outcome of the fight between the two sides, Human Emperor's Mansion will withdraw from the supreme stage of Shengtian Academy.

After a while, the scene became strangely quiet again, and everyone was waiting, whether the Human Emperor's Mansion chose to give in, or chose to fall out with the Poison God's Mansion.

The gloating smile on the face of the person in charge of Jiuyou Mansion also subsided, carefully thinking about the difference in this matter.

And the person in charge of the Asura Mansion kept his eyes on Feng Hao from time to time, with an unknown light shining in his eyes.

The three of them have been together for a day or two. It is because they know each other too well that they have such doubts. They also guessed that there must be unknown things behind this incident. An old guy who is not surprised will never be so gaffe and considerate.

"Mother, are we poisoned, that's why we can't remember Daddy?"

Xiao Qingmeng raised her head and looked at Qingwu.

Qingwu didn't speak, just shook his head, his eyes flashed with confusion.

"Do you really know him?"

Looking at the hostile Feng Hao not far away, she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart, a little contradictory.


After a while, the old man with white hair and childlike face returned to normal, as if he had made some decision in his heart, after glancing at Feng Hao and the others who were still indignant, he then glanced at the Qingwu mother and daughter with confused expressions , and finally set his sights on the old man with the mustache.

"I am in the imperial palace, and I have always upheld fairness and justice. Why do you say that you are persecuted? As long as you are a member of my human race, no more than 30, you can participate... Although Teacher Liu did not consider this matter, but , if the two of them really didn't suffer from the strange poison and lost their memory, then why don't you dare to let him heal you."

There was no trace of anger in the plain voice, but it carried an inexplicable majesty, and the voice resounded through the audience, shaking people's hearts.

As soon as he said these words, many people's eyes were full of astonishment, even the person in charge of Jiuyou Mansion looked at him in disbelief, as if he was looking at a stranger.

The words of the old man with white hair and childlike face at this time undoubtedly declared that he was supporting Liu Canyan and Feng Hao's actions.

Isn't this completely offending the Poison God Palace?

He is digging his own grave for the royal family.

The audience was in an uproar, and those foreigners who were mixed in the crowd did not expect that this trip would be so rewarding.

Two tigers fighting each other, which is exactly what they want to see.


The old man with the mustache widened his eyes and stared at him dumbfounded. He was a little speechless, and after a while, he shouted indignantly, "Okay, it's very good, my Poison God's Mansion does things openly and aboveboard. , Today, I want to see what kind of means your Human Emperor's Palace intends to use to deal with my Poison God's Palace."

He also understood in his heart that the person in charge of the imperial palace had already favored Feng Hao and the others, and he was powerless to recover.

"Thank you, my lord."

Feng Hao bowed gratefully to the old man with white hair and youthful face on the high platform, and then walked quickly towards Qingwu's mother and daughter under the resentful eyes of the old man with mustache and the handsome man.


The handsome man seemed a little anxious, but was stopped by the old man with the mustache and motioned him not to speak.

"So what about the pharmacist at the top of the sky."

An invisible ruthlessness flashed in his eyes.


When he came to the front and looked at the familiar Yi Ren, Feng Hao's eyes started to rippling, but his heart was pulled up when he saw the gaze in those eyes as if he was looking at a stranger, deep in his pupils, There was a touch of pain and self-blame, a little bit, that suppressed the emotions in his heart, and said to Qingwu, "Wu'er, can you give me your hand."

"Uncle, I'll give it to you."

When Qingwu was hesitating, Xiao Qingmeng stretched out a hand and looked at him with a smile.

She felt from the bottom of her heart that this strange uncle in front of her would not hurt her, on the contrary, she was very kind, just like her own mother...

"Little Menger."

Hearing this familiar address, Feng Hao's nose felt a little sour, he squatted down, and gently held Xiao Qingmeng's small white jade hand.

Seeing this scene, Qing Wu opened her mouth. She originally wanted to stop her, but when she saw the self-blame and guilt deep in Feng Hao's pupils, for some reason, her cold heart softened a little.


After a while, Feng Hao's complexion became more and more gloomy.

Because he discovered that Xiao Qingmeng had no trace of poisoning at all,

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