Martial Inverse

Chapter 1557 Open the box

Chapter 1557 Open the Box

The fire is raging, there is no night in this area, within a radius of several thousand miles, there is no grass growing, and the ground is somewhat dark. If ordinary people step into this land, they will definitely be burned.

But at this time, there were two figures gliding one after the other in the sea of ​​flames, rushing towards the depths at an extremely fast speed,

The pursuit along the way, in fact, also attracted the attention of some people. After all, the whereabouts of the powerhouse of Batian Holy Land made many people have to doubt,

Therefore, at this time, many people came from outside the Skyfire Territory to watch what was going on in the Skyfire Territory. However, the flames that stretched across the sky blocked their sight.

"The ignorant are fearless, not even afraid of the Heavenly Fire Domain, they really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth."

The ordinary old man let out a gloomy voice, and the protective cover around him was squeezed by the flames and shrank a lot.

Obviously, in this fire domain, his pressure is not small,

At this time, in the rear, there were also a few powerhouses who dominated the Holy Land and rushed in, divided into several directions, rounded up Feng Hao, and did not give Feng Hao any chance to retreat.

The front is the core area, the gods and the emperor can't get in, if they force their way in, there will be no good end, so, unless Feng Hao is looking for a dead end, otherwise, he will definitely find a way to escape,

Feng Hao's complexion was also quite heavy, his whole body was roasted red by the sky fire, as if it were steel close to boiling point, green smoke was rising from his body, and the hot air he exhaled was flames,

In front of him, there was endless flames, scorching the Great Emperor with scorching heat, and the ground was scorched, with dry cracks everywhere, radiating heat that distorted the sight, extremely scalding,

Here, the color of the flames in front of him has changed, from the original crimson red to faintly revealing some sky blue light. Even with the magic self-defense, Feng Hao felt that his body could no longer bear it. Burned out by the sky fire, every inch of muscle, every cell groaned under the baking of the sky fire,

Here, it is already close to the inner circle of the Heavenly Fire Realm. If you go deeper, even the Great Sage Realm can't resist the special flames inside.

"Boy, you can't go any further."

Fen Lao's voice resounded in his mind, which made Feng Hao's speed slow down.

"Enter the inner zone, even I can't keep you."

hear this,

Feng Hao frowned involuntarily,

After Fen Lao's explanation, he also understands that Fen Lao seems to be quite weak against this kind of sky fire. If it is deeper than that, he may not be able to compare with the ordinary-looking old man who is chasing after him.

"Have you finally given up?"

The ordinary old man who caught up and the strong men who dominated the Holy Land were all happy, but because they knew Feng Hao's tricks, they didn't dare to be careless, but surrounded them from all directions,

"Follow me obediently, and you may be allowed to join my Batian Holy Land. With your talent, you can still make some achievements."

The ordinary-looking old man did not stop talking, but left a glimmer of life for Feng Hao,

He didn't know why Batian Shengzi gave this order, but Batian Shengzi said that he needed a living person, so he absolutely couldn't kill him.

If he wants to kill Feng Hao, he has too many opportunities, but unfortunately, he dare not disobey the request of Batian Shengzi, so he has been letting Feng Hao escape from several desperate situations,


Feng Hao breathed out, glanced around, but did not see anyone coming, the expression in his eyes suddenly turned cold, and when he flipped his hand, a strange small black box appeared on his palm, with obvious lines on it. There is an indescribable sense of mystery, and even if it is in the area close to the inner circle of the sky fire domain, the box will not be affected in any way, there is no trace of being burned, it is still as usual,

"Boy, I advise you not to play tricks. The outside is already full of people from my Batian Holy Land. If you are acquainted, just follow us."

Surrounded by a middle-aged man from the side, he scolded in a cold voice, and his eyes fell on the box in Feng Hao's hand,

"Where is Batian Shengzi, what he wants is in this box."

Feng Hao ignored him, but directly asked the ordinary-looking old man,

"The Holy Son is retreating in the Holy Land to reach a higher level, just hand over the box to me."

The ordinary-looking old man locked his eyes on him, watching his every movement, faintly gathering momentum, ready to strike at any time,

"Retreat in the Holy Land."

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth curled into a strange arc,

Perhaps it was because of Jiang Feng that he dared not go out, so he sent these people to chase after him.

Indeed, even if Batian Shengzi has no talent, how can he compare with Jiang Feng, an old monster who has lived for more than 10,000 years?

Therefore, he is huddled in Batian Holy Land, and may not dare to go out for a short time,

After thinking about this, Feng Hao also understood in his heart that if he wanted to lure Batian Shengzi out, it might be impossible, so he said, "Well then, I will open the box and give you the things."

"Boy, you'd better be honest, or your flesh and blood will be unavoidable."

The middle-aged man on the side yelled, and the eyes of several people were locked on the box in his hand, as if they were looking forward to what the Batian Shengzi would like,

"Yan Jue."

With a thought in his mind, Feng Hao began to operate the Yan Jue crazily. In his body, the virtual martial vortex was surging, undulating like a vast sea. When the waves hit the nine heavens, his eyes also turned a light gray, full of indifference. , a breath as heavy as a mountain and as vast as a sea spread out from his body,

"open. "

Suddenly, Feng Hao grasped the small black box with a pair of pale gray hands, and lifted it hard...


Suddenly, an aura that made the heart of the ordinary-looking old man tremble overflowed from the gap opened by that peculiar black box. Their hearts also rose, and they took a step back uncontrollably, as if they were being stared at by something terrifying.


Feng Hao exerted all his strength, and mobilized all the energy in his body, all concentrated on his hands, the light gray light flourished, even some light blue flames around him were isolated, and the lid of the small black box, He was also opened up almost half of the distance in one go, and suddenly, a large area of ​​pitch-black liquid-like energy rolled out...


With a soft sound, it seemed that something jumped out of Feng Hao's collar, landed on the ground, and merged into the pitch-black liquid-like energy.

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