Martial Inverse

Chapter 1703: Domain of Longevity

Chapter 1703 The change of Penglai's restricted area in the realm of longevity cannot be concealed. Soon, it spread throughout the entire Penglai world. Many top forces even heard the news and sent strong people to enter the area shrouded in the sun. in the area. ()

However, as long as they entered the depths of the Xiaguang area, no news would come out. Some first-class forces gathered all their forces to enter it, and no one was out of it.

So far, no less than ten first-rate forces have entered it, dozens of second-rate forces, and the number of people entering the Xiaguang area has already exceeded 100,000!

However, it was like a monster opening its mouth wide. As much as it entered, it was swallowed up. No matter how high or low its level was, it couldn't come out and send any news.

Even those strong men sent by the top forces are not excluded.

No one knew whether they were dead or alive, because of these weird events, many hot-headed people stopped their crazy actions, and gradually chose to look around, hoping to find some clues.

At this time, even more shocking news came out!

There is an old antique of a first-class force, who had only a few days to live, but after he entered this Xiaguang area, strange things happened!

He discovered that his exhausted vitality was slowly growing!

What does this mean? !

This shows that as long as you are under the shroud of this ray of light, you can live forever, live forever, and achieve real eternal life, which even the Supreme Being cannot achieve!

When the news first came out, not many people believed it, but it attracted a large number of old antiques to the Xiaguang area!

The result is jaw-dropping, and even dying people, after entering this glow area for a period of time, will be alive and well, as if they have regained their youth. (I want Fengtian Novel Network to update as soon as possible)

However, once they walked out of the Xiaguang area, they could still feel the passing of vitality, but the speed of this passing was not faster than before, but it was normal!

In other words, as long as you are in the Xiaguang area, you can increase your life expectancy!

How crazy is this news? It couldn't be blocked at all, but within a day, it spread throughout the entire Penglai world like a storm!

And this Xiaguang area has a name because of it... the domain of longevity!

That's right, being able to live forever, and being able to increase one's lifespan, is what everyone is pursuing all their life, but now it can be achieved as long as they enter the Xiaguang area.

No one could resist this shocking temptation. Even the top forces couldn't sit still after confirming the news. A large number of strong men and spies rushed to the domain of longevity. For a while, this area was overcrowded. (Update the latest chapter of I want to seal the sky as soon as possible)

Where there are people, there will be conflicts, and bloodshed happens every day in the domain of longevity. Outside this area, there are already many bones, and the land inside is also dyed dark red.

The so-called domain of longevity is not a paradise. Relatively speaking, apart from allowing people to live forever, it is more like a hell!

However, no one can give up, especially those old antiques who are dying. They don't have many years to live, so they are naturally crazier, and even most of them have entered the depths of the realm of longevity, seeking the mystery of longevity.

Obviously, just standing in the area shrouded by this ray of light can prolong the lifespan of a person, so within this ray of light, there must be a secret of longevity!

Anyone who is not an idiot can think of this.

Therefore, starting from this year, the situation in Penglai has become violent. No one can control it anymore. Even the top forces have lost their restraint. There are no rules and chaos...

In the second year, the top forces in the Penglai world seemed to have reached some kind of agreement, agreeing to jointly develop this so-called domain of longevity.

No one doubts that the mystery of longevity is hidden in this area,

However, no one thinks that they can monopolize this area, not even the top forces!

Even so, the first-rate, second-rate, and third-rate forces were unwilling to give up, and finally reached an agreement, occupying a large area.

In this regard, even the top forces can only choose to compromise. After all, they cannot beat all the forces to death with a single stick, and they do not have that strength either!

Adding up all the first and second-rate forces, it is also a terrifying force, enough to destroy everything. Even destroy top forces!

In this year, although the agreement was being reached, the situation in the Domain of Longevity was still chaotic. Countless strong men poured into the depths of the Domain of Longevity, and they were all swallowed up inexplicably. Any news that spreads out is like disappearing from this world.

This made all the forces have to be cautious, and only some casual cultivators, or people below the third-rate forces would impulsively take risks.

The top forces, the first- and second-rate forces, are all organized to enter the depths of the domain of longevity, praying to see some clues in this area.

They succeeded, but the news is grim!

Because, the depths of Xiaguang is exactly the restricted area at the beginning, as long as people enter this restricted area, they will disappear inexplicably and completely lose contact.

Even if two people are holding hands, as long as the first one steps into the restricted area, they will be pulled away by an inexplicable suction force, which cannot be stopped at all.

After the news came out, it was the third year, and the domain of longevity gradually calmed down. The incidents of conflicts were very small, and the chaotic situation was basically brought under control.

However, at the beginning of the third year, hard work paid off, and a person escaped from the restricted area!

This person was a casual cultivator, and he was already close to the peak of the holy rank. Unfortunately, he died after only saying two words.


No one knows what the specific relics are, only some of the oldest forces know some inside information. However, outsiders do not know.

However, after this person successfully walked out, the ambitions of the various forces were rekindled!

Undoubtedly, this casual cultivator was not the one with the highest level of cultivation in it, but he was able to escape, which meant that there was still a way out of the restricted area, but it was not discovered.

Moreover, those who entered it did not mean that all of them died!

As a result, the upsurge surged again in this restless realm of longevity.


At this moment, it is also Feng Hao's eighth year of retreat in the Pagoda of Hundred Clans.


A crisp sound resounded through, directly waking Feng Hao up.

Heavy recommendation [I eat tomatoes (tomatoes) new book]

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