Martial Inverse

Chapter 1496: The Voice of Qingling

Chapter 1496 Qing Ling's Voice

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The sound of explosions resounded endlessly, as if thunder chanted from the sky, the raging sea rolled, and the sky and earth were filled with whiteness. In the middle, a divine light burst out, piercing through the sky and the earth, reaching the clouds of the nine heavens, sinking into the sky, shaking the earth like a tsunami The strong wind, with a terrifying sound of piercing through the air, whistled and swept the mat, one by one life fell in it, and blood-red monster flowers bloomed, very scary, like hell.

On the outskirts of this chaotic area, there were also some people watching from a distance. The fight between the two giants shocked their hearts, and it also proved the conjectures in some people's hearts.

Although the Huangfu Family and the Batian Holy Land share the Eastern Region, they have always lived in peace and there has not been any major disputes. But at this time, for an unknown ancient temple, the two are completely tearing apart their faces. Well, if a fight of this level occurs, I'm afraid it will not be calmed down for a while.

Taking advantage of the chaos, tens of thousands of people rushed out of Gaijiang City, and broke through the chaotic area, completely disrupting the situation. The people in Batian Holy Land could only continue to send reinforcements in that direction, so that the other The azimuth defense has weakened, and there are only a few people.


Following a cold cry of killing, figures of extraordinary aura swept up from the city, and instead of rushing from the chaotic area, they broke through in the opposite direction, and there were four or five of them. Ten people, like a sharp knife, as fast as lightning, killed the blockade area of ​​Batian Holy Land in a blink of an eye.

"Retreat quickly, or shoot and kill."

A man in divine light armor stepped forward, shouting coldly, his eyes were icy cold.

"What nonsense."

The man who rushed to the front snorted coldly, sacrificed a small tower, and went directly towards him. With the sound of an explosion, the disciples of the Batian Holy Land were smashed into bloody mud.

Sou Shen, this is equivalent to putting all the secrets in front of others. Even if you are lucky, you will only suffer a certain amount of trauma. Just ask, who wants their secrets to be known.

Seeing him fierce, the dozens of people behind him all sacrificed their weapons without any reservations, and they all smashed at him.

"Boom boom boom..."

At the beginning of the battle, Feng Hao pretended to be timid and fearful, hid behind, kept dodging, and did not launch an attack. Fortunately, he was not the only one who followed, so he was not particularly conspicuous.


However, he didn't notice that in the distance, there was a pair of autumn-like eyes that kept looking at him.

After some rushing and killing, the group of people finally rushed out a bloody road, and Feng Hao swept away towards the distance together with them.

This happened almost within a few breaths, so fast, some people didn't even react, and some people who saw the situation turned and charged were blocked again.

And because of this precedent, these people no longer foolishly broke out in one direction, but dozens or hundreds of people broke out in various directions. A few people broke out and rushed to the distance, causing the people in Batian Holy Land to roar again and again.

"Chila... bang tom..."

Just after these people broke through, white beams of light rose up, and then a bright light burst out high in the sky.


Feng Hao didn't know what was going on behind him. He followed the dozens of people in the front and was the first to break out of the encirclement. He didn't follow them for long. In a valley, he quietly entered the underground. Down, shifted its position, and stalked the ground with all its strength, very quickly.


I don't know how long it has passed, Feng Hao came out from the ground and stood in a valley, next to his ears, there was the faint sound of water flowing, it was very quiet.


He let out a long breath, with a relaxed arc on the corner of his mouth, "Finally broke through."

Just as Fen Lao had predicted earlier, the members of the Huangfu family would definitely not sit idly by and let Batian Holy Land take advantage of this, so he had a chance to break through.

But at this time, taking advantage of the chaos, he escaped without much deviation from the plan.

"Boy, don't be too happy too early. Now, people in the entire Eastern Region are looking for you, so it's better to keep a low profile. The sea and the sky will be brighter when you leave the Eastern Region."

Fen Lao was reminding him, with caution in his voice.

This is the truth, now that the Huangfu family has made such a fuss, everyone has understood the extraordinaryness of that ancient temple, so I ask, who can let themselves go.

Fortunately, his appearance, height, and even his cultivation will be ignored by people. Unless someone can capture him and search for God, otherwise, there should not be much chance of being recognized.

Along the way, Feng Hao did not hide in the east or west, on the contrary, like a traveler, he went to the city and squeezed into the lively places, inquiring about himself.

The place that was originally blocked by the Batian Holy Land was so disturbed by the Huangfu family. Hundreds of people escaped. Most of the rest were killed in the chaos, and a small number were searched for gods. The result was nothing.

Batian Holy Land spent a lot of energy, and also lost many elites. In exchange for such a result, it aroused the anger of Batian Holy Land.

Of course, even if he was angry, Batian Holy Land would not dare to vent his anger on the Huangfu family, otherwise, the final result would definitely be a lose-lose situation for both sides.

Under the order of Batian Holy Lord, many disciples of Batian Holy Land returned from various places, and they all searched in this area. As long as they found suspicious people, they would arrest them and not misplace one. Many people temporarily left the area controlled by Batian Holy Land to avoid this chaotic tide.

This kind of news made the original want to leave Feng Hao, and his heart tightened slightly.

Now, he is walking towards the last city of the Batian Holy Land. As long as he leaves this city, he has calculated the area of ​​the Batian Holy Land, and then he can go to the Heavenly Fire Realm to refine the Supreme Sealing Magic.

This is a big city, standing in a canyon, filling the entire canyon, with peaks on both sides, soaring into the sky, on the peaks, there are faint figures walking around.

A purple light flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, and he pretended not to know anything, and continued to move towards the city.

"do not go."

A clear voice, abruptly, resounded in his mind, making his eyes tremble.

"Don't go, everyone in that city will be searched."

Qingling's voice sounded again, reminding him.

Hearing this, Feng Hao stopped involuntarily, with a serious expression on his face.

He had heard this voice before, but he didn't understand how the owner of this voice managed to recognize himself.

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