Martial Inverse

Chapter 1545: The Promise Armor

Chapter 1545 Promise Armor

The last qi flower was auctioned off by members of Xiahou's family at the price of eleven yuan.

This price is also because rare things are more expensive, so the price was several times higher.

Of course, this is also because it is only Qihua. If it is Qiguo, the price will reach a crazy level.

However, under this auction, Feng Hao made a lot of money. He bought more than 30 rare items that did not exist in the Hundred Clans Continent. He spent hundreds of thousands of Origin Stones and a piece of Divine Origin

But his three qi flowers were sold at a sky-high price, a total of thirty-four yuan of divine origin,

This is a lot of money no matter where it is placed. However, Xuanling Auction House's secrecy work is impeccable. Although many people have intentions, they don't even know who the person who auctioned Qihua is. Therefore, I can only sigh,

Those old antiques are also dejected, Batian Holy Land, Xiahou Family, Jiang Feng are not something they can provoke, so they can only accept their fate,

The last thing that appeared was also the target of a group of top forces...

"The Promise Armor."

There was a strange flush on the face of the old auctioneer, and there was a trill in his words, "Yes, you heard it right, it is the God Armor of the Promise, which was the personal armor of the God of Promise in ancient times, although this armor The dao pattern on it is already a bit broken, so it can only be regarded as broken armor, but after being appraised by the appraisal master of my Xuanling Auction House, this broken Wuji God Armor can still increase the wearer's own defense by ten times..."

"The Promise Armor."

Feng Hao's eyes suddenly burst into a bright light,

This is the divine armor of a god. If it can be obtained, the defense will be increased by ten times. What kind of concept will it be?,

Feng Hao's eyes were hot, and he really wanted to get it.

If he could have this piece of Promise God Armor and increase his defense tenfold, wouldn't the power of his earth-shattering handprint be increased tenfold?

It is an irresistible temptation,

On the scene, everyone's eyes were shining brightly, full of possessive desire,

This is an absolute close-fitting armor. If you can get it, to some extent, it may be an extra life.

As for repairing the armor,

But no one dared to think so,

On this armor is the divine pattern engraved by the gods. How can ordinary people have that ability?

Even if this kind of fetish is placed among the top forces, it can definitely be regarded as one of the foundations.

"One hundred thousand origin stones is the reserve price, and each bidding price must not be less than one thousand origin stones. The auction starts now."

The old auctioneer rang the silver bell with some excitement, announcing the start of the auction.

"One hundred and ten thousand source stones."

As soon as his words fell, a rich voice came from a VIP room, directly adding as many as 10,000 origin stones, causing the people on the auction site to take a breath of air-conditioning.

They know that this is not something they can participate in, and even if they are photographed, they will probably end up in the same fate as the Jiang family.

"120,000 Origin Stones."

"130,000 Origin Stones."

"150,000 Origin Stones..."

Feng Hao was just about to ask for the price, which meant that he had added a full 50,000 source stones, and with the current momentum, he was afraid that this broken Promise Armor would sell for millions of source stones.

One million source stones, which is equivalent to twenty divine sources. Although he has gained a lot this time, he has already squandered four divine sources. The total possessions are nothing more than a million Origin Stones.

If this is used to buy this divine armor, then wouldn't he want to resell Qi Hua again,

Therefore, his fiery heart slowly settled down, and he could only sigh in desperation like the people in the auction house.

"Tch, there is not a single good item in the entire auction..."

Le Tian on the side pursed his lips in dissatisfaction, with a look of disinterest, Feng Hao couldn't help but slander,

But speaking of it, Xuanling Auction House's ten-year auction is actually nothing more than some first-, second- and third-rate forces, or some items from casual cultivators. There are not many things in the eyes of these top forces,

And those who were found from some ancient battlefield, although they were taken away by some top forces and taken back for research, but Lotte, who has the eye of truth, can detect the truth at a glance.

So, after an auction, Letian didn't make a move even once, yelling that he was bored, all because he was watching Fenghao's performance,

To Feng Hao's surprise, he never heard Huangfu Wushuang's bid, and it seemed that, like Lotte, these rare treasures could not attract her attention at all.

"1.1 million source stones."

A voice of gnashing teeth came from the VIP room of Batian Holy Land,

"1.11 million origin stones."

After a while, a voice came from among the distinguished guests of the Xiahou family, refusing to give in at all,

However, from the hesitant tone, everyone could tell that the price of this damaged piece of divine armor is probably around the same price, and there are only these two companies bidding now.

"Okay, the Xiahou family has bid 1.11 million source stones. Is there any higher bid? This is the armor of the gods. There are not many opportunities, only one."

The old auctioneer was yelling hard on the auction stage, his face flushed with excitement made people worry that he might have brain congestion,

Therefore, auctions are not something that everyone can do in this industry. At least you must have a strong psychological endurance.

"1.12 million source stones..."

"1.2 million source stones."

After Batian Holy Land bid again, there was a mocking voice on the scene, directly adding 80,000 Origin Stones,

The bidder turned out to be Jiang Feng,

From the beginning to the end, he only opened his mouth when he was arguing with Batian Holy Land during the Qihua auction, but at this time, as soon as he opened his mouth, everyone knew that Batian Holy Land was about to vomit blood again.

This Promise God Armor can increase defense power, if it is given to Jiang Feng, wouldn't it make him even more powerful,

"Forget it, this is far beyond the value of the armor."

A voice came from the VIP room of the Xiahou family, announcing that they would not bid for the auction.

"Jiang Feng, don't talk nonsense, can you get more than one million origin stones?"

An angry voice came from among the VIPs of Batian Holy Land, echoing in the auction hall,

This time, because of Jiang Feng's existence, Batian Holy Land lost too much, at least hundreds of thousands of source stones, plus a few pieces of divine source,

This made Batian Shengzi and others vomit blood in anger, but at this time they had to swallow their anger,

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