Martial Inverse

Chapter 1354 Speak out, scare you to death

Chapter 1354 Say it out, scare you to death

Feng Hao's words were a bit inexplicable, everyone was confused, Qiong Ling'er and the third daughter, Xue Yan and the others, even the old man with white hair and childlike face and Wan Hongwen on the high platform looked at him suspiciously.


What identity, does this pair of mother and daughter have any other identities, this identity can be higher than the Poison God's Palace.

This is absolutely impossible. You must know that the strength of the Poison God's Mansion at this time is not inferior to that of the Human Emperor's Mansion. Even if the mother and daughter are from the Shura Mansion, they are not worthy of the Poison God's Mansion's scruples. .

The Poison God's Mansion is famous for its poison, who dares to provoke it.

After the period of mythology, there were alien races who wanted to crush the human race. When passing through the old lair of the Poison God Mansion, the alien allied forces made a detour, which shows how afraid they are of the Poison God Mansion.

It can be said that the Poison God's Mansion itself is no less than a restricted area.

All kinds of strange poisons are hard to guard against. Even the peerless top masters, as long as there is the slightest negligence, they will fall into the Tao. Back then, there were many gods of foreign races who died under the poison of the supreme poisonous ancestor.

However, the eyes of the old man with the mustache trembled because of his words.

As one of the guardians of the Poison God Palace, he naturally knew the origin and identity of Qingwu's mother and daughter.

"Assist her with all my strength and meet all their needs. If someone comes to recognize her, it cannot be stopped."

At the beginning, that person only left this inexplicable sentence, and he didn't understand it very well, so under the begging of his grandson, he was motivated by selfishness.

He knows Xiao Qingmeng's physique, this little girl will definitely become the existence that controls the Poison God Palace in the future.

How could he not be moved.

Heart-eating poison, this kind of poison, no one can detect it, it can eat away a person's memory invisibly, without harming the body.

Therefore, when the Qingwu mother and daughter were defenseless at all, they put this strange poison into their food, and then induced their memory.

However, to his disappointment, Qingwu did not accept the husband in his memory, Xiao Qingmeng also resisted a little, and they were still wary of his grandson who had lost their memory.

Afterwards, he arranged to save the beauty many times,

Even bitter tricks, finally, it was Rang Qingwu who let go of his mouth and agreed to be his fiancee...

However, when it comes to holding a wedding, Qingwu will turn his face inexplicably, which makes him helpless, so after a few years of delay, there is not much progress.

But at this time, after being reminded by Feng Hao, he remembered the words left by that adult back then.

"Could it be..."

There was a movement in his heart, but he quickly returned to normal, and the killing intent surged in his heart.

At this point, he has no turning back.

If you don't do it, you have already done it, and the memory of Qingwu's mother and daughter has been lost, and even that adult has no possibility to restore their memory.

Now, as long as the person in front of him doesn't come to his door, and Qingwu's mother and daughter don't recognize him, then everything will go on as usual, and there won't be any difference. .

He is already the protector of the Poison God Palace, and it is impossible to go any further in this life, but in Xiao Qingmeng, he sees hope.

"My man, you dare to move."

The unnatural flash in his eyes was naturally caught by Feng Hao, and suddenly, the cold eyes burst out with murderous intent, his words were indifferent, without any emotion, he was like a high-ranking god, Looking down on the world, it's like a trial.

"What do you mean,."

The old man with the eight-character beard felt a little uneasy, but he suppressed it forcibly, "Hmph, they are from my Poison God Palace, and they are my granddaughter-in-law, and they just lost their memory temporarily due to an accident. Poisoned, otherwise, wouldn’t it be possible for you, a top pharmacist, to heal it.”

"What, a celestial peak pharmacist."

As soon as he said this, it was like throwing a huge stone on the lake, and it immediately splashed thousands of waves.

Tianji peak pharmacist, this is already the ultimate in the world, but at the same time, the old man with a mustache exposed Feng Hao's true level, which also shows that he did not poison at all, otherwise, why couldn't he, a Tianji peak pharmacist, undo it.

"Now it can be proved that it is your Emperor's Mansion who bullies others and forbids others to participate in the despicable tricks used by Dabi."

After the old man with the mustache glanced at Feng Hao, he pointed the finger at the old man with the white hair and youthful face again, hoping to arouse public outrage and expel the Emperor's Mansion from Shengtian Academy.

"Heart-eating poison."

An icy voice sounded behind him, murderous intent rolling in.

He was already sure that the person who poisoned him was the old man with the mustache in front of him.


Hearing these three words, the old man with the mustache turned around. He became a little angry from embarrassment, his gloomy eyes flashed sharply, and his murderous intent was awe-inspiring, "What are you, you dare to spit blood in front of this protector."

If it wasn't for Liu Canyan who was on the side, he really wanted to kill Feng Hao directly, but he knew that if he did it himself, he would definitely be the one who was unlucky.

"What, it turned out to be the heart-eating poison."

Some people of the older generation exclaimed. They were surprised that such a strange poison really existed in this world.

According to legend, this is the Supreme Poison Patriarch who was distraught because of the death of his beloved. In order to forget this memory, he had the Heart-eating Poison.

And this kind of strange poison, after being ingested, there is absolutely no abnormality, but the previous memory is slowly lost...

If it is really this kind of strange poison, then the person who poisoned him really has ulterior motives, and is extremely vicious, even a child of a few years old will not let him go.

And this also proves that this little girl must be extraordinary, otherwise, why would such a peerless poison be used on her.

"Old man, his identity, telling you out will scare you to death."

Not far away, Long Yueguan was shouting, and a group of people came over.

His words made some people even more baffled.

These young boys, the newly promoted students of the Human Emperor's Mansion, what status can they have to threaten the guardians of the Poison God's Mansion?

Hearing this, the old man with the mustache trembled angrily, his eyes were filled with gloom and murderous intent, "I see, you are all impatient."

Immediately, those students from the Poison God's Mansion also surrounded them, and they were ready to fight on the spot if there was any disagreement.

"It's up to you."

After glancing at Feng Hao, Long Yueguan pursed his lips pretending to be disdainful, and said, "It was in the Xuanming Tian Tomb Mansion back then, the Hanyue clan's 'immortal' organization didn't dare to say such things to us, You old boy is a fart."

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