Martial Inverse

Chapter 1714: Entering the Ruins

Chapter 1714 Entering the ruins "Ah, beauty, you are truly a celestial being, just one look, and you have conquered me deeply. For you, I will go through fire and water and give everything... ah..."

When Fatty Wei was courting a handsome woman who looked like she was in her twenties, Le Tian couldn't bear it anymore and kicked him out. (I want Fengtian Novel Network to update as soon as possible)

"From now on, I don't mind if I hear another word coming out of your mouth, I'll kill you!" Le Tian's eyes flashed with a dangerous light, and the gloomy words spit out from his mouth, and Fatty Wei However, like a frightened little rabbit, he tightened his clothes and looked at him with some fear. However, the peripheral vision in the corner of his eyes was still dishonest, and he kept scanning the women passing by around him.

"Did you even hear that?!"

Letian's voice suddenly increased by eight decibels, causing passers-by to turn their heads one after another, and people looked around, even those old antiques sitting cross-legged on the side of the road opened their eyes, looking at this berserk little boy in surprise .

It can be said that no matter where he goes, Letian's face is easy to attract attention. After all, if such a beautiful face appears on a man, anyone will think it is a mistake!

Fatty Wei woke up with a start, his body trembling a little. Facing Lotte's approach, he kept moving his fat body and backed away.

"You're still pretending to be stupid, aren't you?" Le Tian stopped in front of him, narrowed his eyes, and looked at him dangerously. (I want Fengtian Novel Network to update as soon as possible)

Fatty Wei was about to cry right now, and looked at him bitterly, but he didn't dare to speak, and could only keep looking at him with the eyes of a little rabbit, as if he wanted to be forgiven.


When Le Tian wanted to take extraordinary measures, Feng Hao coughed twice, and after Le Tian looked back at him, he continued, "Brother Le Tian, ​​you seem to have forbidden Brother Wei to speak just now."

Le Tian was taken aback, as if he just remembered. Fatty Wei looked at Feng Hao with a grateful face, bowing continuously, as if he was happy for his escaped death.

He knows Le Tian too well, and in his cognition, there seems to be nothing that Le Tian dare not do!

"Let me hear those disgusting words next time, and let me see your nasty eyes, I will sew your mouth shut and gouge out your eyeballs by the way!"

Le Tian seemed a little ashamed and angry, and kicked Fatty Wei fiercely again as if to vent his hatred. Before leaving, he threatened, "If you don't believe me, you can try it!"

Then, Feng Hao, Le Tian, ​​and Jiang Feng walked in front, and Fatty Wei followed them dejectedly, staring at the ground, listless, as if he lost the motivation to live in an instant. It was exactly the same as the death row prisoner who went to the execution ground. ()

"Brother Le Tian, ​​your friend is really different..." On the way, Feng Hao rubbed his nose and said to Le Tian beside him, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's just a shameless fat man!" Letian snorted angrily, as if he was very disgusted with Fatty Wei, which made Feng Hao puzzled, since he hated him, why did he bring him here again?

So from the surface, although the state of this fat man is not bad, there is nothing unusual about his whole body except for his defense. The energy fluctuation in his body is not even one-tenth of that of Lotte. .

There are countless people like this on the road leading to the depths of the realm of longevity, and they are not considered strong. If they entered alone, it would be a disaster.

"Is it really useless at all?"

Feng Hao naturally didn't believe it, he believed that this fat man was definitely not as worthless as Le Tian said.

Along the way, the four of them were not blocked. On the contrary, because of Jiang Feng and Letian, they also attracted the attention of some people, and many of them looked serious.

After all, more than 70 years ago, Jiang Feng and Feng Hao made a big fuss in Batian Holy Land. This has been circulated in the Penglai world for a long time, especially Jiang Feng is a half-step emperor, which has been widely known.

His arrival, to a certain extent, can change the situation!

It can also be said that if there is no other half-step emperor, the ending of this time is already obvious. However, the dark tide is raging, and no one can be sure of this.

Soon, the four of them came to the depths of the domain of longevity. In front of them, there was a dense fog area, and no one could clearly see the scene inside.

Outside the dense fog area, many people were looking around. At the same time, some people just walked out of the space where there was no passage, which caused a lot of surprised cries.

Feng Hao's pupils slowly burst into a layer of purple light, as if two groups of purple sky fires were burning. He focused on the dense fog area, as if he wanted to see through some reality.

After a while, his brow furrowed.

The front is very empty, except for the fog, there is nothing else, and it seems that there is no limit, the vast expanse.

"After you go in, try to be by my side."

Before entering, Jiang Feng opened his mouth, then stepped out, walked into the dense fog area, and disappeared.

Feng Hao exhaled, glanced at Le Tian and Fatty Wei who stepped inside without the slightest hesitation, and also stepped in.

When he came into contact with the white mist, he felt an irresistible suction force. Before he could react, the scene in front of him changed drastically.

An ancient and vicissitudes of life rushed towards us. Looking around, there are dilapidated buildings everywhere, weeds are everywhere, and many places are covered with moss. It feels like being in a It's the same as in the scene where the end of the world has been experienced.

The sky in this ruins is dark, as if it is about to rainstorm, and it also gives people a very depressing feeling. The wind is rustling, bringing some shrill howls, which adds a new dimension to the world. A horrible breath, extremely scary.

"Here, what happened?"

After taking a glance, Feng Hao frowned slightly.

He felt that this place was like a gathering place of forces, but it was attacked, and then it was destroyed.

He who has been to Batian Holy Land has this feeling, and it is extremely strong. However, since he is not familiar with Penglai, he has no idea what kind of power this place used to be. However, at least it is a top power!

This made Feng Hao gasp, he had never heard of the destruction of the top forces, but he actually saw one!

He couldn't figure out who it was that could destroy a top power!

Heavy recommendation [I eat tomatoes (tomatoes) new book]

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