Martial Inverse

Chapter 1730: Escape

Chapter 1730 Escape! The person who appeared at Shimen is none other than Huangfu Wushuang who has a grudge with Fenghao!

Originally, according to the footprints on the ground, she should have gone to the left, but now she appeared here. Obviously, she did it on purpose. (I want to update Fengtian Novels as soon as possible) Moreover, she seems to have guessed that Feng Hao will choose to leave Lotte!


"Boy, run away. With my current state, I am not her opponent at all..." When Feng Hao wanted to ask, Fen Lao directly advised him to run away.

"She just appeared at this time, she must be waiting for me to use up the little black box..." Looking at Huangfu Wushuang who is like a goddess descending, Feng Hao's mouth curled into a bitter arc.

In fact, after Huangfu Wushuang separated from Lotte, he could do it, but the situation is already obvious until now.

"Sure enough, it will be bad if you expose your hole cards..." Feng Hao was very depressed. Huangfu Wushuang basically knew his strength, and knew that the giant beast could not be summoned at any time, so she chose to use it in Feng Hao. appeared after.

If this was the case where Huangfu Wushuang didn't know about the giant beast, then the situation at this time would be just the opposite!

However, he was not the one who resigned himself to fate. After a little bit of astonishment, he quickly regained his composure. Looking at Huangfu Wushuang with a cold aura spreading all over his body, he knew that the relationship between the two parties could not be eased. (Update the latest chapter of I want to seal the sky as soon as possible)

"Want to kill me?" The corner of Feng Hao's mouth curved slightly, showing no sign of fear.

Huangfu Wushuang's cultivation at this time is definitely at the peak of the holy rank, but it is not an easy task to take his life away!

"I know there is a spirit body helping you, otherwise, you couldn't have stayed in the Skyfire Territory for so long last time..." Huangfu Wushuang seemed to have seen through Feng Hao's thoughts, and directly said his last hole card, Immediately, Rang Feng Hao's face darkened.

Come prepared!

Since Huangfu Wushuang knew that she had the help of Fen Lao, and she still appeared at this time, then she must have the trump card to deal with her!

"I think we can still be friends..."

Feng Hao smiled awkwardly, looked at Huangfu Wushuang who kept bullying him, and continued, "I just took something from you, at worst, I'll give it back to you, it's really stingy..."

Hearing these words, Huangfu Wushuang's expression obviously became a little unnatural, a blush flashed across her pretty face, and a moment later, her expression became even colder.

"Hehe, do you really think that I have no cards?"

Feng Hao kept his face calm, with an evil curve on the corner of his mouth, and he said with a little evil spirit, "I think you are doing well, since you have delivered it to your door, then grab it back and be a tea delivery boy." Maid, I think, that should be very suitable for you!"

His words had a certain effect, Huangfu Wushuang's face was stunned, his footsteps also stopped, not moving forward, a pair of star-like eyes scanned Feng Hao's body, it seemed that he wanted to try Find out what to do. (Update the latest chapter of I want to seal the sky as soon as possible)

If it was someone else, of course she wouldn't be able to scare her, but this person is Feng Hao, the one who took away the Immortal Mansion!

It is impossible for this kind of person to reveal how many hole cards he has. Moreover, the Immortal Mansion has always been in his hands. Who knows how many benefits he has gained from it in the past few decades.

After all, Huangfu Wushuang has always suspected that the giant beast owned by Feng Hao came from the Immortal Mansion!

"It's now, escape!"

At the moment when she lost her mind, Fen Lao's voice suddenly sounded in Feng Hao's mind, and a ray of light instantly enveloped his whole body.

"Swallowing Dragon Seal!"

At the same time, the Dragon Seal of Swallowing Heaven appeared on Feng Hao's palm, and with the influx of dark gray vain power, a huge dragon that seemed to be substantial jumped up from the dragon seal, with indifference in its eyes, looking down at the world, carrying A cloud as heavy as a mountain,

With a mighty momentum as vast as the sea, without hesitation, he slammed into Huangfu Wushuang in front of him.

Because of what Feng Hao said before, Huangfu Wushuang subconsciously wanted to avoid the attack of this giant dragon, and his figure drifted two meters to the side.

"Goodbye, little girl..."

Following a flash of an afterimage, Feng Hao hurried out of the stone room, leaving behind a sentence full of jokes, which made Huangfu Wushuang's pretty face turn pale.

Got tricked!

Although the giant dragon possesses a powerful momentum, its power is not yet at the peak of the holy rank, but because of Feng Hao's previous words, she made a wrong judgment.

"Bastard, hooligan, after I catch you, I will definitely tear you to pieces!" Huangfu Wushuang's eyes burst out with icy killing intent, and he gritted his teeth with hatred towards Feng Hao.


Without the slightest hesitation, she quickly chased after her in a flash.

In this way, a strange scene was created, a figure wrapped in fluorescent light fled in front, and another slender figure full of murderous intent was chasing behind, one in front of one in the back, quickly in this labyrinth-like palace. The looting action.

"Boy, hurry up and think of a way, I can't get rid of her..." After a while, Fen Lao's somewhat discouraged voice sounded in Feng Hao's mind, which made Feng Hao, who was a little complacent, sink in his heart.

What he did just now, if Huangfu Wushuang caught up with him, wouldn't he be mutilated 10,000 times? !

For a while, Feng Hao was full of resentment towards Fen Lao, an unreliable old guy.

How could this kind of thing not be said earlier? !

"I just told you to run away, and I didn't say she couldn't catch up!" Fen Lao seemed to sense his emotions, and immediately responded with some joking words, as if he was happy to see him fall into this kind of situation.

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth twitched fiercely, his eyes rolled.

God, can't this master be more reliable?

Obviously, Huangfu Wushuang must have extraordinary secret skills, otherwise, her speed would not be faster than Fen Lao.

"Then what should we do?" Feng Hao couldn't think of any way to get rid of Huangfu Wushuang, so he had to ask for advice again.

"There is one way, that is, I don't know if you are willing to do it..." Fen Lao's voice was obviously full of malicious intentions and jokes, which were fully revealed.

Hearing this tone, Feng Hao suddenly shuddered, and goose bumps appeared all over his body.

Every time this old and unreliable master talks like this, there is absolutely nothing good!

"What way?" After hesitating for a long time, after he couldn't think of any better way, Feng Hao still bit the bullet and asked Fen Lao for advice.

There is nothing worse than being caught by Huangfu Wushuang. Apart from this, he feels that he can bear anything that happens!

Heavy recommendation [I eat tomatoes (tomatoes) new book]

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