Martial Inverse

Chapter 1706 Pretentious end

Chapter 1706 Pretentious end In this world, there has never been a shortage of those pretentious people, besides, they are still the children of wealthy families who can enter the third floor of the Spring Breeze Pavilion to enjoy. ()

After seeing that Chunchun actually lowered his posture to talk to Feng Hao and Le Tian, ​​on the third floor, some young men who looked rather young couldn't stand upright. Looking at Feng Hao and Le Tian, ​​their eyes spit Burning with jealousy.

As a result, several people approached Feng Hao and Le Tian's table from various places.

For these, Feng Hao naturally saw in his eyes, but he pretended not to see it, and sat lazily on the chair.

"Xiaochun, brother, I'm really sad. You little heartless person actually put my name behind him. Tell me, did he give you some kind of soup?"

Letian complained to Chunchun with a resentful face, intending to fight Feng Haoda.

"Young Master Le Tian, ​​this is not what I mean."

Chunchun's pretty face didn't change much, on the contrary, she seemed to have expected that Le Tian would say that, so, still with a smile like a spring breeze on her face, she calmly replied, "If Mr. Le Tian is willing If so, next time, the slave family will call you son first."

"Vulgar, rude, is this your attitude towards beautiful women?!"

A rather handsome man came to Chunchun with an expression of indignation, and glared at Le Tian, ​​intending to seek justice for Chunchun. (I want Fengtian Novel Network to update as soon as possible)

"Hurry up and apologize to Miss Chun, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Another man with a ferocious aura surged from his body, but his words were much more impulsive, a little aggressive, and the ferocious aura permeated the entire third floor.

And the men who had followed up together, when they saw the two of them standing up, also retreated awkwardly, with a look of awe in their eyes.

Of course, as far as their age is concerned, more, they are in awe of the power behind these two people!

Regarding this, Feng Hao didn't say anything, but, looking at the somewhat sluggish Le Tian in front of him, there was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

The younger generation is fearless!

These two people were obviously only in their twenties and thirties, and their realm was only at the peak of mortal saints. They held on to the power behind them and acted boldly, thinking that no one in this ancient city of hundreds of clans would dare to offend them.

Moreover, because of their age, they naturally couldn't know what kind of energy the two protagonists who appeared in Dongding City had, and they didn't even know what happened in Dongding City. ()

"A child of a first-rate power?"

Listening to some discussions around, Feng Hao knew the identities of the two of them.

In the Hundred Clans Ancient City, it is naturally impossible for all of them to be from the Hundred Clans Continent, and there are quite a few people from the Penglai world. At this time, in the Hundred Clans Ancient City, there are two first-class forces. They are the younger generations of these two first-class forces.

It wasn't until this time that Feng Hao squeezed the space between his eyebrows.

Although he was able to stay young because of his realm, his real age was not too low. To him, these two people could also be called juniors.

"They're done!"

Those who knew the identities of Feng Hao and Le Tian mourned silently for these two young men, and even showed expressions of sympathy.

Although they don't understand why these two powerful figures appear here, they know that the energy behind these two people can easily overwhelm the two first-class forces!

Needless to say, Le Tian was notorious for his strange temper at the beginning, even the most favored sons of the top forces avoided him like a snake and scorpion, and did not dare to provoke him. And the latter, Hao Fen, was even more serious. He directly provoked Batian Holy Land, and together with a half-step emperor destroyed the gate of Batian Holy Land, and killed the previous Holy Lord of Batian Holy Land, it shocked the world at that time. However, what is puzzling is that he has lost track and never appeared again.

no one could have imagined,

He would appear again.

However, after thinking about the uproarious incidents recently reported, they suddenly seemed to know the reason why these two people appeared here.

"Did you two make a mistake?!"

When Chunchun wanted to stop the two of them, Le Tian stood up indignantly, with a sharp voice, pointing at Feng Hao and shouting, "Obviously this kid took advantage of Spring Sister, and even crossed with Spring Sister After a ** night, you actually bothered me, are you sick?!"

His words made Feng Hao, who was originally sitting on a chair planning to watch a good show, stagnate involuntarily, and then, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

This is really a guy who does not play cards according to common sense. It is quite weird that he is not angry when he is so provoked.

In the eyes of these two young men, Le Tian's words were undoubtedly showing weakness to them, and immediately, his arrogance rose a little bit, which was quite domineering.

"You bastard, you dare to insult Miss Chun, you deserve to be killed!"

The young man who was full of ferocious aura couldn't bear it anymore, his aura soared, and he directly shot at Feng Hao with awe-inspiring killing intent.


A soft but icy voice suddenly sounded, making the two young men feel as if they were greatly threatened in an instant. woman.

The one who made the move was naturally spring. At this moment, her pretty face, which was originally like a spring breeze, was covered with frost only in winter, which made people feel cold hands and feet. The temperature on the third floor seemed to drop to freezing point rapidly because of this, making people feel cold. The two young men couldn't help but tremble.

It wasn't until now that they woke up from the beauty of Chunchun, and realized that Chunchun's own identity was not something that they could compare to.

Perhaps, the power behind them in the ancient city of hundreds of clans can be regarded as the overlord of this ancient city, but compared with the power of Chunfeng Pavilion that spreads all over the Penglai world, it is a bit insignificant.

"The two of you should know the rules of our Chunfeng Pavilion. In the Chunfeng Pavilion, it is forbidden to hurt people!"

Spring still looked at the two of them with cold eyes, as before, and said words that made them both even more chilled, "I'm sorry, because your actions have offended my two distinguished guests in the Spring Wind Pavilion, you, As well as the forces behind you, the qualifications to enter the Spring Wind Pavilion will be cancelled, please leave the Spring Wind Pavilion immediately, otherwise, the Spring Wind Pavilion will treat the two of you as thugs!"

Although she kept using honorifics and her words seemed to be polite, in fact, she sent the two of them into the cold hell, and the handsome man even collapsed to the ground.

Heavy recommendation [I eat tomatoes (tomatoes) new book]

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