Martial Inverse

Chapter 1503 Don't Cry

Chapter 1503 Don't Cry

Huangfu Wushuang is the proud daughter of the Huangfu family. She is usually high above the ground. If she is a holy goddess, she will not touch the world. At this moment, facing this situation, she is extremely ashamed and annoyed. .

"Hao Fen... how dare you..."

Feeling the coolness in his waist, Huangfu Wushuang's voice was trembling, "You have to know, I am from the Huangfu family, go too far, the consequences will be irreversible..."

"I've never been able to move forward, so why should I save anything?"

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth had a slight curvature, he smiled, and said again, "I don't believe it, after this is over, you still have the guts to let me go."


Being told what was on his mind, Huangfu Wushuang's eyes trembled a little.

Indeed, Feng Hao has done this kind of thing to herself, and she has already made up her mind to kill, even if it is the remotest corners of the world, she will chase after him and kill him.

Blasphemed himself, the only way to die.

"Don't worry, I will do all this very seriously, and I will definitely leave you with a good memory."

Feng Hao responded, his eyes were extremely clear, and he didn't look fascinated. His fingers slid across her crystal clear abdomen, and wherever he went, there were little bumps, and her delicate body was trembling.

His fingers didn't stop, they slid on the skin like creamy jade, and the warm and soft touch spread from the fingertips to his heart, but he didn't immerse himself in it, and he wasn't charmed by it.

This Huangfu Wushuang is indeed unparalleled in all aspects, so beautiful that he can't pick out a single flaw, but Feng Hao is not tempted by him, even at this moment he has no desire.

He knew that there was a bomb under him, and if one was bad, it would blow him to pieces and annihilate his soul. He didn't dare to be distracted at all, and he was paying attention to every movement of Huangfu Wushuang, and his moving fingertips, In fact, it is also sensing the flow of divine energy in her body.

"Why, are you still unwilling to hand over the teleportation array?"

Feng Hao's voice is very peaceful, without any emotional fluctuations, just like communicating with others normally.


Before Huangfu Wushuang finished speaking, with a soft sound,

The clothes on her chest were flying away like a butterfly, only a pink corsage covered her vitals, her snow-white skin, like divine jade, was extremely dazzling, and two semicircles emerged from under the corsage, outlining the A stunning landscape can make people immersed and unable to extricate themselves.


Suddenly, with a murderous aura, Huangfu Wushuang no longer flustered or trembled, her eyes were almost icy cold, and at the same time, a divine light burst out from her body, as if the raging sea rolled, turning the world upside down, incomparably turbulent, The golden lines on her body shattered inch by inch and dissipated into the air.

"I knew you were gathering momentum, but you still have no chance."

There was a sneer on the corner of Feng Hao's mouth. Wherever his fingers passed, golden lines lit up, imprisoning her, preventing her divine power from gushing out.

At the same time, he was not polite at all, patting her flawless belly with one palm, and grabbed the pair of peaks directly with the other palm.


Huangfu Wushuang screamed, the originally turbulent divine energy fell silent instantly, and the originally calm eyes became flustered again.


The golden lines imprisoned her again, Feng Hao smiled slightly and said, "I thought you would do it at the last moment, but I didn't expect that you still don't want me to make more money after all."

He didn't immerse himself in it at all, everything was in his perception, he was very clear about Huangfu Wushuang's movements, he had expected this scene long ago, so he didn't panic at all.

"You... unexpectedly..."

Seeing the extremely calm Feng Hao, Huangfu Wushuang opened and closed his pink lips a few times, a little unbelievable and speechless.

She really couldn't believe that there are still men who are not tempted to see her beautiful body.

Could it be that there is another problem with this person.

This thought flashed across her eyes, and she couldn't help but feel a strange flash in her eyes.


Feng Hao sneered, as if he had found out what she was thinking, and said, "Whether I have any flaws in that area, you will soon realize it, don't worry, as I said, I have always been serious and will not mess up Come...Of course, the premise is that you cooperate with me, otherwise, I don't mind messing around once, when the time comes, the original wonderful things may not be so wonderful. "

While speaking, his hands moved over her bare skin unscrupulously, moving indiscriminately. Compared with the gentleness before, it became much rougher, as if to prove what he said.

"You...let me go."

Huangfu Wushuang felt his body, his skin was pink and pimples were everywhere, he was extremely ashamed and angry, his eyes were full of water, his nose shrugged, crystal tears ran across his cheeks, and he started to cry.


Seeing this, Feng Hao's movements couldn't help but stagnate, looking at the crying Huangfu Wushuang, he suddenly felt dizzy, and for a while, he didn't know how to move.

"Don't cry."

He snapped, feeling annoyed.

He still would rather face that stubborn Huangfu Wushuang. This kind of change made him very uncomfortable and felt awkward.

"You bully... me, don't let... me cry, woo..."

Huangfu Wushuang cried very sadly, there were streaks of blood in his eyes, and the tears kept falling like pearls, and he looked so pitiful to me, which broke his heart.

Such a beauty should be held in the palm of the hand, but now she is being bullied by others, which is really heartbreaking. If she is seen by others, she will definitely do justice for the heavens and kill this disciple.

Feng Hao was embarrassed, he never expected that things would turn out like this, for a while, he didn't know how to end it.

"Don't cry, or I'll tear off your corset."

He threatened viciously.

This trick really worked, and Huangfu Wushuang's crying gradually stopped. The original goddess turned into a wronged kitten at this moment, with infinite tenderness that can soften steel.

"Teleportation array."

Feng Hao didn't talk nonsense, and directly stretched out his hand in front of her, while the other hand was placed on the strap of her corsage, and the corsage would fall off with just a slight movement.


Huangfu Wushuang was really ashamed and angry at the moment, his lungs were about to explode.

What kind of person is this?

She really has the urge to hit the wall at this moment, this is a piece of wood in front of her, facing a beauty like herself, he can still be so cold-blooded, she even has some doubts about Feng Hao's gender,

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