Martial Inverse

Chapter 1365 Nanto Shintai

Chapter 1365

Because of Feng Hao's coming on stage, most of the eyes on the scene were transferred to the ring.

After all, no matter how much you have heard, it is only a rumor, and seeing it is the truth.

So at this time, these people are all looking forward to Feng Hao's display of strength. Among them, Leng Yusen and afterimages, and the corner of their eyes are all watching.

On the ring, the man was obviously a head taller than Feng Hao, and had the upper hand in terms of momentum, which made the corners of his mouth even more curved.

"I heard that in Xuanmingtian Tomb Mansion, you alone suppressed three young members of the Immortal Organization."

He opened his mouth and asked lightly, his words were light, as if he didn't care much.


Feng Hao's eyes froze slightly, but he didn't say a word. When he clenched his fist, the surface of his body was coated with a layer of light golden halo. The power spread and shook the space. With him as the center, a Ripples visible to the naked eye spread slowly, every movement made, and the sky and the earth resounded, just like the gods who came from the ancient times, shaking the world and looking down on the world.


A look of contempt flashed in the man's eyes, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said, "I want to see today, what are the advantages of your body with eight apertures."

He shook his head, expressing his disdain, as if even people with eight senses were not his opponents.

Eight Apertures indeed has a great advantage, but how much advantage can Feng Hao, who is now the first rank of Fan Sheng, have.

"I will convince you to lose."

He yelled loudly, his body burst, and a huge aura erupted, just like a tsunami suddenly swept up in the calm vast sea, hitting the nine sky clouds, the space around him was completely shattered, he stood in In the darkness, the majestic power is suffocating.

He wants to defeat the man in front of him, rebuild the prestige of Nandou Mansion, and replace Renhuang Mansion.

This is the purpose of his trip, and it is inevitable.

The current advantage of the Human Emperor's Mansion is all due to the existence of this person. If he does not exist, the Poison God's Mansion will not pay attention to the Human Emperor's Mansion, let alone the Killing God's Mansion. A dead man clashed with Nandou Mansion, which was of no benefit to either of them.

"This person...could be the Nandou Divine Body.


In the distance, someone asked weakly.

Nandou Tianshen, in the mythological period, was second only to the three great gods, and was tied with the Supreme Poison Ancestor. His divine body was so ordinary that no one could suppress him except the peak three divine bodies.

So he was extremely confident and wanted to kill Feng Hao in one fell swoop and show his strength.

Seeing the surprised and stunned eyes looking at him, the person in charge of Nandou Mansion's face became even more complex.

And that's exactly what he wanted.

"Nandou Divine Body."

The corners of Feng Hao's mouth curved slightly into an indifferent arc, a layer of crimson appeared in his eyes, and an extremely violent momentum burst out. He stood like a peerless sword, and the surrounding space was smashed, piercing His body was riddled with holes, and he directly transformed into a fierce god, frightening people's minds.


Without any hesitation, he stretched out his hand, and a pitch-black giant sword was condensed in his hand. There was an electric arc flickering on the blade, and he was like a ghost, bullying the man.

In his heart, he has the confidence to kill the sky, so why be afraid of this Nandou divine body.

"court death."

Seeing that Feng Hao dared to strike first, the man's face darkened, as if he had been insulted, he felt angry, and he said the divine seal in his mouth, and the palm of his hand formed a seal. Suddenly, a bright four-square seal was formed, and the power was overwhelmed The world and the surrounding space are all shattered, unable to bear its existence.


He pushed with one hand, and the divine seal, like a mountain of gods, pressed towards Feng Hao with the momentum of destroying everything, thinking that he wanted to press him with force.


Feng Hao is like a killing god, his eyes are like a sea of ​​blood, his hostility rises, he raises his giant sword, making a gesture of opening up the world, condescending, and strikes down towards the four great seals.

At this moment, many people's hearts were lifted up, staring at that scene intently...


Under the eyes of all the people, the giant sword and the god seal collided together, and there was a clanging sound like metal, which was very ear-piercing, sparks burst out, and the huge force came, Feng Hao retreated a few steps .

However, the divine seal was also repelled, and some sharp-eyed people could even see that on the big seal that looked like a mountain in all directions, where it collided with the giant sword, there were cracks like spider webs. , although not much, did not spread to the entire divine seal, but they could tell that the divine seal had been damaged.

"how is this possible,."

A gust of reverse blood surged into his throat, but the man swallowed it back again, his face turned pale, and suddenly, a cold light burst out from his eyes again, "I don't believe it, your body with eight apertures , able to resist my divine seal."

This Nandou God Seal is a secret technique created by Nandou God, and it is powerful. According to rumors, Nandou God has suppressed many supreme powerhouses of other races by virtue of this secret technique.

But at this time, the man resorted to the same method to suppress the Invincible God Body, which caused even the gods a headache.

"Go to hell."

He recited the ancient and jerky incantation again, and the cracks on the Sifang Great Seal were repaired instantly, and a brighter divine light erupted immediately. It was really like a divine mountain falling from the divine domain. The entire arena space is overwhelming, as if covering the sky and covering the sun, pressing down on the hearts of all those who saw this scene. Although they are outside the arena, many people can't help but take a few steps back, as if wanting to It's like avoiding the seal of God.


Once the seal of God is restored, it has the potential to crush all directions. During the movement, the situation changes color, the surrounding fields shake, and the dazzling light seems to be eternal, and it seems that in an instant, the space shatters like fragile glass. , collapsed, with an almost overwhelming imposing manner, and with a deafening explosion sound, it forced towards Feng Hao.

"It's really not that simple."

The sword didn't shatter, Feng Hao was startled, this Nandou divine body was really extraordinary, he might be a formidable opponent, so, at the moment when he saw the divine seal repaired, he didn't hesitate, scattered the giant sword in his hand, and connected his hands together. With a stroke, two different formations were drawn, and with a buzzing sound like a burning sound, a big black seal that looked like the palm of a god was condensed, rolling in power, shaking the heavens, and a wave like It was as heavy as the vast sea, and as majestic as a mountain, sweeping out, filling every corner of the ring space.


He breathed out the burning sound, and the big hand was moving, just like a god in the mythology period stretched out his hand from the ancient time and space, and pressed it down.

[Fifth update,]

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