Martial Inverse

Chapter 1367: Divine Might

Chapter 1367 Divine Might


On the square, at Jiuyou Mansion, Leng Yusen curled his lips in disdain, although he had already moved his eyes away, but from the corner of his eye, he was still watching the movement on the ring.

Beside him, at the Asura Mansion, the afterimage just glanced at it, and didn't express any opinion. In the red eyes, there was a thoughtful flash.

At this time, the young man with Nandou divine body seemed to be angered by Feng Hao, so he used the divine blood impulsively, but is he really that kind of impulsive person?

No matter what, the blood of the gods has been released, and the power of the gods is vast. At this moment, the entire arena is filled with immense coercion, and even the space cannot be closed, and it is constantly broken. It is impossible to withstand the existence of such a powerful coercion.

From everyone's point of view, at this time, unless Feng Hao voluntarily admits defeat and his mentor rescues him, his life can be saved.

However, Feng Hao didn't do that, and he didn't mean to ask for help. In the distance, Liu Canyan was standing under the high platform, as if he didn't see what was going on in the arena here, and he was still amused with Xiao Qingmeng.

This made some interested people puzzled, did she think that Feng Hao could resist the divine power?

And Feng Hao's reaction was also very strange, he directly dispersed the two handprints, his eyes were very red, very strange, if the blood seas on both sides were rolling, a violent aura rolled from his body Standing out, resisting the oppression of Shenwei.

However, his complexion is still very ugly, the muscles all over his body are squirming, as if a huge mountain has been pressed on his body, and blood suddenly appears on his forehead.

This kind of divine power has already reached the holy rank, and although Feng Hao has the power to control the fighting spirit, he still can't compete with this divine power at this time.

His fighting spirit has not yet condensed the Dao pattern.

"Chi Chi..."

If the divine power and the fighting spirit are in the same confrontation, if the two collide with each other, a long crack will be torn open in the space in between, which will always exist.

Therefore, at this time, everyone could see that a pitch-black crack was approaching Feng Hao, as if it could crush Feng Hao as long as it was pressed down.

"This kid actually used divine blood."

Both Xie Yandong and Yan Qing's complexions were a little livid, especially Yan Qing, who knew the blood of the gods very well, her eyes were flickering with worry.

Divine blood, this is quite the blood of a god, how can its power be underestimated.

If it wasn't for the fact that this young man only had the second-level cultivation of a mortal saint, this drop of divine blood would be enough to truly shatter the world.

"Qing'er, don't worry."

Xueyan at the side comforted her with a mysterious smile.


Her words seemed to have magic power, which made Yan Qing feel at ease for a while.

She knows the ability of this girlfriend too well.

"Tremble before my divine majesty."

Seeing Feng Hao being forced back again and again by the power of the gods, the young man became even more arrogant, shouting rampantly, chanting ancient spells in his mouth, urging the power of the gods contained in the blood of the gods, and immediately, the entire ring was almost flooded by the bright light up.

Once the divine blood is released, no one in the world can compete with it.


When the power of God came, Feng Hao stretched out his hand, and a pitch-black giant sword appeared in his palm, and he cut it out, resisting the approach of God's power.

"Chi Chi..."

There was an ear-piercing sound of piercing the air between the two sides, and the space was constantly shattered as a result. During this time, violent wind howled and swept across the scene.


Seeing that Feng Hao had resisted the divine power, a flash of surprise flashed in the young man's eyes, and immediately replaced it with fierceness, "I don't believe it anymore."

He is confident that, in addition to the countless supreme physiques, his divine blood is absolutely invincible at the same level, and can crush all enemies on his behalf.

This is absolutely forceful persecution, and all methods are feeble and useless.

And Feng Hao, relying on his fighting will to resist again unexpectedly.

How does this make people not panic, how does it make him not panic.


As he uttered the mantra, the resplendent divine seals of the four directions shook, and divine power like water curtains rippled out one after another, crushing the space and pressing towards Feng Hao.


It was really like nine heavens and ten earths, ten thousand great mountains pressed down, directly submerging Feng Hao under this powerful divine power, and the bright light filled the entire arena space without leaving a trace.

"Haha,...the body with eight apertures is nothing more than mediocre."

Rampant laughter came from the bright arena, with infinite joy.

"do you died."

From far and near, everyone's eyes were full of shock.

No one could have imagined that the body with eight orifices, which had shown great power in Xuanmingtian and overwhelmed the members of the immortal organization, would die under the divine power of Nandou's divine body in a blink of an eye.

Things are unpredictable.

Nandou Divine Body is definitely a divine body that also enjoys a high reputation in the Hundred Clans Continent. Therefore, it is not too unjust for the Eight-Aperture Body to lose to him.

However, if the body with eight apertures dies, wouldn't the Human Emperor's Mansion be in a predicament again.

Moreover, Nandou Mansion's Nandou Divine Body killed the Eight-Aperture Body, which would make Nandou Mansion even more famous, and it is not impossible to replace Renhuang's Mansion.

For a while, many people seemed to understand something.

It seems that the target of this Nandou divine body from the very beginning was the person with eight apertures, so he deliberately missed, aroused Feng Hao's anger, and then killed him with the power of divine blood, establishing his prestige in the world.

Kill two birds with one stone.

"He's not dead."

After a while, some sharp-eyed people saw that there was a figure in the bright light.

The clothes on his body were torn, and a layer of golden halo appeared around him. His eyes were red, without any color, filled with destruction and violence, like a mad god, with a fierce aura all over his body , has become a substance, gushing out, propping up one's own space.

In that kind of life-and-death crisis, he finally comprehended the Dao pattern of the fighting will, so that the fighting will can also exert the power of the holy rank to resist the power of the gods.

Faith is immortal, fighting will last forever.

This is a very special kind of power, as high as the heart is, the power it exerts will be as great.

"Break it open for me."

In the blink of an eye, he held a huge sword and swiped it down, just like opening up the world, turning this bright light curtain into two halves.

"Nandou Divine Body, but mediocre."

Looking at the stunned young man not far away, the corners of Feng Hao's mouth curled into a sinister arc, and he spit out lightly, very indifferently.

"This is impossible, does he also have divine power?"

On the scene, many people were surprised that Feng Hao was able to defeat Nandou Shenwei, and they were doubting Feng Hao's physique.

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