Martial Inverse

Chapter 1546 Said it wasn't you

Chapter 1546 Still Said It Wasn't You

"You don't care about me, I won't be able to give you the origin stone, and it won't be your Batian Holy Land's turn to pursue it... Could it be that your Batian Holy Land even wants to control the Xuanling Auction House?"

Jiang Feng didn't even turn his head, and said in a faint voice, and mentioned the name of Xuanling Auction House, which silenced the voices among the VIPs of Batian Holy Land.

Everyone knows that the backstage of Xuanling Auction House are those two supreme giants,

Although, the two giants did not come to take charge in person, but who dare not give them face,,

Although the Batian Holy Land dominates the Eastern Territory, if compared with those two giants, there is a huge difference. There is no comparison between the two sides.

You must know that in the period of ancient mythology, after entering the Xuandao Valley, the Evil Immortal Supreme finally left Penglai silently. This has already explained everything.


The somewhat fat old man frowned deeply, and looked at Batian Shengzi,

"The Promise Armor cannot fall into Jiang Feng's hands."

Batian Shengzi clenched his fists, his eyes were bloodshot, he turned his head to the side, and asked the thin old man beside him, "Have you notified the Holy Master?"


The thin old man nodded, with a stern light flashing in his eyes, he said, "The Holy Master has already arrived in person, and Jiang Feng will definitely be unable to leave Dongding City when the time comes."

"it is good."

Batian Shengzi breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said to the blessed old man beside him, "Continue to increase the price, if it is not enough, I still have 200,000 Origin Stones."


The fat old man slightly wiped the sweat from his forehead, opened his mouth and shouted, "1.21 million Origin Stones..."

"1.3 million source stones."

Jiang Feng called out very easily, and added another 90,000 Origin Stones in one breath, causing a gasp to resound in the scene.

This is too ruthless, it is equivalent to directly adding two pieces of divine origin, even if it is a holy land, it still hurts,

"1.31 million origin stones."

Under the signal of Batian Shengzi,

The fat old man added 10,000 Origin Stones again with a trembling mouth,

"Hey, since you Batian Holy Land want it so much, I'll give it to you."

The corner of Jiang Feng's mouth curled into a strange arc, and he added angrily, "Actually, I only have hundreds of thousands of origin stones on me, alas, it's a pity, wouldn't it be better for me to offend Xuanling Auction House?" ..."

The whole audience looked at him in astonishment. In the VIP room of Batian Holy Land, Batian Shengzi and others almost vomited blood, their faces were flushed with suffocation.

To put it bluntly, they still didn't dare to gamble, because if Jiang Feng got the Promise Armor, it would be much more troublesome to deal with it.

"Congratulations to Batian Holy Land for the Promise God Armor that was auctioned for 1.31 million source stones."

The old auctioneer was also very fast, as if he was afraid that Batian Holy Land would go back on his word. After calling three times, he rang the timune bell.

"There are a total of 1,623 items in this auction. The auction has been completed here, and none of them have been unsold. I would like to thank you all. See you in the next ten years."


The once-in-ten-year Xuanling Auction came to an end. During this period, many exciting treasures of heaven and earth appeared, especially the competition between Jiang Feng and Batian Holy Land, which made people talk a lot after tea. question,

The Batian Holy Land lost all its people this time, and its prestige suffered a serious blow. If Jiang Feng is safe, it will be extremely difficult to establish this kind of prestige again.

"I want to see you in charge."

After exchanging ten yuan for a Qi flower, Jiang Feng said to the better-looking maid,


The maid hesitated a little.

"This is a thousand source stones. I just need you to tell the steward that Jiang Feng wants to see him and discuss something."

Flipping through his hands, Jiang Feng took out a ring, stuffed it into the hand of the maid for no reason, and said quite sincerely,

He knew very well that one qi flower, or even three qi flowers together, could not make him survive the catastrophe, and the effect of this qi flower was only to prolong his lifespan.

If he can't break through, once the big shots from Batian Holy Land arrive, he can deal with a few more by himself.

This is a kind of unspeakable sorrow, but for the sake of his dead relatives, he has to fight, even if the opponent is an unshakable colossus, he still wants to fight with the power of ants, even if he dies,

The scene of the past reappeared vividly. More than a dozen elders of the Jiang family blew themselves up to open a way out for him. In the whole family, he was the only one who escaped alive.

Invisibly, he tightened his fists, closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the hatred inside became flat,

For more than 7,000 years, he has been forbearance, and has been striving for a breakthrough. It was not long ago that he touched the slightest opportunity, but unfortunately, his vitality was exhausted...

"I can't accept the origin stone, but I can report it for you."

The maid looked at the old man with a vicissitudes of life in some panic, perhaps out of sympathy, she agreed, put the ring on the table, and then closed the door and walked out.


Jiang Feng let out a long breath, he seemed a little tired, his complexion was quite pale, like a white paper, leaning against the back of the chair, his breathing also seemed to be nothing,

"If you can get a Qi fruit, the chances of surviving the catastrophe will be even greater..."


"These are the items that you auctioned off as a guest, and inside this ring are the auction proceeds from your three qi flowers. However, 1% of the auction fee was deducted..."

The old man in charge of Xuanling Auction House put the two rings in Feng Hao's hands with a smile on his face.

This time, relying on the appeal of the three qi flowers, many people of the older generation were summoned. During the auction, these people of the older generation naturally also bought a lot of items, making the whole audience happy. The value of all the items in the auction has increased a lot, which naturally makes the old man in charge happy, and he really wants Feng Hao to leave another qi flower to attract more popularity for the auction in the next ten years.

"Thanks steward."

Feng Hao didn't go to check it carefully, but just glanced at it slightly, and saw that there were twenty-nine Shenyuan placed in one of the rings, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became stronger immediately,

With these twenty-nine divine sources, not to mention being used against the enemy, fleeing for one's life is absolutely enough.

"It's not you, hehe..."

On the side, the voice of Le Tian who forcibly came with Feng Hao made the smile on the corner of Feng Hao's mouth stiffen,

This guy has fallen in love with him since the first time we met, and he can't get rid of him all the time, which makes Feng Hao very helpless,

After discussing a few words, the door was knocked, and the rather pretty maid came in,

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