Martial Inverse

Chapter 1387 Fire

Chapter 1387 Fire

At this time, on the ring stage, everyone still couldn't see Feng Hao's whereabouts, they could only see afterimages hanging up, shaking the space, holding the red long sword, constantly slashing down, chopping the falling one by one The coming black mahamudra.

On the surface, it seems that the afterimage has been in a situation of being beaten and cannot be changed, but the bosses on the high platform have seen the disadvantages and advantages of it.

"If that kid has no other hole cards, I'm afraid... he will lose..."

Wan Hongwen murmured, frowning slightly, showing a worried expression.

At their level, they can see things more clearly. In fact, from the very beginning, they discovered that Feng Hao was at a disadvantage, otherwise, why would they avoid him.

As for Feng Hao, he was indeed caught in this predicament, and he was almost helpless.

Facing this divine body of the same level, he has no advantage at all. If he hadn't relied on the power of divine punishment, he might have been defeated long ago.

Even so, his situation is not much better, and it is almost a matter of time before he loses.

"Is that all?"

The eyes of the afterimage were like a sea of ​​blood, as if the flames were burning, his cold eyes fixed on Feng Hao, the evil spirit was transpiring, and he spit out cold words from his mouth.

Originally, he thought that his final opponent would be Leng Yusen, but he did not expect that Leng Yusen would be defeated by Feng Hao.

Unjustly defeated.

Condensing the space between heaven and earth, as a result, he also lost the opportunity to avoid it, fighting in a cocoon.

The afterimage is very strange, why Feng Hao didn't use the crazy offensive against Leng Yusen.

In his opinion, what Feng Hao can threaten him is only that kind of offensive. As long as he doesn't make the mistake of Leng Yusen, he can win Feng Hao steadily.

"Are you coming?"

Hearing these words, Feng Hao's whole body tensed up, his body blazed loudly, surrounded by a pale golden halo, and faintly, there was a thin layer of electric arc flickering all over his body.

"Blood Hell Puppet Art."

The afterimage uttered burning sounds, shaking the world, a fierce aura rose, and the entire ring space was covered with blood mist, it was very terrible,

If it is a geographical space.

A strange scene happened, in the Shura Blood Prison shrouded in afterimages, bright red figures actually walked out.

This is a humanoid puppet, the height is the same as the afterimage himself, and it looks like his clone. It is bright red and formed by the blood energy of Shura in his body. The demon messenger who came out of it was breathtaking.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

As his thoughts moved, these blood-red figures flew up, turned into haste, and rushed towards Feng Hao, and the long sword in his hand slashed down without hesitation. That kind of power and influence seemed to be no better than afterimages. how weak.

"Universal Sky Walking Technique."

Feng Hao's heart twitched, he didn't dare to resist the blood-red puppets that kept killing him, he stepped on his feet, and shuttled between the streamer space and the outside world like a ghost, flickering indefinitely.

It's just that these puppets seem to be endless, coming out of the blood prison continuously, and then spreading across the two worlds, chasing and killing Feng Hao.


Faced with such a dense attack, Feng Hao had no choice but to give up condensing the earth-shattering handprints, and re-condensed the pitch-black giant sword, stepping on his feet, and slashing the long sword at the puppet in front of him.

Fortunately, this puppet is only about one-tenth of the power of Remnant Shadow himself, and Feng Hao can handle it for a while. Relying on the treatment of the Shennong Medicine Code in his body, he fought fiercely for a long time without any discomfort.

However, these puppets are also extremely difficult to deal with. Even if they are hit at a vital point, or even cut in two, they can still recover, as if they are immortal.

"Damn it, it won't work like this."

Seeing more and more puppets in the space, Feng Hao felt even more heavy, and his face was very ugly.

As expected, I was poor in resources, and the powerful secret skills I had mastered were nothing more than those two. Now I couldn't stand up against an opponent of the same level.

This made his desire for powerful secret skills much stronger.

If he had more means, or could display the five innate powers of the supreme physical body, he would not be in such a predicament at this time.

However, his birth and his origin determined the gap between him and these favored sons of heaven.

"It seems...the only way is to break through. If you control 20% of the virtual power, you may have a better chance of winning."

Feng Hao's eyes froze, and he thought of the last solution.

At this time, with the advantage of the power of heaven's punishment and the power of space, he is only slightly weaker than Remnant, if he can control 20% of Xu Wu's power, then it is not impossible to defeat Remnant.

At this time, he has mastered seven extreme attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, ice, and thunder in his body, but he only comprehends one of the extreme attributes of thunder, and the other six cannot use the source energy at all.


When he thought about breaking through, the scene of Xie Yandong under the persecution of Leng Yusen immediately appeared in his mind.

That smoldering flame that could be extinguished at any time.

People in the world have many understandings of fire. There are raging fires that can burn everything, and erupting volcanoes that are surging. On the contrary, the precarious flames that will be extinguished in the next second are not taken seriously by people.

However, that is the true meaning of fire.

Not extinguished not extinguished.

If one can achieve true immortality, then one has already reached the pinnacle.

And at this time, in the dodging room, Feng Hao tried his best to recall the scene at that time...

That bunch of flames.

Because he had already sensed the fluctuations of the immortal fire many times, within just a moment, there was a strange sound resounding in his brain.

That kind of voice, when it is high, is like a volcano erupting, magma billowing, burning the sky and the earth, but when it is low, it is like a candle in the wind, without the slightest power, but it exists tenaciously...

Within the Dao Core, on the densely textured wall surface, some patterns flashed indistinctly, flickering with fire... and those voices seemed to resound because of the appearance of these patterns.

The pattern on the inner wall is the greatest treasure, it seems to cover thousands of avenues in the world, forming a single world, allowing Feng Hao to realize Tao with half the effort.

However, because of the Dao core aperture, the nine apertures are adjusting this sound, and it is changing towards the throbbing point in Feng Hao's heart at an extremely fast speed...

If this speed is known to outsiders, they will definitely scream and scream. This is at least dozens of times faster. The most important thing is that it can be adjusted even when distracted. Things that people can't even imagine.

However, in Feng Hao's mind, this seems to be a matter of course.

[Fifth update,]

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