Martial Inverse

Chapter 1385: The Last Battle

Chapter 1385 The Final Battle

"Since that's the case, let's proceed to the final immediately, and the two of you will be on stage."

The old man with white hair and childlike face took a deep look at Samsara and then at the person in charge of the Killing God Palace, then spoke loudly again, announcing the start of the final round of the newly promoted contest.

"Boy Wind."

When Feng Hao was about to take the stage, Long Yueguan on the side yelled loudly, and rushed towards him in astonishment, avoiding Long Yueguan's bear hug, and looked at him a little angrily.

"Boy Feng, you must win the championship. My old dragon's wealth and life are in your hands. If you lose, then my old dragon's life will be meaningless. I'll kill myself here."

Long Yueguan's eyes were full of tears, and she said with a choked up voice, but the tears couldn't fall, and the tear stains on her face were also indistinct and messy.

"Uncle smells so bad, he's still drooling at this age..."

Xiao Qingmeng, who was hugged by Liu Canyan, shaved her face and revealed the truth. Seeing Long Yueguan's funny appearance, many people laughed, but they all didn't understand why he was like this.

Logically speaking, if Feng Hao won the championship, it has nothing to do with him.

"I try my best."

Feng Hao stared at him helplessly, cast a consoling look at Qiong Ling'er and the girls, then swept up his body and floated onto the ring.

When both of them were in the arena, the noise of the audience gradually became silent, and only the humming of the wind resounded around them.

"Farewell to the ancient tomb, I didn't expect to see Brother After Shadow here."

Feng Hao didn't show any hostility, on the contrary, he talked like a family chat with his friends.

The afterimage at that time was weird and powerful. It is said that it defeated many missions of the Holy Child level. The state of self-sealing is not as strong as it is now.

Until now, in fact, Feng Hao still doesn't understand what After Shadow did at that time.

With his strength, why would he provoke those Holy Sons?

On the Tianwu Continent, the saint child level characters are absolutely powerful, and they are definitely the strongest of the younger generation.


No matter what, he couldn't get into the eyes of the person with the Asura divine body.

Can't find the answer, Feng Hao can only attribute it to, this is a weird person.

It was also because in the competition between him and Yan Qing just now, he had room to hold back everywhere, and in the end he didn't take advantage of the opportunity to kill, so Feng Hao also had some good feelings for him.

The people of Asura Mansion are lurking ferocious beasts, powerful but low-key, when necessary, they will launch a fatal blow to the enemy.

This metaphor is very appropriate.


Remnant Shadow nodded slightly, his voice was a little hoarse, it could be seen that he usually didn't talk much, and his personality was a bit withdrawn.

He was also very surprised, he didn't expect that Feng Hao, who was so cowardly at the beginning and was not as good as him, could stand with him on the ring today.

"I'll offend you later, Brother After Shadow, please don't let anyone else see you."

After Feng Hao smiled slightly, the light in his eyes was also condensed, and the originally dark pupils gradually turned into a crimson color.

Immediately, the aura on his body changed from plain to violent, and his aggressive fighting spirit made him look like a fierce god from ancient times.

The afterimage didn't say much, a pair of eyes that looked like a blood prison shone with a crystal-like luster, and a head of red hair was scattered behind him, full of evil spirits, frightening, the surrounding sky was dyed red, like fresh blood In general, he is like a hell Shura against the background.


Feng Hao yelled loudly, stomped his feet, and the space shattered like glass, turning into an afterimage, and rushed towards the afterimage. The fist smashed down, and along the way, a terrifying black mark was wiped away.

"Heavenly Demon Fist."

A flash of crystal red light flashed in the eyes of the afterimage, raised his fist, and with the blood energy burning like a flame, he directly resisted.


The two fists slammed together violently, and there was a deafening explosion sound. The strong wind roared, and the huge force burst out. Feng Hao was directly rushed away by nearly two meters, and the afterimage, his figure was just swaying, and he retreated a little. It's only half a step.

There was a pause, the half-step back was still due to the energy component of Heaven's Punishment, which made the afterimage unexpected and suffered a small loss.

"Strange, why is Xu Wu not restless?"

Sensing that unusual blood energy, such a thought flashed in Feng Hao's mind, and immediately he raised his fist and rushed forward again, like a beast, pounced on his prey.

This incident really made him unable to understand why he would be restless when he met Leng Yusenxuwu.

If it is restless, perhaps, this match still has a great chance of winning.

"It's over, it's over, Boy Feng is no match for that guy at all, it's over now, there's no way to save..."

I saw Feng Hao who was constantly backing away after being beaten by the afterimage on the ring stage, and under the high platform, Long Yueguan sat on the ground with his buttocks, muttering silently, and his pupils showed a look of horror, Goosebumps were all over his body, and he shuddered suddenly.

No one understands, and no one pays attention to him at this time, but the only ones who can understand him are Qiong Ling'er and others.


In the sound of an explosion, Feng Hao was directly thrown out, and the afterimage also took five or six strides backwards.

"It's so strong, sure enough, he's even stronger than the Supreme Pluto Physique."

Feng Hao forcibly suppressed the tumbling qi and blood, and his crimson and irritable eyes showed a strange calmness and prudence.


Without the slightest hesitation, Feng Hao used the power of vain martial arts, the power of fighting will, and the energy of divine punishment to condense into a pitch-black giant sword. Immediately, the space was pierced by the impact of the piercing breath.

"Asura Exterminates the World Slash."

Remnant Shadow flipped his hand, and a scarlet long sword was also condensed in his palm, mixed with hot and cold aura, frightening people's mind.

"Universal Sky Walking Technique."

However, Feng Hao didn't face him head-on, he moved his feet and disappeared directly on the ring, if it turned into a ray of breeze, he disappeared without a trace.

"what happened."

Many people were stunned, they didn't understand what happened, their eyes were full of bewilderment.

It is puzzling that a living person disappeared so strangely.

"Could it be that he also has hidden secrets?"

Some people doubted and issued their own doubts.

After all, the concealment technique of reincarnation is so thorough that it disappears completely, leaving no breath behind.

As for the afterimage, he was just a little startled, and immediately became more vigilant. A layer of bright red armor directly climbed up on his body,

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