Martial Inverse

Chapter 1380: Tianjie Technique

Chapter 1380 Celestial Solution


The huge demon roared, a pair of huge arms extended, slapped upwards, and hit the huge phantom's chest, the smashed ice shards flew everywhere, and the sky was filled with snow, the huge phantom walked unsteadily, staggered for a while, and went to Take half a step back.

Leng Yusen, who was in the middle of the phantom, felt extremely uncomfortable, his face was pale, and there was already a smear of blood on the corner of his mouth, which was shocking.


A huge sword that smashed everything and carried a purely destructive momentum was lifted up in an instant, and fell towards him again.

"damn it."

Seeing this scene, a cold light flashed in Leng Yusen's eyes, his evil spirit rose, and his eyes became deeper. Just one glance will make people's mind freeze.

"Give me all to die."

A hideous look flashed across his face, and he spat out an ancient incantation. The phantom was glowing, growing taller, as if propping up the heavens and the earth, rolling the mat like a wave, and the blue energy spread like a mirror. Expanding in all directions, freezing everything, including the strong wind, where it is caused, everything is still, all frozen into ice, without any life.

This is an extremely domineering technique, and he wants to push Feng Hao out of the ring with his advantages in realm and power.

The giant sword is sharp and cuts down continuously, shattering the mirror surface of the body, but it will be swallowed up in an instant, and the mirror surface remains the same as before, slowly spreading and expanding the territory.

In just a few breaths, most of the arena was covered by mirrors, lifeless and icy cold. Even if the giant sword had great lethal power, even if the dark demon exhausted all his means, he still couldn't escape being squeezed out.

"Really come to this hand."

Feng Hao's complexion changed, and he became gloomy.

He had long thought that Leng Yusen would definitely resort to such means in the end.

After all, realm and energy are his absolute advantages, as long as he is willing to expend energy, Feng Hao will undoubtedly lose.

Under such a disadvantage, Feng Hao could only retreat again and again, but within a short time, he was locked in a small corner, surrounded by ice crystals all over the ring, like a dark forest and purgatory.

"How can this person be so powerful, who is he?"

The people who saw this scene from afar,

They were all exclaiming, wondering about Leng Yusen's origin.

This is obviously beyond the level of the Nine Nether Divine Body. However, when someone suspects that it is the Supreme Pluto Body, they are a little puzzled.

If it is the Supreme Pluto Body, then absolutely no one can compete with him, why can this person in front of him compete with him?

The supreme gods of all ethnic groups have long since disappeared, and there are few rumors about them. Therefore, no one is willing to think in a higher direction.

Under the high stage, Qiong Ling'er and the others felt their hearts raised, their eyes were full of anxiety, and their small hands were tightened, turning pale.

On the side, Qingwu who saw this scene, for some reason, also showed a worried expression.

"That bad guy dared to bully my father."

Xiao Qingwu, who was embraced by Liu Canyan, raised her pink and tender fists angrily, as if she was also a little angry, and there was a frightening poisonous light in those big bright eyes, Shocking, some people in the distance were paying attention to her, almost collapsed to the ground, dripping with cold sweat.

No one could have guessed that this is just a little girl around seven years old who possesses amazing strength. It can be said that if she makes a move, few here can suppress her.

The little girl has a clear mind and no scheming, but she knows that she must protect her relatives and prevent anyone from hurting those around her.


"How to do."

At this point, Feng Hao calmed down and thought carefully about the countermeasures.

With the power of vain force, it is impossible to deal with it no matter what. Now, the area where Feng Hao can move is only about ten meters away. The rest of the area is mirrored, a piece of ice crystal, all frozen.

But at this time, the power of Xu Wu was already restless, and it was not under his control at all, which made him helpless.

"You bastard, you won't combine the power of Heaven's Punishment with Heaven's Dispel Technique."

The old man's angry curses sounded directly in his mind, which seemed to mean that he hated iron for being weak.


Hearing this, Feng Hao was overjoyed and his eyes lit up a little.

With his power of space at this time, there is absolutely no way to break down the space, but if he integrates the energy of heaven's punishment, nothing is impossible.

Thinking of it, Feng Hao started to act.

"Universal and Celestial Solution."

He spat out an ancient spell, and a strange buzzing sound resounded in the brain area and the Dao core, as if singing with the heaven and the earth, connecting the space.

Then, the divine punishment energy in the Wuyuan vortex also spread out, merging with this rhythm... Then, these arcs with special rhythm spread out and climbed onto the deep mirror surface.

"Crack, click,..."

Just like a sharp blade cutting down on the ice, the frozen mirror space is broken into a small crack, and it has been spreading towards the direction of Leng Yusen. Among them, the white arc flashing people.

Then, the surroundings shattered several times, like silver snakes, full of murderous aura, like a spear, directly attacking Leng Yusen's vital point.

"how is this possible,."

Such a sudden change made Leng Yusen startled, and in the blink of an eye, the flickering spears came towards him. He was in this mirror space, and his movements were inconvenient, so he could only reach out to block it.

"Chi Chi,..."

The spear smashed through everything, and the giant hand blocked it, but it was pierced directly, and the blood spurted out, sprinkled on the surrounding gloomy ice, which looked extraordinarily strange.

Then, spears struck one after another, shooting holes in the huge demon body, one of which hit Leng Yusen's chest, and the blood burst out instantly, like a bright red flower.


In almost an instant, the mirror space of the entire arena was shattered, just like the melting ice surface, shattered inch by inch, and ceased to exist.


The pitch-black demon revived, and if it was a tiger out of its cage, it spread its sharp claws and sprinted towards Leng Yusen, and those huge palms fell down with a shimmering cold light.

"Bang bang bang..."

The accident happened in an instant, and everyone saw that the situation on the ring was directly overturned. The dark demon, peerless and fierce, with a pair of thick hands, kept slapping the phantom, beating it to the ground. Backed away again and again, and Leng Yusen inside was vomiting blood again and again, his face pale as paper.

"He lost."

An icy voice resounded, and then, a big hand reached into the ring, fished out Leng Yusen,

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