Martial Inverse

Chapter 1707 The Husband Sings and the Wife Follows

Chapter 1707 The husband and wife looked at the two people who were sitting there slumped on the ground, and the other was standing there with a dead face. On the third floor, some showed gloating looks, some took it for granted, and more felt that they should leave here, to gain greater benefits. (I want Fengtian Novel Network to update as soon as possible)

There is no doubt that once these two major forces are disqualified from entering the Spring Wind Pavilion, they will be suppressed or even destroyed.

This world is like this, many people are willing to do the thing of beating a dog in the water. Moreover, they also believe that once these two major forces know who these two pretentious guys offended, they will directly evacuate the ancient city of hundreds of clans, hide somewhere to live in seclusion, and will not appear again for thousands of years .

Afterwards, the people inside Chunfeng Pavilion appeared. Although the two veiled women looked petite, no one dared to underestimate them.

"Two, please!"

These two veiled women stood beside the two of them like death gods who had just stepped out of hell, and the words in their mouths were cold and irresistible.

Feng Hao felt that although the two women were trying their best to restrain the murderous aura in their bodies, there was still a trace of it overflowing.

This made his eyes sink involuntarily, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

He felt more and more that the Spring Breeze Pavilion was unfathomable, and even, because of the presence of these two veiled women, he felt cold all over. (Update the latest chapter of I want to seal the sky as soon as possible)

After learning that the Spring Wind Pavilion is spread all over the Penglai world, he has already become aware of the horror of this force.

There is no doubt that, among other things, every move of the entire Penglai world is under the supervision of this force. Under such circumstances, if Chunfeng Pavilion wants to do something, there is no doubt that it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!

From the performance of these two women, Feng Hao can sense that this force is not as kind as it appears on the surface, and it is impossible for a kind person to train a female guard with such a shocking murderous intent!

Judging from Feng Hao's experience, if he wants to obtain such a strong killing intent, he must kill at least a thousand people, and he must kill them individually!

What is it that makes Chunfeng Pavilion cruel to let these women do this kind of thing, Feng Hao is still unclear, but under this mask of compromise, Chunfeng Pavilion must still hide a huge ulterior ambition!

Originally, he didn't want to fall into the quagmire of Chunfeng Pavilion, and always wanted to stay away, but outside Dongding City, he couldn't forget what Chunchun did.

At that time, everyone chose to ignore it, only Chunchun stood up, and, for his own sake, he was willing to sacrifice!

It would be a lie to say that he is not moved. After all, Feng Hao's heart is not made of stone. Although this move may not be affection, but after realizing what kind of place Chunfeng Pavilion is, Feng Hao feels that he must at least make Spring Pull out of this quagmire. (I want Fengtian Novel Network to update as soon as possible)

However, the things involved in this are definitely not simple, and Chunfeng Pavilion will not easily let itself take away the spring. After all, Chunchun is the core figure of Chunfeng Pavilion and has learned too many secrets of Chunfeng Pavilion. It can be said that he has predicted that even if he has the achievement of half-step emperor, Chunfeng Pavilion will not let go!

"and many more!"

Just when the four of them had reached the stairs, Feng Hao spoke, under the surprised gaze of Chunchun, he said slowly, "It's just a trivial matter, forget it."

After his words fell, needles could be heard on the third floor, and all eyes were on him, full of astonishment and awe.

Especially those two young men who were almost sentenced to death, their originally lifeless eyes suddenly burst into light of hope.

After Chunchun glanced at Feng Hao meaningfully, he waved at the two veiled women, and after the two of them retreated, he said to the two young men, "Since Mr. Hao I plead for you, then this matter will be exposed, but, the two young masters,

The next is not an example! "

"Thank you Miss Chun, and thank you Mr. Hao for saving me. As long as someone useful comes to my place in the future, even if you ask, I, Mo Zixuan, will do it no matter what happens!"

The young man Mo Zixuan, who was full of murderous aura, bowed his hands towards Chunchun and Fenghao, and said with a clear voice.

"Me too, me too..."

The handsome young man on the side spoke in a hurry, as if he was afraid that Feng Hao would repent, his eyes were full of panic and fear.

"It's okay, young man, who is not impulsive?" Feng Hao said a little old-fashioned, seeing the expressions of both of them.

Now that he knew that the forces behind these two were the overlords of the ancient city of hundreds of clans, he felt that instead of causing chaos in the ancient city of hundreds of clans, it would be better for these two overlords to be grateful to him.

I believe that after they understand that they have the ability to easily determine their survival, they will do something beneficial to themselves.

"So farewell!"

After Mo Zixuan cupped his hands, he strode downstairs. The man at the side hurriedly followed him, fearing that he would be a step too late. In the end, he accidentally stepped into the air and rolled down, falling quite embarrassingly.

"Tsk tsk, the husband sings and the wife follows!"

Le Tian on the side spoke in a strange voice, but there was no sour taste, only a strong sense of teasing.

Feng Hao could only roll his eyes at this. And Chunchun smiled slightly, returning to the state of spring breeze, and the smile on her pretty face could melt the hearts of all men. It seems that she glanced at Feng Hao shyly, but after seeing that the latter's face did not have too much enthusiasm, an imperceptible sense of loss flashed in the depths of her eyes.

This was just an episode, after that, after Feng Hao had a full meal, under the invitation of Spring, the three of them came to a relatively quiet courtyard.

Among them, Feng Hao's appetite during the meal was an eye-opener for Chunchun, and she was even more puzzled by the way she ate like a starved ghost reincarnated.

She didn't quite understand why Feng Hao was keen on eating meat, but she also guessed something, maybe, it was beneficial to Feng Hao himself, but she couldn't know what it was.

"I haven't seen you for so many years. The only thing that hasn't changed is your appetite. Poor Spring Breeze Pavilion, today it will be zero operations again."

Le Tian spoke to Feng Hao in a teasing tone, within those squinted eyes, there was a fox-like light hidden.

Hitting people only hits the sore spot. In that situation, Feng Hao couldn't control his demand for heat energy at all. He didn't stop until, like last time, he ate up all the storage capacity of Chunfeng Pavilion for a day.

"What's the matter?"

This is the third time Feng Hao has asked each other. When he was on the third floor, he could feel an unusual atmosphere.

"The Realm of Longevity!"

After glancing at Le Tian, ​​Chunchun spoke to Feng Hao.

Heavy recommendation [I eat tomatoes (tomatoes) new book]

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