Martial Inverse

Chapter 1379: 1 Heart, 2 Uses

Chapter 1379

The power of virtual martial arts is constructed from the nine poles of the world. Although Feng Hao has gathered seven extreme powers and fused them together at this time, he has only comprehended one attribute of Lei Ji at this time, so it is nothing more than Controlling 10% of Xuwu's power is naturally not proportional to Leng Yusen's 30%, so he is at a disadvantage and is beaten again and again.

"This eight-aperture body is extraordinary, peerlessly powerful, but it probably won't last long..."

Some people with pupil skills saw the situation in the arena clearly and expressed their emotions.

Although the pitch-black demon is extremely ferocious, the Hell Demon God is even more mighty and mighty, crushing everything, beating all the demons until they burst.

In this situation, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the power of this demon is weaker than that of the demon god. Therefore, if this is the case, it will be a matter of time before Feng Hao loses.

"Hey, this guy is really strong, he can compete with Boy Feng..."

Long Yueguan was dumbfounded, murmuring indifferently.

Faintly, he felt that something was not quite right, as if the current Feng Hao was a bit different from the situation in the world of the tomb mansion, and the colors of the energy used by the two were also different.

In the world of the tomb palace, it was a kind of dark gray energy, almost foggy.

But now, it has changed back to the darkness before entering the tomb...

Something must have happened.

The same is true for Yan Qing and others. They thought of this difference, but they didn't understand why Feng Hao would not advance but retreat.



The huge demon god shot with such force that it wiped out everything, carrying the power of the sky, and smashed down. The huge demon stretched out his hands to meet it, and it was pitch-black and flickering, like black crystals, full of explosive power. When they collided together, there was a deafening explosion sound, and the demon's big hands were directly exploded, turning into raging winds, whizzing away.

"I'm afraid it won't work if this continues..."

The situation did not improve, Feng Hao naturally thought of this point, his face was a little cautious, thinking of one feasible solution after another in his heart.

At this time, the virtual vortex in his body was out of his control at all.

Now, he can't even control the slightest bit of vain force, it is all responding to the enemy independently.

But fortunately, such a turbulent and crazy momentum, even if Feng Hao is running at full strength, it can't reach the level of one-tenth of this.

It is also fortunate that at this time, he has been tempered into a supreme physical body, able to withstand the existence of the power of Xuwu, otherwise, he would be the first to die in the Xuwu riot.

However, just relying on the independent use of virtual force at this time, Feng Hao will definitely not be able to win against Leng Yusen.

"How about adding the power of fighting will and the energy of heaven's punishment?"

Thinking about it, Feng Hao just had a thought, it is better to take into account the Xuwu whirlpool.

"Battle Heaven Art."

His eyes were red, and a violent fighting spirit burst out of his body, sharp and fierce, as if a magic soldier had awakened in his body, astonishing the world.

"Chi Chi,..."

At the same time, the Heavenly Punishment energy that existed in the Wuyuan vortex in his body also surged out. The white color made people shudder, and a pure breath of destruction spread out, everything trembled, and the world seemed to be buzzing. It is surrender.

The power of this kind of energy seems to be the same as that of Lei Ji's attribute, but the pure destructive aura makes people feel terrified, and a sense of fear arises from the bottom of their hearts.

Even Leng Yusen, who was on the opposite side, was hit by the blow, and his firm mind showed signs of loosening.


The will to fight and the energy of Heaven's Punishment condensed into a giant sword, which was raised high, making a gesture of opening up the world, and slashed down towards the tall demon god.

Along the way, the space was cut open like cloth leather, showing a long crack. This scene is really like the beginning of the universe, everything is silent, and it is especially shocking.

Seeing this, Leng Yusen didn't dare to underestimate him, so he had to use his mind to deal with it.

"Yellow Spring Aurora."

He raised his head, a pair of gloomy eyes burst out with divine light, like two parallel lines, extremely dazzling, but with extreme cold, all the way to shoot, the space was frozen for it, just like two frozen rivers Hanging in mid-air, the scene grows stronger.


The two collided in mid-air, blooming like fireworks, and the billowing wind roared across the scene, impacting in all directions, crushing everything, the space was shattered like glass lenses, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

The gigantic sword blade cut into the dark blue horse, tearing it apart six or seven meters away, but it finally broke and exploded, and at the same time, it also blew up the length of the horse, creating a huge The energy tide is raging inside...

However, when Leng Yusen was distracted, the dark demon gained power and shattered the obstacles. He raised a pair of huge black and huge palms, and slapped the figure of the demon god, shaking the world and breaking the space. , the huge phantom trembled for a while, almost breaking apart.


Leng Yusen was shocked, and almost vomited blood after being hit by this blow. He gathered his divine energy again and fell down under the shock, crushing the rushing black demon and crushing him back.

"it is good."

Seeing this scene, Feng Hao was overjoyed, and without any hesitation, he once again used the power of fighting will and the energy of divine punishment to condense the sky-breaking kill, cut down again, and killed the ghost.

This is his advantage at this time. For some reason, the power of Xuwu actually meets the enemy by himself and exerts extraordinary power. He doesn't need to be distracted to control it. Not enough, even forced to take several steps back.

"He can do two things at once."

Many people were surprised because they didn't understand how Feng Hao did it. The two kinds of attacks were able to achieve the most vivid and full power.

Everyone can see the ferocity of the pitch-black demon. In terms of attack, he uses all kinds of attacks continuously. As long as it can hurt the opponent, he even explodes himself to bombard the opponent.

Under such precise control, how could he be able to concentrate on other methods.

Just like Leng Yusen, every time he uses 'Huangquan Aurora', the power of his god body will be greatly reduced, and every time he will be broken through by the demon, and then attack him, causing him to vomit blood depressedly.

He really didn't dare to ignore the silver-white giant sword condensed from electric arcs, because every time the giant sword fell down, he would feel a sense of palpitation and uneasiness. It seemed that when the sword came down, he could chop himself Open the same.

Therefore, even if he was depressed and vomited blood aggrieved, he had no choice but to deal with the offensive from two sides,

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