Martial Inverse

Chapter 1359: Amazing tacit understanding

Chapter 1359 Amazing tacit understanding

This is a big blue bird, and the blue feathers all over the body are covered with a layer of metal-like cold light, like an armor cast from blue metal, giving people a hard and indestructible visual impact, just like wearing it Like a magical weapon, it can defend and kill the enemy, both of which are combined.

A pair of giant wings five to six meters long spread out, and suddenly there was a strong wind. The towering ancient trees below were all destroyed, and the rocks were cracked. With the help of this strong momentum, it supported the clouds above, like a cyan lightning bolt. , The end is fast, and the result is that people are turned on their backs. Even the attack of the holy rank is directly crushed under its pair of giant wings.

If you are lucky, you can escape the catastrophe. If you are not strong enough, you will be shot to death. At the beginning, after a few people died, five or six of the original dozen people crushed the jade pendants and disappeared in place .

Although this big competition is important, life is more important, and they are unwilling to take risks.

"What, the fourth rank of Fansheng."

Long Yueguan's eyes widened and she couldn't help cursing, "Damn, this is murder."

Among this group of newcomers, the highest rank is only the second rank of the mortal saints. There are wild beasts of the fourth rank of the mortal saints. Could it be that they want to drive them all out?

However, Feng Hao and others immediately understood.

This knockout match is not as simple as I thought before, just like the neon dragon shadow bird of the fourth rank of the mortal saint in front of me, can this be handled by ordinary people?

Therefore, it is even more difficult to obtain crystal nuclei.


Maybe it was Long Yueguan's loud shout, Niguang Longyingniao's cold gaze directly locked on this side, spread a pair of huge wings, turned into a lightning bolt, and directly culled towards this side.

Along the way, there was a strong wind, and the space undulated like the surface of a lake. However, this space was a little different, so it didn't crack.

"Be careful."

Feng Hao let out a deep sigh, but before he said anything, Ge Hong's defense and Qiong Ling'er's heaven and earth Yuanling blessing had already covered him, and his power suddenly rose.

Xueyan and Samsara were a little stunned by their quick response.

They cooperated so tacitly, as if they had previewed countless times, and they were directly dispersed, with a clear division of labor.

Yan Qing, Xie Yandong, and Longyue Pass quickly attacked in three directions. At this time, Feng Hao also reacted, his body was covered with a layer of golden halo, roaring all over his body, with white lightning, he greeted The neon dragon shadow bird hits head-on.

"Tiantian handprint."

He didn't hesitate, and directly condensed the earth-shattering handprint.


When the huge handprint was condensed, the world shook, the big hand glowed, and a halo like a water curtain fell down. It was like summoning a big hand of a god, and a vast power like a vast sea swept away. , the momentum of the rushing neon dragon shadow bird suddenly weakened, and there was a look of fear in those dark eyes, as if seeing a superior.


A cold light flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, without the slightest hesitation, he condensed into a seal, flipped his hands, and the giant palm fell directly to the sky, hitting the neon dragon shadow bird.


There was a strange cry from the mouth of the neon dragon shadow bird, if there was a certain melody, a pair of giant wings flashed, and a dragon shadow flashed in it, and then jumped up and slammed into the giant palm.


The dragon shadow collided with the giant palm and exploded. At the moment of contact, the dragon's head was smashed by the giant palm and exploded. However, under the impact of the explosion of the dragon shadow, the giant palm also cracked instantly. , A tyrannical air current swept in all directions, and the earth below was thrown into a mess.

At this time, the attack of Yan Qing's three people had also arrived, impacting on the Niguang Longyingniao, and at the moment it was paralyzed by the thunder pillar, it was directly smashed down, and its figure was unstable.


A cold light flashed in Samsara's eyes, and his figure disappeared in place. When he appeared, he was not far behind the neon dragon shadow bird.


A bird's head soared into the sky, blood gushed up, and the huge headless corpse also fell down, creating a deep pit, and the neon dragon shadow bird of the fourth rank of Fansheng died.


In the distance, those people who were fleeing saw this scene, their eyes widened, and there was an incredible look in their pupils.

This is a desolate beast of the fourth rank of a mortal saint. Its head was beheaded in just a few breaths. The methods of this group of people must be too terrifying.

"It's him……"

After seeing Feng Hao, these people's eyes trembled, thinking about themselves again, they didn't take chances any more, directly crushed the jade pendant, and disappeared in place.

The Niguang Longyingniao of the fourth rank of Fansheng told them that all the desolate beasts in this world are absolutely like this, and they have no way to deal with desolate beasts of this level.

"If the dozen or so people join forces, it's not impossible to solve this neon dragon shadow bird."

Xueyan made a faint sound, her eyes gleaming with wisdom.

What do these people do when faced with an opponent who is alone and unmatched.

Either gritted their teeth and resisted, or ran for their lives in fright, but no one thought of joining forces to deal with it, so the ending was different.

But speaking of it, if it wasn't for Liu Canyan's forceful oppression, how could Yan Qing and others join forces with others.

Geniuses are proud.

"It seems that the instructor's training is pretty good."

Glancing at the crowd, Feng Hao understood in his heart that this was definitely due to Liu Canyan.

"Wow, kid, you're so quick to strike, my old dragon sighs."

Seeing that the bird's head was beheaded, Long Yueguan was stunned, and immediately rushed down, dug out the crystal nucleus, and boasted to Samsara.

At that moment, none of them could see clearly that the head of the Neon Dragon Shadow Bird had already been cut off...

If the same thing happened to me, would I be able to avoid it?

Thinking of this, they all felt chills on their necks and a chill.

The people who come out of this God-killing organization are really extraordinary. Between murder and invisibility, it is no wonder that some people say that if they get involved with people from the God-killing organization, they will die without knowing how they died.

"Congratulations, Brother Samsara, for your great strength."

Feng Hao was startled for a moment, then reacted, and congratulated Samsara.

In the scene just now, he also saw a cold light flashed in Samsara's hands, but he didn't see the specific things clearly. Presumably, it should be an extraordinary psychic treasure, otherwise, he wanted to break through this neon dragon shadow Bird defense is not so easy either,

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