Martial Inverse

Chapter 1715 Yin Ling, Killing Formation

Chapter 1715 Yinling, the desolate atmosphere of the killing array permeates the whole world, as if it is telling a song of lament, the destruction of a top power, what happened in it is unknown to outsiders, it seems, in In the impression of many people, this place has been a restricted area since its existence, and none of the entrants can survive!

It can be said that if it wasn't for this mutation, no one would care about this place, and no one would walk into this ruin. (I want Fengtian Novel Network to update as soon as possible)

During the time when Feng Hao and the others were slightly stagnant, many people came in around them. They just glanced at this side and walked into the depths.

Inside, the howls of ghosts and the screams of human beings resounded continuously, and there was even a chilling aura faintly conveyed in the wind, which made people's hearts tremble.

On the side, after Le Tian and Fatty Wei saw the ruins, a strange look flashed in their eyes, but they quickly subsided.

Obviously, they seem to know a little about this ruins, and even know about this period of history.

"Why are you still standing there, hurry up and lead the way!"

Seeing the dazed look of Fatty Wei beside him, Le Tian kicked him on the ass unceremoniously, and the latter staggered and fell forward, fell to the ground and fell into the mud, really embarrassed.

However, under the threat of Letian, he didn't dare to speak out. He casually patted the dust on his body, and walked forward in a hurry. (Update the latest chapter of I want to seal the sky as soon as possible)

"If you don't want to step on the killing array, you'd better pay attention to how this fat man walks!" Letian's expression changed, and he said to Feng Hao and Jiang Feng very seriously.

"Understood!" A strange light flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, and his eyes suddenly changed when he looked at the obscene looking Fatty Wei.

This guy is really different. Thinking about it, he should know quite a lot about killing formations.

Feng Hao didn't dare to be careless, looked at Jiang Feng, nodded slightly, and then followed Fatty Wei's footsteps towards the depths of the ruins.

Fatty Wei seemed to be very familiar with it, he didn't stop at all while walking, his fat body moved around the ruins flexibly, without any rules at all, just looking like this, he seemed to be on a rampage, relying on luck.

While walking, dark red blood stains can be seen everywhere, and the air is also filled with the smell of blood. In some bright and dark places, there are many stumps and broken arms.

Obviously, in this ruins, there must have been a large-scale killing.

Yin Ling, kill the array!

It was the two deadly threats in this ruins that took away the lives of most people. Only a few were able to successfully sneak into the depths of the ruins, but there was no response.

And with Fatty Wei, the chance of mistakenly entering the killing array is undoubtedly reduced to the lowest. (I want Fengtian Novel Network to update as soon as possible)

Now, Feng Hao finally understands why Letian brought Fatty Wei here. There is no doubt that their security has been greatly improved now, otherwise, if they accidentally enter the killing array, even if Jiang Feng is there, they will be in big trouble.

"Brother Letian, this seems to be a site of a top power?" Feng Hao asked tentatively.

"That's right." Letian nodded, and replied in an ambiguous manner.

"Sure enough!" A flash of shock flashed in Feng Hao's eyes.

If you want to destroy a top power, and it's still in ancient times, you need at least the Supreme to take action!

Thinking of this, he felt a little relieved.

Although the top power at that time was left by the Supreme, and although the background was strong, it was absolutely impossible to resist the footsteps of the Supreme.

The supreme beings are invincible to a certain extent, each of them shocks a generation, and their supreme demeanor is unrivaled.

So, what is it that makes this Supreme to destroy this top power? Nobody knew it before, but now, the answer seems obvious.

It is definitely related to the spread of the glow from the outside world that can prolong life and longevity!

Of course, this glow is absolutely impossible to exist forever,

Perhaps, it is because the thing that caused this glow had been sealed before, but now it is unsealed, so it is now in this world!

This point, in fact, everyone is clear in their hearts, they just want to know the answer, how can they live forever!

Feng Hao didn't ask any further questions, but there was a doubt in his heart.

At that time, Chunchun didn't say which top power's site it was, which proved that Chunfeng didn't know about it at all. In other words, Chunfeng Pavilion, the largest intelligence force in Penglai, didn't know the origin of this site.

However, Letian is clear, which means that the forces that Letian belongs to are very old, and the years of existence are beyond the imagination of these forces today.


Suddenly, not far from them, there suddenly rose a palpitating chilling aura. Feng Hao looked over and saw four or five people being torn into pieces in a burst of cold brilliance.

Obviously, those few people strayed into the killing formation and were directly crushed.

This made some people walking around feel cold hands and feet, and some people even stopped moving forward, fear and anxiety leaked from their eyes.

This is just the outermost part. If you want to enter the core part of the ruins, you don’t know how many risks you will experience along the way. If you just want to try your luck and don’t have the strength, then there is only one dead end!

Feng Hao didn't have any extra thoughts to help those people, and even more cheered up, paying attention to the movement of Fatty Wei's feet, not daring to be distracted.

Not long after, when they passed a dilapidated building, the four of them were attacked by more than a dozen ghosts.

It exists like a mist, with an ethereal figure, somewhat like a ghost. On the head, there are a pair of eyes shining with cold blue light, and a big mouth, which continuously swallows cold air, and the surrounding temperature drops rapidly.

After a quick glance, Jiang Feng showed no sign of making a move. Fatty Wei was at the front, so naturally he had already made a move. His fat body was very flexible at the moment, flashing like a basketball, and he let out an exaggerated cry. .

Then, Feng Hao saw his special attack method.


With a muffled sound, Fatty Wei descended from the sky and directly pressed a Yin spirit under him. Then, a brilliance flashed on his fat body, and when he bounced up again, the Yin spirit had disappeared.

This made Feng Hao dumbfounded, this guy is really top notch, he actually uses his fat body as an attack method!

Now, Feng Hao finally understands why this guy is still alive under Le Tian's mad kick.

However, the moment he was distracted, a ghost rushed towards him with its teeth and claws...

Heavy recommendation [I eat tomatoes (tomatoes) new book]

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