Martial Inverse

Chapter 1502 Don't worry, I won't mess around

Chapter 1502 Don't worry, I won't mess around

"You... shameless."

Hearing this sentence, Huangfu Wushuang became very angry. She is one of the key training objects of the Huangfu family, and one of the future pillars. She is so noble, no matter where she goes, she will attract everyone's attention, and many people will look up to her. At this time, But being insulted by this, she was so angry that her delicate body trembled unceasingly, and she was furious.

"Make a decision quickly."

The smile on the corner of Feng Hao's mouth gradually grew stronger, his fingers brushed her smooth and pretty face, as if he couldn't wait any longer, like a hungry wolf, he wanted to swallow her up.

Huangfu Wushuang's skin is as radiant and delicate as silk, as warm and crystal clear as warm jade, as touching as a pearl, possessing unparalleled charm.

"I will never hand over the teleportation array."

Huangfu Wushuang glared at him, and said with gnashed teeth.

"good very good."

The smile on Feng Hao's face subsided slightly, "Since you are not willing to hand over the teleportation array, then let's perform the ceremony of husband and wife. Having a stunning beauty like you doesn't count as wronging me."

"You... stop."

Huangfu Wushuang screamed, her head full of blue hair dancing, like a goddess who has fallen into the mortal world, her eyes are misty, and a terrifying energy surges from her body, shining with strange brilliance and surging divine power.

"The supreme magic seal."

A cold light flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, and he was not polite at all. He raised his golden palm and slapped her chest directly, and the golden lines spread like blood vessels.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

He didn't stop, he slammed down one palm after another quickly, constantly impacting, as if he wanted to shatter Huangfu Wushuang's body before he stopped.

Having reached this point, he didn't hold back anymore, and used all extreme methods, just to prevent Huangfu Wushuang from breaking free.

He knew very well that if he let her break free, he would definitely die, and there would be absolutely no sympathy for him at that time.

The golden light filled the air, and the striped road was like vines, which wanted to imprison and seal Huangfu Wushuang, but within her body, there was also a group of extremely terrifying aura, which could destroy everything if it overwhelmed the river. , even under the impact of this golden pattern,

The same is the constant defeat.

"Damn it."

Seeing this situation, Feng Hao became anxious, and directly bit the two crystal clear lips of Huangfu Wushuang, without any sympathy, he bit down heavily, and even had a slight salty taste in his mouth.

Huangfu Wushuang widened his eyes, looking at this handsome face so close at hand, the determination in his eyes instantly turned into astonishment.

How could she have imagined that Feng Hao would be so bold that he dared to take away her first kiss.

"Tsk tsk, it smells so good."

Feeling the stillness of the divine power in her body, Feng Hao couldn't help but smacked his lips, as if he had just tasted some peerless delicacy, a little addicted.


Huangfu Wushuang's eyes glowed with water, a little flushed, and his breathing became a little short, "Hao Fen, we can actually have a good talk."

Obviously, she was frightened by Feng Hao's actions just now. After all, she is a woman, and she is also a pure and pure woman, how could she be desecrated calmly.

It's not that she's not as good as Feng Hao, nor that she can't get rid of it, but that she really can't let it go, and can't bear someone touching her restricted area, "Hand over the teleportation platform."

Feng Hao didn't talk nonsense with her at all, his words were a bit cold.


Huangfu Wushuang was very angry at his words, and the anger was rekindled in his eyes full of water, and the divine energy in his body began to surge again.


Seeing this, Feng Hao did not perform the Supreme Sealing Magic again, but directly tore a part of her sleeve, and the pieces fell like butterflies on the grass beside her. At the same time, a piece of jade-colored The jade arm is exposed, shining white, very dazzling, like lotus root coming out of water, like white jade growing warm, with soft curves, beautiful and moving.

It can be called a beautiful work of art, this piece of jade arm is pure white, with a little bit of luster, it can be called a real icy muscle and bone, charming people's hearts.

"stop it."

Huangfu Wushuang was frightened, and there was a look of panic in his eyes.

"Tsk tsk, it's perfect."

Feng Hao clicked his tongue, as if trying to calm himself down, which made her mood fluctuate violently.

This is something she never dared to imagine, that someone dared to tear her clothes.

"Hao Fen, do you know what you are doing?"

She tried her best to calm down her tone, full of warning and threat.

"of course I know."

Feng Hao nodded his head as a matter of course, "I am admiring the jade arm of a stunning beauty, but unfortunately, I am the only one admiring it now..."

He also did not show weakness, and he was very threatening.

Now that she has mastered her weakness, there is no rush now, he believes that sooner or later, she will be able to get out of the teleportation array.


The threat failed, but was threatened instead, Huangfu Wushuang was even more ashamed and angry.

Feng Hao stretched out his hand, and gently slid it over his exposed jade arm, feeling the softness and crystal clearness, and teased, "The beauty is delicious, it really can be called unparalleled."

"You... don't mess around."

Huangfu Wushuang's expression became tense, the former charming, sexy and enchanting, all turned into anxiety at this moment, without the charming state.

"Don't worry, I won't mess around."

There was a faint smile on the corner of Feng Hao's mouth, and he said, "I've always been very serious in doing things."

Speaking of this, he deliberately pretended to look at it carefully, and then stretched out his hand again, and with a "squeak", he tore off the other sleeve, and the other jade arm also shone dimly. The luster, a little bit of brilliance, is very crystal clear, and it is indeed beautiful.

"Hao Fen."

Huangfu Wushuang was completely flustered, "I said before, I will be very serious, just don't worry."

Feng Hao looked as if you were at ease, and began to appreciate it in a decent way, and slowly, he turned his gaze to the pair of towering chests.

"You bastard."

Seemingly feeling his gaze, Huangfu Wushuang was really going crazy.

At this moment, her arms are bare, her soft and delicate body is in close contact with the other party, and she can feel Feng Hao's body temperature, which makes her extremely resentful.

Feng Hao's fingers moved towards her slender waist, flicked lightly, and the broken clothes were like flowers, drawing a beautiful trajectory and drifting aside.

The white abdomen is crystal clear, and the large area of ​​delicate skin is dyed with a layer of red glow. It is close to Feng Hao, and right in front of his eyes, the fragrance like orchid and musk deer is coming, which makes his heart tremble, and his eyes are a little bit uneasy,

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