Martial Inverse

Chapter 1558: Giant Beast

Chapter 1558 Giant Beast

The small black box was only about the size of a palm, but at this moment, Feng Hao opened it up to half the distance, and the black flesh inside it suddenly gushed out.

However, the strange thing is that these pitch-black, liquid-like energies did not dissipate. On the contrary, they faintly condensed into something,

"What the hell is this?"

After the ordinary-looking old man and the powerhouses surrounding the Heavenly Holy Land saw this pitch-black object, they couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis as the hairs exploded, and there was a look of surprise and uncertainty in their eyes. look,

"What the hell, explode it for me."

The strong middle-aged man who scolded Feng Hao earlier couldn't suppress the uneasiness in his heart at first, he shot directly, squeezed out a divine seal of Haoran, and blasted towards the black object that made him feel palpitations,


Contrary to everyone's expectations, when the divine seal hit the liquid-like object, there was a clanging sound like metal.


A huge force suddenly burst out from the mass of black objects, directly impacted on the middle-aged man's chest, and sent it flying away. There was a sound of broken bones, his chest collapsed, and he took a bite. The blood spurted out immediately and fell in the distance, the energy was already extremely weak, the fire rolled in, and there was only a shrill scream, and his whole body was burned to ashes by some light blue flames, what? not left,

"Back quickly."

The ordinary-looking old man felt an unusual aura, his complexion changed, and he retreated quickly, as did the other strong men from Batian Holy Land.

But relying on a force of power, he killed this figure who was clearly in the realm of the Three Tribulations Great Sage, which made the ordinary-looking old man feel a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

He couldn't figure out what was in this palm-sized box that could make himself, who was about to break through the peak of the Great Sage, feel a strong threat.

Up to now, he naturally does not think that this thing is what Batian Shengzi needs. It is very likely that this person is using it to deal with himself and others.

But at this time, the energy overflowing from the small black box gradually condensed into shape...


It has dragon horns and is extremely ferocious. It looks like it has an aura that is not angry but majestic.

The body of the tiger is strong and powerful, tens of meters long, and extremely huge. Standing in the middle of the fire, an invisible power burst out, sweeping in all directions, and the surrounding flames were rippling away like waves , the old man with an ordinary appearance and the powerhouses who dominated the Holy Land couldn't help but retreat again, separated by a distance of more than a thousand meters, looking at this giant with extreme fear,

The four legs are like a unicorn, full of explosive power. It seems that if you lift your feet at will, you can smash the ground and the sky, giving people a devastating visual impact.

Its body is also covered with mysterious lines, like a basalt array, shining with fluorescent light, it doesn't look messy, but it looks like it is wearing a divine armor, which is unbreakable.

On his back, a pair of wings like a fire phoenix spread out, extremely dazzling, making him look even more majestic, if he is the real overlord of beasts, a god among overlords,

"Chi Chi,..."

Suddenly, a pair of eyes that were darker than the darkness suddenly lit up, shooting out two real rays of light, directly stabbing at the two strong men who dominated the Holy Land, they hurriedly resisted, and each sacrificed their own weapons , However, these two gods were so powerful that they even pierced the weapons in their hands, pierced their chests, and shattered their hearts directly.

Seeing the blood spurting wounds, they opened their mouths, but they didn't say anything, the look in their eyes quickly dimmed, and then, their bodies were quickly burned by the sky fire, leaving nothing.


The giant beast raised its head, and let out a roar that resembled the roar of a dragon and roared like a tiger, shaking the surrounding fields and sweeping across the wilderness. There was a hint of disdain in those dark eyes, as if announcing its return forcefully.

Even, Feng Hao could hear that the roar seemed to be filled with a strange sense of excitement, as if he had broken free from the shackles and gained freedom and new life.

However, he didn't have the experience to observe these things carefully at this time, because he put all his energy on the small black box, the blood vessels on his arms were entangled like dragons, and every muscle in him was violently tense. Swelled, sweat oozed from the brow,

This is not because of the surrounding temperature, but because, he wants to keep the box open,

"What kind of monster is this?"

One of the powerhouses of the Holy Land Overlord asked in a startled voice, his voice was full of trills, his eyes were full of panic,

The love of such a giant beast is beyond their expectations. It seems that they have never heard of it at all, but just because of seeing those eyes, it makes him weak and wants to surrender under this kind of power.

This seems to be a kind of power from the superior. The contempt and indifference in those eyes made him feel that he was like a tiny ant in front of this giant beast, and he had no strength to resist at all.

Of course, he wasn't the only one who felt this way, and so did the other powerhouses in the Holy Land. In their flustered eyes, there was even a hint of despair,

The two eyes, even if they killed a strong man who was similar to them, they would also be unable to resist,


Seeing this scene, the ordinary-looking old man made a decisive decision, his figure turned into a swift one, and he fled towards the outside world. In his eyes, there was also a look of extreme fear.

At this time, he had forgotten his purpose and mission, and just wanted to report the news to the Holy Land,

From this giant beast that appeared inexplicably, he felt a trembling aura, as if he was meeting the Batian Holy Lord, which made him unable to resist, and broke out in cold sweat.

Seeing his actions, the other powerhouses who dominated the Holy Land did not hesitate at all, and they all fled desperately, not daring to turn their heads.

However, none of them noticed that when they turned around and fled, a humanized mockery flashed in the eyes of that giant beast. I can't take it anymore at this moment, it's about to collapse,

"Boom boom boom..."

Without any hesitation, the giant beast kicked a few times in an instant. In the distance, the few powerhouses who were still fleeing, including the ordinary-looking old man, exploded in response, died unexpectedly, and were burned by the sky fire. remain,

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