Martial Inverse

Chapter 1358: Overbearing

Chapter 1358 Overbearing

This knockout competition is not cruel. Let alone the level of the wild beasts, there are only a hundred wild beasts in it, and each person has a crystal nucleus, so only a hundred people can pass the assessment.

However, to put it another way, this is also the most effective way to eliminate. In this way, after one round, there will be only a hundred people left, and the people who can get the crystal nucleus will definitely be thousands of people. The most outstanding among the people, and then choose the top ten, this way, it is much simpler.


With the buzzing of the big formation, a huge suction suddenly enveloped it, directly sucking in the young generation in the entire square.

Then, in the bustling square, there was not a single person left, and the noise on the scene disappeared. Far and near, a pair of twinkling eyes lit up, all staring at the maelstrom hanging on the sky, as if observing the inside The dynamics, familiar with everything.

This is a primeval forest with towering ancient trees, precipitous cliffs and dangerous walls, stretching as far as the eye can see, and Feng Hao and others appeared above this lush forest.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

In just a moment, the people around were either walking alone, or in pairs, all rushing towards all directions.

One hundred desolate beasts, that's not a lot. If you are preempted, even if your strength is beyond ordinary people, you will still be eliminated.

The rules are the rules and cannot be changed, even if it is Feng Hao or Leng Yusen, if they cannot get the crystal nucleus, it will be the same, and they will not be extrajudicial.

The afterimage glanced at Feng Hao's group and disappeared into the sky with a single movement.


Leng Yusen glanced at Feng Hao resentfully, and didn't plan to settle accounts with Feng Hao here, after glancing around, he darted away in the opposite direction to the afterimage.

And those people who killed Shenfu, under the signal of reincarnation, also left quietly, without a sound.


After entering here, the first thing Feng Hao did was not to ask Xue Yan and Xue Mo to choose the location, but to let out a certain ball in his arms, and a pair of hazy eyes locked on it. It is awe-inspiring.

"Tell me, why did this happen."

His voice is cold,

With anger.

At that moment, he really wanted to chop this guy into pieces, and fry it up to eat.

The amnesia of Qingwu's mother and daughter made him accumulate a lot of anger in his heart. If he didn't vent it, it would be difficult to vent the hatred in his heart, "Yeah."

Little Qiuqiu tilted his head, blinked his big jewel-like eyes, and looked at Feng Hao pitifully, as if he was innocent and didn't understand anything.

"It seems that you have forgotten what I said at the beginning."

Feng Hao squinted his eyes, and there was a dangerous light in his eyes, and there was an arc of lightning on the palm of his hand.


Immediately, the little ball, who was still pretending to be a cat, was like the cat whose tail was stepped on, the white hair all over stood on end, and there was a scream in its mouth, it was very shrill, as if it was being tortured of.

It originally wanted to ask Qiong Ling'er, Wan Xin, and Yan Qing for help, but the three girls pretended not to see it and turned their heads away.

Because, they knew in their hearts that Feng Hao must be in an extremely bad mood at this time.

"Hey, it seems that you forgot."

Feng Hao let out a creepy laugh, and Long Yueguan and others at the side couldn't help pulling away some distance, as if they were afraid that blood would splash on him.


Seeing this scene, Xiao Qiuqiu put his head down helplessly, with a dejected expression on his face.

The former Feng Hao really couldn't do anything about it, but now, Feng Hao who has the energy of Heaven's Punishment is different.

Heaven's punishment energy can harm and destroy everything, and it is no exception.

It also didn't expect that that guy took Qingwu's mother and daughter away, and let others poison them both, which made it quite depressed, and directly hated someone.

Isn't this hurting yourself?

Damn it, one day his lair will be wiped out.

"You should know what I want to do now. If it doesn't satisfy me, there is no need for him to exist in the Poison God Palace."

After glaring at it fiercely, Feng Hao restrained the arc on his palm.


With a soft sound, the little ball turned into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed here.


Whether it was Feng Hao's words or Xiao Qiuqiu's strange behavior, Xie Yandong, Samsara and the others looked at him in astonishment.

There is no need for the Poison God Mansion to exist anymore.

The Poison God's Mansion is a transcendent existence whose strength surpasses that of the Human Emperor's Mansion. Why should he say this?

Is it because he is a man of eight senses?

This is definitely not enough. Although the man with eight apertures is so talented that the heavens would be jealous, but with his own strength, even if he reaches the peak, it is absolutely impossible to wipe out the Poison God's Mansion.

The woman in white.

Indeed, she seemed to have that kind of ability, but everyone felt that this was not the reason for him to say this at this time. He seemed to believe that he could crush the Poison God Palace.

"Junior sister, who is he?"

Xue Mo approached Xueyan and asked her softly.

The more he gets along with Feng Hao, the more he feels that this person is too mysterious, the whole body is covered with a layer of fog, which makes him more and more unclear.


Xueyan opened her mouth, shook her head after a while, "Only Master knows."

At the beginning, she did not know, but after Feng Hao activated the Dragon Swallowing Seal, she discovered some clues, and then she learned that Feng Hao is the master of virtual martial arts of this generation.


There was a flash of thought in Xue Mo's eyes, but he didn't ask any further.

"You two, it's up to you now."

Taking a deep breath, he threw a comforting look at the worried Qiong Ling'er and the three daughters, and Feng Hao asked them both.

"Go this way."

Xueyan pointed in one direction, and the crowd rushed away quickly.

It really is very easy to have a celestial master here. After a while, they saw a huge blue bird chasing a group of people. From time to time, someone crushed the jade pendant and disappeared instantly. Those who didn't, were shot into a blood mist by the blue bird with a pair of big wings, and died tragically on the spot, without even a chance to crush the jade pendant.

After seeing this scene, everyone felt chills in their hearts, and became vigilant, not daring to underestimate it.

"This is a neon dragon shadow bird of the fourth rank of a mortal saint."

Xue Mo reminded in a deep voice, causing Long Yueguan and the others to take a breath of cool air.

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