Martial Inverse

Chapter 1355 Looking for death? Or court death?

Chapter 1355 Are you looking for death, or are you looking for death?

In the originally noisy scene, for a while, because of Long Yueguan's nonsensical words, it slowly fell silent.

A few months ago, what happened in Xuanmingtian was no longer a secret, and it had already been spread. However, the protagonist was always covered in a layer of fog and was not revealed.

Everyone can only know how many people there are, the strength of men and women, and that they were brought by Master Haotian in Shengtian Academy.

And the protagonist, himself is a person of ordinary Lei Ji attribute.

In the audience, everywhere, near and far, pairs of shimmering eyes are scanning this group of people...

In the end, all came to an astonishing conclusion.

This group of people is almost exactly the same as the protagonists described by Xuan Mingtian, except for some changes in realm, physique, age, and appearance, there are no differences in all aspects.

Immediately, on the scene, everyone's heartbeats began to speed up, and finally, like thunder, they almost jumped out of their throats, their breathing became rapid, and the pairs of pupils also showed shocking expressions.

At this time, the people in charge of each government, except for the old man with white hair and childlike face, no one can remain calm.

Immortal organization, what kind of existence is that.

That was in the period of mythology, when the gods were rampant and almost ruled the entire Hundred Clans Continent.

No one, no force, can be compared with the immortal organization.

That is the existence of Kuang Shuo from ancient to modern times.

Compared with the fairy organization, the human race is too small, just like the difference between a tiger and a rabbit.

Therefore, when the news came out at that time, it caused a huge commotion, but no one was able to find out the existence of this group of people, and although the bosses from various prefectures went to ask Haotian, they didn't get any answers .

Haotian, that's the one who needs to be confessed, especially in this matter, if he doesn't want to talk about it, who would dare to force him.

You know, in Xuanmingtian, the immortal organization treats each other with courtesy, which is enough to show the status of this casting master.

"Normal lightning attribute..."

When the old man with the mustache looked at Feng Hao again,

His eyes trembled involuntarily.

As the protector of the Poison God Mansion, how could he be unaware of what happened in Xuan Mingtian at that time, he knew better than those people who had only heard the rumors about the horror of the real protagonist in Xuan Mingtian's incident.

There is no doubt about his eight orifices, and now that he is still alive, it means that he has successfully opened the eight orifices.

There is no limit to the future achievements of such a person.

What is even more frightening is not his eight-aperture physique, but the person standing behind him.

Relying on power and influence, it scares away the seat of the immortal organization. What kind of concept is this?

No one dared to imagine it.

This kind of person, not to mention his small Poison God Mansion, even including the entire human race, can be wiped out directly, and no one can stop it.

Almost all the people present were well aware of this, but none of them thought that this person was actually standing in front of them.

Especially what made the old man with the mustache break his heart was that he happened to stand on the opposite side of him, and he completely offended him.

Thinking of this, his eyes darkened, and he almost passed out.

Isn't this the birthday boy hanged himself?

The face of the person in charge of Shura Mansion was a bit serious, but it didn't change much, while the face of the person in charge of Jiuyou Mansion was a little ugly, with his eyes flickering.

"This old fox is actually hiding this hand..."

The three principals of Human Emperor's Mansion looked at Wan Hongwen, opened and closed their mouths, but were speechless.

They knew in their hearts that this old fox must have known about Feng Hao's existence long ago, and that woman in white...

Their eyes couldn't help looking at Liu Canyan.

It seems that, except that she doesn't wear white clothes, and she doesn't have that dusty temperament, she can still meet the requirements in other aspects.

Thinking of this, the three of them felt even more resentful.

This old fox is too unkind.

And the old man with the mustache also thought of this point, and mistook Liu Canyan for a woman in white. Immediately, his hair stood on end, and he stood there dripping with cold sweat, his complexion turned pale.

This time it really hit a hard bone.

As for Ru Leng Heng and the others, don't mention how ugly their faces were, it was as if they had eaten a few catties of flies.

To provoke them, is it courting death, or courting death.

Originally, Leng Heng thought that he was wronged, but now his heart is full of bitterness.

If someone can fight against three people in the immortal organization alone, he is a fart.

As for the person in charge of Killing God's Mansion, the corner of his mouth curled into a shallow arc.

This kid's vision is so accurate.

Thinking about it, he set his sights on Xueyan who was standing beside Samsara.

Needless to say, it must be this virtuous wife who reminded him, otherwise, this boy who can only kill like an ice cube, he would understand this.

"You go and check to see if their mother and daughter have been poisoned by the Heart-Eating Poison."

The old man with white hair and childlike face gave instructions to Wan Hongwen, who was at the side, with a loud and aboveboard voice.

With this backstage, what is he afraid of?

It was precisely because Wan Hongwen told him this that he would do things that made people puzzled.

Otherwise, even if he is a student with a bright future, it is absolutely impossible for him to completely turn against the Poison God Palace for it.

At this time, because Feng Hao's identity was exposed, no one felt that there was anything wrong, on the contrary, there was some silence for the Poison God Mansion.

With Fenghao Baqiao's status, it is also destined that his future path will be open and straightforward, leading directly to the peak.

The Emperor's Mansion is about to rise.

No one can shake his position.

The eyes of those alien races were even more horrified, and they quietly retreated towards the distance.

After receiving such important news, they didn't dare to stay for a long time. Only some bold ones still mingled among the crowd, wanting to know Fenghao's true strength.

"The two of them were indeed poisoned by the heart-biting poison."

Wan Hongwen came to Qingwu's mother and daughter, made a confirmation, and asked other people to confirm the symptoms of heart-eating poison one by one.

Immediately, the face of the old man with the mustache turned ashen, and the handsome young man collapsed on the ground. Not long after, a stench spread out.

"I need an explanation, otherwise, the Poison God Palace will definitely be eradicated in the future."

Feng Hao's eyes were cold, looking straight at him, aggressive and murderous.

The identity of Baqiao will be exposed sooner or later, and no discerning person can hide it, especially the newly promoted Dabi, as long as he performs extraordinary, these old backgrounds will be exposed soon.


The old man with a mustache opened and closed his mouth a few times, a little dry, and his domineering old face was full of frustration, "The poison, I put it down, and it has nothing to do with the Poison God Palace."

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