Martial Inverse

Chapter 1729 Get

Chapter 1729 Acquisition Within the stone gate, a Yin spirit whose body was almost condensed into a substance was suspended above a wreckage. Because the stone gate was opened, it turned around suddenly and locked Feng Hao at the gate. ()

Immediately, an extremely gloomy and cold atmosphere suddenly spread in the room, and the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, almost reaching freezing point.

It is because Feng Hao has already started the Yan Jue, at this moment, he can't help but shudder, his whole body is frozen stiff, and the blood in his body seems to be frozen, and then, some dots of blood ooze from his forehead. Yingguang instantly enveloped it, and the discomfort slowly dissipated.

The gap is too great, this Yin spirit is obviously very unusual, it is the most powerful one he has ever seen, even if it spreads Yin Qi, he cannot resist it!


Without any hesitation, Feng Hao's hands were coated with a layer of dark gray, holding the small black box, and pulling it hard.


Just when the Yin spirit was about to rush over, an extremely terrifying aura suddenly burst out from the gap opened by the small black box, directly dispelling the surrounding coldness without a trace.


The Yin spirit whose body was almost solidified was only slightly startled, and then continued to attack Feng Hao with its teeth and claws. (I want Fengtian Novel Network to update as soon as possible)


Halfway through the opening of the small black box, with the small ball in place, a giant beast suddenly condensed into shape, opened its mouth, and let out a roar like a dragon's roar, full of the meaning of the king's presence in the world, that Eyes full of violence, he looked indifferently at the attacking Yin spirit, showing a touch of disdain in a very humane way.


As the giant beast waved its hand, the Yin spirit that was almost condensed into substance was directly blown out, hitting heavily on the stone wall in the room, and then, the Yin energy on its body was also shaken away Quite a few, those cold eyes obviously dimmed a lot.

Obviously, this giant beast was just such a random blow, which caused this Yin spirit, who was at least the seventh or eighth level of the peak holy level, to be severely injured.

However, Yin Ling, who was not very intelligent, showed no fear in his eyes, and still stared coldly at the giant beast that had severely injured him. Then, with a roar, he spit out a rapidly spinning The round energy cluster with dark color is like an ultra-thin disc.

"Chi Chi..."

With the formation of this circular energy group, an extremely sharp breath suddenly burst out in the space, and the surrounding space was rippling with ripples as if they were real, and some furnishings in this room were also directly destroyed. The ripples that seemed to be real were shattered, including the remnant core, all of which were reduced to what they needed. There was only one ring, which fell to the ground with a crisp sound. (I want Fengtian Novel Network to update as soon as possible)

Obviously, this is a ghost with secret skills!

"Woooo..." Yin Ling let out a mournful howl, and finally pushed out the condensed circular energy ball, and slammed into the giant beast.


The giant beast raised its huge palm again, and without the slightest hesitation, it smashed on the circular energy cluster, smashing it to pieces directly, and the sharp and violent aura directly spread and exploded, sending out a burst of energy. The appalling sonic boom.

However, at this moment, a look of astonishment flashed in the giant beast's eyes. Because, when it hit the circular energy cluster, the rapidly rotating energy cluster actually cut into its palm. Although not much, it can feel that it has been slightly traumatized.

Obviously, this rapidly rotating disc is a secret skill with extremely powerful attack power, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to hurt it when the realm is very different.

Of course, this is also the reason why this guy underestimates the enemy, and at this time, it is only an energy body, not an entity!


It seems to be provoked,

It also seemed to have sensed Feng Hao's stunned expression, the giant beast violently burst out, and an extremely violent momentum burst out suddenly, stretched out his hands, and directly grabbed the Yin spirit in the room, with a strong shock, the Yin spirit Almost all the yin energy on Ling's body was shaken away, and the whole body became faintly visible.


With a muffled sound, the ghost was crushed alive between the giant beast's hands, and a crystal nucleus shining with dark light fell, and was grabbed by the giant beast.

"Click." Afterwards, the giant beast dissipated, and the little ball fell down almost dying. It almost didn't even have the strength to lift its hands and feet, lying on the ground, motionless. On one of its front feet, the crystal nucleus is still shining with a cold luster.


Feng Hao gasped heavily, his cheeks were covered with sweat, his whole body was soaked, and his complexion was slightly pale.

Opening this small black box was a laborious effort, and every time he was exhausted to death, he was almost exhausted!

After the medicinal properties of Shennong Pharmacopoeia diffused in his body, Feng Hao slowly returned to normal, and his face also slowly turned red. He lowered his body, picked up the little ball, carefully put it in his arms, and held the crystal nucleus in his hand.

"It wasn't crushed?"

Feng Hao was a little surprised, among the domineering power of the giant beast, it is impossible for this crystal nucleus to survive, the only thing is that Xiao Qiuqiu intentionally left it behind!

"It seems to be useful." After thinking for a while, he put the crystal nucleus into the ring.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

With bursts of violent noises, the stone door was slowly closed by Feng Hao. Then, he walked towards the place where the ring fell.

Stretching out his hand, he picked up the ring, but with a glance, he found the Holy Crystal of Light.

"Sure enough, it's the holy crystal of light!" Feng Hao's eyes were filled with joy as he looked at the holy crystal emitting a ruddy white light in his hand.

So far, he has gathered all the holy crystals in Jiuji, only the dark holy crystals and the bright holy crystals have not been refined. At that time, he will be able to completely control Xuwu!

Thinking of the supreme demeanor of the Void God back then, Feng Hao's breathing became a little short, even with his disposition, he couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart at this moment.

Looking at the two holy crystals in his hand, one dark, one bright, Feng Hao really had the urge to refine them, but when he thought of the disadvantages after refining, he had to suppress this urge.


Just when he put the two holy crystals back into the ring, Shimen was suddenly blasted away with brute force, Feng Hao raised his head, and a look of astonishment appeared in his eyes.

Heavy recommendation [I eat tomatoes (tomatoes) new book]

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