Martial Inverse

Chapter 1366: Divine Blood

Chapter 1366 Divine Blood

At this moment, the hearts of everyone on the scene were lifted up, and their eyes were all looking at the same place...


This is a big black palm, like a small mountain, falling from the sky, emerging from the void, protruding out, and crashing into the bright four-dimensional divine seal.


The two are majestic, like a mountain, they collide violently together, and then there is an earth-shattering explosion sound, the entire arena is submerged in a radiant light, and inside, the entire space is shattered like glass , The strong wind roared inside, smashed everything, and hit the nine heavens.

If it wasn't for the barriers of the arena, I'm afraid that under this blow, everything around here would be destroyed.

In this way, the barriers of the arena were also slammed by the impact, the sound was very frightening, and many of the weaker ones involuntarily backed away, their faces pale, as if they wanted to avoid it.

This is an extremely powerful force, which impacts their hearts and makes everyone's hearts lift up.


The bright light that had been waiting fell silent for a while, and there was a look of shock in those eyes.

At the point of collision, the huge black palm and the bright four-square big seal still did not explode. Both of them were like magic soldiers, resisting each other, and the deafening sound of explosions was continuously transmitted. The gust of wind rips apart the space that was originally closed, tearing apart inch by inch.

"He actually possesses a secret skill that can compete with Nan Dou Tian Yin."

Someone on the scene exclaimed.

In this world where the divine body is withered, Nan Dou's divine body is absolutely unparalleled. Unless it is the kind of supreme physique passed down from generation to generation, otherwise, he will be invincible in the world.

But at this time, there is one person who can compete with it.

How can they not be surprised by this.

"The body of eight orifices really lives up to its reputation."

Many people sighed and attributed all of this to Feng Hao's body with eight orifices.

After all, the body with eight orifices, but relying on the posture of the Martial Emperor to resist the existence of Heaven's punishment, is really extraordinary,

Absolutely no less than this peerless divine body.

"Look at this, the body with eight orifices is actually stronger than the body of Nandou God."

At this time, the young man was already a second-rank fan saint, while Feng Hao was still only a first-rank fan saint. The two were at odds. What did this mean?

The person in charge of Nandou Mansion also froze the color at the corner of his mouth, and replaced it with a cautious expression, and even revealed a hint of inconceivable expression in the depths of his pupils.

Although the person with eight apertures is blessed by nature, it is absolutely impossible to surpass the peerless divine body of the Nandou God Body. This shows that the person in front of him is definitely not just a simple body with eight apertures.

"Who the hell is he..."

There was some haze in his eyes, and the light flickered, but he didn't dare to make any changes in this kind of scene, otherwise, let alone the one on the high platform, even Liu Canyan was not something he could handle.

"Boy Feng, fuck him, smash him to death."

Long Yueguan didn't know when she woke up, seeing this scene, shouting excitedly, and the excited look made Xiao Qingmeng's eyes reveal such an expression as expected.

This uncle is really pretending.


Feng Hao didn't feel well at this time either. During those impacts, his blood was also rolling, but he was forcibly suppressed by him.


He snorted softly, flipped his hands again, and a large pitch-black handprint was formed, which was so powerful that it shocked the whole world.


With a wave of his hand, the big black handprint crashed into it like a chariot, violently hitting the bright divine seal.


The shocking explosion caused blood to flow from the corners of many people's ears. Under the astonished eyes of everyone, cracks visible to the naked eye were smashed open on the huge seal that looked like a sacred mountain, spreading half a god. The seal, like a spider's web, dimmed its brilliance, and its power was greatly reduced.


When the man opened his mouth, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and the palm supporting the divine seal almost burst, dripping with blood.

"how is this possible,."

He couldn't believe in his heart that this person was so strong, beyond his imagination, that he could compete with his own secret skills.

You know, since his debut, with this move, he has swept away all opponents, but now, he is at a disadvantage in the hands of a person whose realm is lower than his own.

"Impossible, he is just a body with eight orifices, how can he resist my Nandou Divine Body."

He didn't believe it, anger welled up in his eyes, and his face was a little ferocious.

He didn't allow himself to be defeated by such an unknown boy, he was arrogant and unmatched, how could he lose to a body with eight orifices.

"God's blood, coagulate."

He recited an ancient incantation in his mouth, as if a god was whispering, the sound was loud, and a drop of bright divine blood spit out from his mouth.

This is a drop of true divine blood, which is the essence of his Nandou divine body. In it, great rhymes are born, and an unimaginable oppression spreads, crushing the world, illuminating the sky, and shining down on the sky. Then, Following his thoughts, this drop of divine blood directly sank into the divine seal floating not far away.


In an instant, the original dimming, the Sifang God Seal that was about to be shattered suddenly burst into a strong light, Yao couldn't open his eyes, a huge momentum burst out, and in an instant, it was the two that Feng Hao condensed. The mahamudra was shaken open and almost shattered.


The seal of God is shining, square and square, if it is a holy mountain, it can suppress everything, but with a slight shake, the surrounding space is shattered, and a vast divine power spreads like the undulating sea, even through the ring barrier. , people near and far seemed to be overwhelmed and unable to breathe.

Feng Hao in the ring was naturally the first to bear the brunt of the pressure. He was pushed a few meters away, his complexion turned pale, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Could this be the real divine power?"

Feng Hao was shocked and a little moved.

But all such peerless divine bodies have divine veins in their bodies, and the divine veins contain the blood of divine power. This is also the foundation of this divine body. With the divine blood, they can climb the peak and reach the acme.

However, there can be more or less divine blood, and it will not increase after use, but will become thinner. Unless it is reascension to the god position, it is absolutely impossible to breed divine blood.

At this time, the young man was also dizzy with anger, or he was eager to get rid of Feng Hao, so he actually used his last knowledge to kill Feng Hao desperately, out of his heart Bad breath, to establish prestige for himself in Nandou Mansion,

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