Martial Inverse

Chapter 1386 Hard Fight

Chapter 1386 Hard Fight

At this time, another strange scene appeared on the ring stage, only the afterimage was hanging there, cautiously guarding, while Feng Hao disappeared without a trace.

"Sure enough, it's a space talent."

On the high platform, a look of understanding flashed in the eyes of the bosses, and then, a throbbing flashed unavoidably.

This body with eight orifices surprised them too much. Not to mention his strange lightning power and pitch-black energy, this power of space really cannot be underestimated.

In the ancient times, the ferocious beast Qinglong, relying on its ultimate space talent, ran rampant in the world. No one could do nothing to get it, and it traveled thousands of miles in an instant, and even the gods could not catch up with its speed.


"Chi Chi,..."

On the arena, there was a sudden movement. In the space of about ten meters around the afterimage, in all directions, pieces of void like blades were broken, and, with great speed, they shot towards the afterimage.

"Small tricks."

Although the afterimage was a little surprised, it quickly reacted, swiping the scarlet long sword in its hand, cutting off the blades directly, and exploding when it touched it, turning into nothingness.

However, this rain of blades seems endless, the space is constantly splitting, and then it turns into a weapon, passing through the air with an ear-piercing sound, and attacking afterimages in all directions.

"Hey, there's a show."

Long Yueguan, who was sitting on the ground, jumped up when he saw this scene, and looked at the arena very excitedly, as if he wanted to find Feng Hao's trace, and shouted, "Good boy, There are so many cards in the hole, if my old dragon encounters this method, I will definitely be shot full of holes..."



With a slight sound of piercing the air, an extreme murderous aura spread out, and behind the afterimage, a pitch-black giant sword directly slashed towards his back.


That murderous intent made his hairs blew up, and he swung his sword with his backhand, hitting the black giant sword, and there was a clanging sound like metal, and the space split in it.


When he was going to chase, the blades were like rain, which made him have to deal with it, and it was difficult to move his feet.

Because, on these space blades, there are some silver-white electric arcs, and the pure destructive aura tells him that this blade can break through the armor defense on his body.

Then everyone saw that in the long rain of knives, a pitch-black giant sword was also constantly attacking and killing from various tricky parts, cutting towards the vital parts of the afterimage, which made him a little busy. .

"Spatial talent?"

Soon, After Ying thought of this, although he was surprised, he didn't change his face. On the contrary, there was a sharp light flashing in his eyes, and suddenly, his pair of red eyes were full of excitement. After some changes, the sea of ​​blood, which was originally dead and quiet, boiled like a volcanic eruption.

"Sura Blood Prison."

While responding calmly, he spit out an ancient spell like a burning sound, and suddenly, a huge blood energy, like magma, erupted from his body, condensed around him, and formed a A crimson space five or six meters long and wide was full of evil spirits, as if it were a sea of ​​blood in hell.

This is a powerful formation technique, which is shocking.

Once the blood field is built, the surrounding space will be directly cracked, and the existence of the square blood prison cannot be tolerated at all, and those blades that keep attacking enter the blood prison, but after tearing a hole , it was annexed very quickly, and it was impossible to get close to the body of the afterimage, and it melted away after being one meter away.

And Feng Hao, who was hiding in the streamer space, was naturally exposed in front of his eyes.


He has a blood prison bodyguard, holds a red long sword, and slashes directly towards Feng Hao, drawing a red arc like blood, which is particularly conspicuous in this dark streamer space.

"Universal Sky Walking Technique."

Feng Hao was stepping on a half-baked secret technique, and almost instantly, he appeared behind him, with a pitch-black long sword in his hand, and directly cut into the bright red blood prison very bluntly.

Although it was difficult to use it, his speed was greatly improved, at least five or six times.


The pitch-black and scarlet long swords collided together in the pitch-black space of flowing light, clanging, and with great force, Feng Hao was forced to retreat.

"He actually controlled the power of space."

After seeing this scene, many people in the distance exclaimed, their eyes widened, as if they saw something incredible.

The body of eight orifices possesses the energy no less than divine power, and now with the power of space, is this going against the sky to achieve the position of the fourth divine master?

In fact, the current Feng Hao is also quite depressed, he has to hide and fight against the afterimage, and he is definitely the one who suffers.

The afterimage controls 30% of Shura's divine power, and his realm is higher than his. No matter how hard he fights, Feng Hao will be at a disadvantage. At this time, he can only rely on the power of divine punishment and space talent to deal with him, find flaws, and gain a chance of victory .


After being forced to retreat again, the huge force was fed back, and Feng Hao's palms were almost cracked, his chest felt tight, and he almost spurted the reverse blood welling up his throat.

"I can't fight him hard."

Stepping on the secret technique under his feet, Feng Hao retreated far away, frowning slightly.

It's too bad to resist stubbornly. If this delay continues, he will definitely be the one who loses.

"Tiantian handprint."

Without any hesitation at all, Feng Hao changed his tactics, dissipated the giant sword in his hand, and condensed a big black handprint with electric arcs.


The huge palm seemed to be an ancient chariot, shaking the space, and the sound of thunder burst out in the streamer space, rolling towards the afterimage in the blood prison with a great power.


The afterimage was not afraid, a pair of red eyes, if the flames were burning, and the evil spirit was soaring to the sky, shattering the space in this area, raising the red long sword in his hand, and slashing towards the big seal.


The ear-piercing sound of piercing the air resounded, and even the jet-black streamer space drew a scarlet arc, and the sky was full of evil spirits. It was really like Shura's hell, and the scarlet long sword, even more like a death scythe, slashed towards the jet-black palm.


The two sides collided, and the huge palm was cut in two. Suddenly, a huge energy tide, like a tsunami, raged, and the blood prison around the afterimage was almost shattered, blood energy overflowing.

He was able to cut through Fantian's handprint, Feng Hao was not surprised, but his mind was a little heavy.

At this time, he tried his best, but he still couldn't do anything about the afterimage. Could it be that he was going to lose this fight?

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