Martial Inverse

Chapter 1364 Uncle, you are bleeding

Chapter 1364 Uncle, You Are Bleeding

The skin and flesh were split open, and the bones in the chest were almost smashed into powder. Inside, the internal organs were severely traumatized and almost shattered. Only the heart was still intact, with pools of blood flowing, and the vitality was rapidly weakening. .

This not only made Xie Yandong and the others angry, on the high platform, the old man with white hair and childlike face narrowed his eyes, and glanced at the person in charge of Nandou Mansion under the high platform, an invisible gleam flashed in his cloudy eyes, because Feng Hao had already On the stage, he didn't speak, and he stopped Wan Hongwen who wanted to speak out.

In the big competition, although there is no clear regulation, if the opponent admits defeat, or falls into a coma, he is not allowed to attack again.

However, this man from Nandou Mansion had already bumped into the big seal when Longyueguan had conceded defeat. He clearly wanted Longyueguan's life.

Feng Hao can be sure that if it is another person, even Xie Yandong, if he is hit by such a defenseless situation, his body will explode directly.

This is also due to Long Yueguan, who has an extraordinary physique and is naturally tenacious.

According to the rumors, no matter how badly the world-famous martial idiot was beaten, as long as his body doesn't explode and he still has a breath left, then he can recover and become even stronger.

Longyueguan has the same undefeated divine body, so naturally, so he sighed.


Seeing Feng Hao treating him again, the man snorted softly, and a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.


Under the medical treatment of the peak of the heavenly level, coupled with his own tyrannical physique, Long Yueguan coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood soon, opened his eyes in a daze, looked at the somewhat blurred face in front of him, and stared blankly. After a while, he said hoarsely, "Hey, I'm still alive."

"already dead."

Feng Hao was a little annoyed, cursed, then stood up, turned around, and looked at the mighty man, his eyes turned cold.

No matter what the reason is, he can be sure that this is definitely the first time Longyueguan has seen this man, but the other party did this for no reason. Good impression.


Behind him, Longyue Pass made a move.

Just gasped, the wound on his body was pulled open again, blood flowed out, and his brows were wrinkled in pain.

"Boy Feng, beat him hard until he is disabled."

When Xie Yandong and Ge Hong came up to carry him down, he was already screaming fiercely, wanting Feng Hao to avenge him.

"rest assured."

Feng Hao said two words indifferently, and stood opposite the man with a calm face, after a while, he asked, "I'm very surprised, do you have a grudge against him?"

"No grudge, just accidentally missed."

The corner of the man's mouth curled into a shallow arc, and what he said was taken for granted.

"Is it."

Feng Hao's eyes condensed and became even colder, almost turning into ice.

In that case, it's not that the two sides are fighting desperately, so how could there be a saying that they can't hold back.

"You are so kind and magnanimous in the Emperor's Mansion, it's impossible for you to take such a small matter to heart."

The man pretended to be puzzled, and said a little eccentrically, obviously with a look of sarcasm and joking.

It seems that he is very angry about this.

"of course not."

The ice in Feng Hao's eyes melted, and with a hint of a smile, he reminded directly, "However, I must remind this brother, because I often miss because of my lack of skills. Brother, please be careful..."

"Hehe, is that right, each other each other."

A sharp light flashed in the man's eyes, and he looked at Feng Hao with a smirk, and the aura on his body rose slowly.

It seemed that he knew that Feng Hao was already a person with eight senses, but he was not afraid at all, and had absolute confidence to deal with it, which made many people think deeply.


Long Yueguan was lying on the ground, looking at Liu Canyan with infinite grievances, blinking his eyes, as if he wanted to squeeze out a few tears, but his face was all wrinkled, but it didn't work at all.

This mentor is not kind, he helped Boy Feng, but he didn't help himself.

If it wasn't for his confidence, no matter how reckless he was, he would not be able to provoke everyone so rampantly in the ring.

It's a pity that Liu Canyan never made a move from the beginning to the end even though he was beaten to death, and even now he was still looking at him with a smile, which made him feel scared.

This beautiful mentor will also like the wind boy, so he will help him.

Such a thought flashed through his mind, and he actually felt that it seemed to be the case.

You see, among the stunning beauties that appear now, none of them have a relationship with the wind boy.

Therefore, it is normal for this beautiful tutor to like Feng Hao.

"Why am I so miserable..."

He screamed, like a child who was abandoned by no one, his face was full of desolation.

"Tsk tsk, this little physique has turned into this after being bumped lightly by that one. It seems that I will train you alone in the future..."

Liu Canyan squinted her long and narrow eyes, opened and closed her bright red mouth, and clicked her tongue.

"No, no need, I'm fine, whoever said I'm fine, I'm fine, just kidding, what a light bump can do to me."

Hearing this sentence, Long Yueguan's hairs stood on end all over his body. He was still lifeless at first, and he would die in the next second. He stood up with a huff, his painful face was twitching, and blood was flowing. He was still yelling, with an expression of indignation.

His reaction made Xie Yandong and the others, who were still a little worried about him, roll their eyes and stop caring about this kid.

"Uncle, you are bleeding."

Xiao Qingmeng, who was hugged by Liu Canyan, kindly reminded him.

"It's okay, uncle has a lot of blood, let it flow, just relax, lose some weight."

Long Yueguan had a serious face and was very excited. To prove it, he even patted his chest. When the second slap was made, he fell down and twitched on the ground. Although he didn't foam, it was almost the same. up.

"Sister, is this uncle okay?"

Seeing this, Xiao Qingmeng was shocked, and asked Liu Canyan anxiously.


When Xiao Qingmeng called her sister, Liu Canyan kept smiling coquettishly, and waved her hands casually, "It's okay, he's just pretending."


Xiao Qingmeng glanced at the Longyue Pass where the air intake was more and the air output was less, and she nodded cautiously, as if she thought Liu Canyan was right.

After all, this guy was miserable just now, but he stood up all of a sudden.

As a result, a certain person was sadly abandoned in a corner, with no one to talk to, and no one to pay attention to...

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