Martial Inverse

Chapter 1702: The Change of Penglai

Chapter 1702 The Change of Penglai Seeing that everyone turned their attention to him, Xie Yandong said, "Since we have enough for eight people, there is no need for Lang to waste everyone's time hunting for spirit cores."

After a pause, he continued, "Now there are two options. First, choose eight people to retreat, and the remaining three to hunt for spiritual cores. () But I think this may not be accepted by everyone, so, There is only the second option left... We will retreat together, and we will come out at the race ranking competition nine years later. I think that at that time, all attention should be attracted by the race ranking competition. At that time, We can take the opportunity to clear the restricted area. What do you think?"

Hearing his words, everyone undoubtedly favored the second option.

Because no one will abandon their companions, even the careless Long Yueguan.

"Brother Sun Jing, do you think the second option is optional?"

After pondering for a while, Feng Hao set his sights on Gongsun Jing again.


Gongsun Jing shook his head slightly, and said slowly, "In principle, if there is no similar incident for nine years, most races will lose interest in it, because the spiritual cores in the three restricted areas are enough for many people. They will suspect that we no longer need to clean up the restricted area, but!...Maybe, the Wuling clan and the Mangyan clan will not give up, because they are very likely to know the situation on our side, so even if it is nine Years later, there is still a chance of accidents. (Update the latest chapter of I want to seal the sky as soon as possible)”

He narrated his analysis in detail, causing the hearts of everyone who had some hopes to sink down again.

"Damn it, those two gangs of bastards, when Grandpa Long and I become invincible, I will be the first to steal their lair!"

Long Yueguan scolded unhappily, very angry about this.

Since there will be an accident, even if Feng Hao is willing to take the risk, they will stop it. After all, compared with the safety of Feng Hao and Xiao Qingmeng, spending more time is insignificant.

The same is true for Feng Hao, he doesn't want to let Xiao Qingmeng have any accidents, so there is only one path in front of them to choose.

"I still recommend that you retreat first. After all, there are still plenty of spiritual cores. Even if you retreat for nine years, there should still be some leftover spiritual cores."

When Feng Hao was about to say something, Gongsun Jing spoke, his eyes stopped on Feng Hao for a while, and then he said, "I think this time the race ranking competition in nine years' time will be more important than ever. If we wait another hundred years, many things will be different..."

He naturally knew what Feng Hao was thinking. There is no doubt that Feng Hao wants to give the opportunity to others, and he himself will definitely choose to hunt tower spirits instead of retreating.

Because, Feng Hao's first consideration must be the safety of everyone, and the safety factor for him to hunt and kill Ta Ling is naturally much higher. (I want Fengtian Novel Network to update as soon as possible)

However, Gongsun Jing's words directly expressed Feng Hao's heartfelt feelings.

He knows that Feng Hao is not a person who values ​​fame and fortune, but the current situation is really similar to the early days of the ancient and prosperous age. If a prosperous age is coming, they don't have time to wait for another hundred years!


Feng Hao was very puzzled by his words, he knew very little about some allusions. However, since the words came from Gongsun Jing, he naturally would not doubt its authenticity.

There is no doubt that Gongsun Jing must have calculated something.

"Nine years..."

Thinking of this short time limit, Feng Hao had a headache.

It took him fifteen years to go from the sixth floor to the seventh floor. If he wanted to get out of the seventh floor, it would undoubtedly take more than fifteen years!

In nine years, he has not reached the peak of the holy rank, what can he do?

He felt that he didn't know what he could do, facing those old antiques,

A big man who has reached the extreme of the holy rank, even if he is extremely talented, will definitely not be their opponent in the case of a far different realm.

"Brother Sun Jing is right!"

Xie Yandong was the first to express his opinion, and after that, everyone expressed their opinion one by one.

They are too aware of Feng Hao's character, so they don't leave any room for Feng Hao!

"Then, retreat!"

Seeing that Qiong Ling'er, Yan Qing, and even Xiao Qingmeng expressed their views, Feng Hao could only obey.

Since they chose to retreat, everyone didn't want to waste any more time. After tidying up, they made up one share for Feng Hao, and then distributed the remaining spirit cores to everyone equally, and everyone entered the city together. Inside the tower-shaped building in the middle.

Their retreat, this is a pain for those spies on the seventh floor who are waiting outside the restricted area, they dare not blink their eyes every day and night, just persisting day after day...

However, the news of Feng Hao and his group's retreat quickly spread back to the Mangyan clan.

"Continue to guard the restricted area. Every gate and tower-shaped building in the Ninth City cannot relax the surveillance. Once there is any news about any of them, please notify me immediately..."

This was an order from the young man. After the order was given, the spies of the Mangyan clan had no choice but to obey. They knew that if the lord did not cancel this order, they would not be able to move their positions even if they waited in place until they died.

Otherwise, it's not just them who are unlucky, but also the family power behind them, which is very likely to be wiped out in the lord's anger.


Time passes quickly, especially during cultivation, you can't feel the passage of time at all, it just slips away so quickly...

Five years later, a bright glow erupted in a restricted area of ​​Penglai World. That area, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, was shrouded in the glow. From the perspective of people in the distance, that area was shrouded in the glow. The area is like the legendary... Wonderland!


Moreover, the glow has not dissipated, and has always existed, covering tens of thousands of miles around.

Naturally, there will be people who can't stand loneliness, and there are not a few people who dare to take risks. Everyone knows that if you want to get great opportunities, you have to go through dangers.

Therefore, on that day, thousands of people poured into this Xiaguang area...

In the midst of the glow, nothing terrible happened. Even an ordinary person could walk back and forth on the edge of the glow area without being harmed.

This made many people bold, and even many first- and second-rate forces in the Penglai world gathered all their forces to enter it, vowing to get the fetish in it!

However, as long as people entered the depths of it, they never came out again.

Heavy recommendation [I eat tomatoes (tomatoes) new book]

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