Martial Inverse

Chapter 1495 Breakout

Chapter 1495 Breakthrough

Just like everyone's guess, the Huangfu family did not allow the plan to dominate the Holy Land to succeed. When the circle narrowed to about a hundred miles, the Huangfu family finally came.

There were not many people who came, only a dozen or so, but each of them had a strong aura, and the old woman who had appeared on the ruins was also among them.

Seeing this team, the faces of Batian Holy Land immediately became gloomy.

For the sake of the Immortal Mansion, the two major forces are likely to tear their faces apart. Therefore, even if they are both high-level officials of Batian Holy Land, and their status is not inferior to those of the Huangfu family, they have to deal with it carefully.

"This is the area of ​​my Batian Holy Land. I don't know what you are talking about when you come here."

An old man dressed in flowing clothes and with a great aura came up to him and asked in a cold voice.

"What a big breath."

The old woman snorted coldly, narrowed her eyes with a cold light, and said, "Is there any place in the world that my Huangfu family can't go to?"

She was very hostile, did not show any affection, and was very domineering.

Although they are both top forces, the Huangfu family is not afraid of fighting with Batian Holy Land, she has enough confidence.

"This place has been designated as a restricted area by my Batian Holy Lord. If you enter, it is equivalent to making an enemy of my Batian Holy Land."

The old man also did not give in at all. On the contrary, there were more than a dozen people around him at the same time, standing in front of a dozen people from the Huangfu family, blocking the way.

By this time, the two major forces had completely torn their skins apart, and a strange atmosphere spread in this area, making people feel a little heavy.

"In this area, there are people from my Huangfu family. Could it be that your Batian Holy Land cannot be imprisoned?"

The old woman confronted him, her words were icy cold, and the people in Gaijiang City were a little chilled, as if trapped in an ice cellar.

This old woman's cultivation is extraordinary, extremely terrifying, even in Huangfu's family, she has a very high status, and the dozen or so people around her are all her servants.


As if he had expected the old woman to say this, the old man snorted coldly, and said in a cold voice, "I'm sorry, because I lost a peerless treasure here in Batian Holy Land,

The Holy Lord has ordered that no one will be spared in this area, and they must go through the God Search before they can leave, so they can only be offended. "

"What courage."

Hearing this, the old woman's complexion suddenly turned green, and a huge aura erupted from her body. If the vast sea poured down, the whole world would be in turmoil, the space would be ups and downs, and the ground would collapse within a few miles. go down.

"What kind of thing are you Batian Holy Land? How dare you detain people from my Huangfu family. Today, if there is a slight mistake in my Huangfu family's children, I will definitely make your Batian Holy Land restless."

Her voice was full of coldness and anger, as if she had been insulted, and she had a desperate posture.

Hearing this, the old man's complexion changed and became gloomy. His eyes shone brightly, as bright as two jewels, exuding a fierce aura. He looked straight at the old woman, as if he wanted to kill her, " The Holy Lord has an order, and I have to respect it, if you want to go in, you have to step over my corpse."

Following these words, the scene that had been somewhat boiling, fell silent at this moment, even the sound of the wind was suppressed, and the entire space seemed to be still.

In the distance, in Gaijiang City, tens of thousands of people are watching the movement here, no one makes a sound, and Feng Hao stands quietly in a corner, although his eyes are also looking at the place where the game is played, but the rest of the corner of his eye The light, but glanced at the backs not far away.

There is only one way to break through, if you stay here, there is absolutely only one dead end.

This is the territory of the Batian Holy Land, even if people from the Huangfu family come to make trouble, it is only a moment of chaos, it is absolutely impossible to suppress the Batian Holy Land, here, the support of the Huangfu family is definitely not as good as the Batian Holy Land.


With a deafening explosion, the old woman in the distance was the first to start a fight, the two sides fought, the world was in turmoil, endless brilliance burst out, and the strong wind howling like a raging sea tsunami swept in all directions , wiped out everything, even the people in Gaijiang City, hundreds of miles away, were all shocked to a certain extent, and some people with weak cultivation were pale and almost suffocated.

This is the real peerless powerhouse fighting today. Such a scene is extremely shocking. There is an ocean of light. If the sea of ​​​​gods is reversed, it is like the end of the world. Everything involved is reduced to ashes and nothing is left. Next, the hard ground collapsed, forming deep pits, as if the plates had collapsed.

And the members of the Huangfu family seemed to be here to make trouble, so, the scope was widened, and the strong wind caused those disciples of the Heavenly Holy Land to be blown away. The middle was shredded, the scene became chaotic, and a breakthrough was opened there.

"Come on."

Seeing this, many people immediately burst out with hope in their eyes, jumped up, rushed out, and rushed towards the chaotic place.

"Chi Chi Chi..."

Someone led the way, and immediately more people rushed up, and the divine rainbow streaked across the sky. There were thousands of paths, all with one purpose, rushing out.

However, there are still some people who didn't move, some because their cultivation level was too low, even if the energy spread to the edge, they would die without a place to bury them, and Feng Hao also didn't move.

Because, the scattered figures not far away did not intend to act yet, but were scanning the whereabouts of the people who dominated the Holy Land in the distance.

At this time, because a large number of people rushed towards the chaotic area, the disciples of the Batian Holy Land around them also rushed over to suppress, and the scene became more and more chaotic, with shouts and beatings everywhere. The sound of shouting and killing, I don’t know how many people died there. The residue and flesh of some weapons stained the ground red. If it was the blood field of Shura, it was full of evil spirits. If they were searched for gods, they basically had only a dead end. Desperately, with red eyes, they killed these Batian Holy Land disciples who they usually fear like tigers, and all of them showed their trump cards, causing many Batian Holy Land people to fall.

"damn it."

All the big shots in Batian Holy Land were anxious, but they couldn't get rid of the old woman and the others, and they couldn't stop this kind of scene from happening at all.

However, they also firmly believe that the owner of the Immortal Mansion is absolutely impossible to fall so easily, but it is very likely that they will take the opportunity to escape from this area.

"Everyone, it's almost there."

Seeing that the blockade at the rear finally weakened, a tall man gave a low shout, took the lead and rushed out, his momentum soaring, as if he were a god, he rushed out,

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