Martial Inverse

Chapter 1731 She is not male

Chapter 1731 She is not male

At this time, Feng Hao really wanted to commit suicide.

If it falls into Huangfu Wus hands...

Just thinking about it for a while, he shuddered,

He felt that it would be easier to commit suicide than to fall into Huangfu Wushou's hands. At least, he would not suffer those inhuman tortures.

She is Huangfu Wushuang, the proud daughter of the Penglai world, he actually said that he would capture her and make her a little maid at home, what a blasphemy and insult,

Even if it was placed on him, if someone said he was asked to be a servant serving tea and water, Feng Hao would get mad,

Therefore, he regretted that those words he said back then had angered Huangfu Wushuang and made her lose control of her emotions...

At that time, the situation was favorable, but if he was caught by Huangfu Wushuang who was out of control, he would have nowhere to go, and he would be abused ten thousand times...

"Are you really determined to do that?" The domain name of this site is the full spelling of Piaotian, please remember the domain name of this site! "" Fen Laohe said in his mind with a smile, he seemed to be full of interest, and wanted to watch a good show,


Feeling that Huangfu Wushuang was getting closer, Feng Hao scolded impetuously,

Wouldn't this old guy reflect on himself? If it weren't for him, how could he have fallen into this kind of situation? Now he can still hold the mentality of ignoring it, which makes Feng Hao full of resentment.

"Since you requested it, then, let me tell you..."

Fen Lao’s voice was still full of jokes, and he said, “I believe that if you refine the two Saint Crystals of Light and Darkness and completely control Xu Wu, then at that time, your strength will definitely have A leap in a large arc, it may be possible to break through to the peak of the holy rank at that time, and it may not be..."

"Breakthrough to the peak of the holy rank." Feng Hao was stunned, startled in his heart,

If he can really break through to the peak of the holy rank, then he still has hope to contend against Huangfu Wushuang. At least, he won't be crushed by him. With such a big gap like now, he has no strength to resist at all. ,

A realm is different from a realm, there is a world of difference, almost insurmountable,

Especially when facing a proud girl like Huangfu Wushuang,

He has no advantage at all, even in the same realm, he can't get any benefits,

However, there must be a chance to escape.

As Fen Lao said, this is indeed a way to get rid of Huangfu Wushuang,

"But, the disadvantages..."

Thinking of the disadvantages of refining the holy crystal, Feng Hao hesitated for a while,

He couldn't control the emotion that he wanted to vent. Last time in Xuan Mingtian's ancient tomb, he had tried that feeling again.

The feeling of being involuntary makes him very uncomfortable, and now that Qiong Ling'er and other wives are not around, how can he vent,,

"Idiot, isn't that Huangfu Wushuang a woman? Could it be that she is a man?" Fen Lao yelled in his mind, with a look of hating iron but not steel,


Feng Hao is still hesitating, his eyes are flickering,

This is a difficult choice. He is actually afraid that he will do that kind of outrageous thing again, which will make him feel sorry for Qiong Linger and the others.

Therefore, even if he had reached that point with Huangfu Wushuang last time, he still did not touch Huangfu Wushuang. Afterwards, the number one beauty in Chunfeng Pavilion made a promise with her body, and he also tactfully rejected Chunfeng's kindness...

All this is because of his promise to his wives, which he doesn't want to break,

"But what is it?" Fen Lao seemed very angry,

This kid really doesn't know how to grasp such a good opportunity. It's fine if he missed it last time. This time, he must not miss it again.

Thinking about it, the glow covering Feng Hao's body has dimmed a lot, and at the same time, the speed has also slowed down.

"Let me tell you, Shenyuan has almost been consumed, you can figure it out." Fen Lao's very irresponsible words sounded after Feng Hao was surprised, which made Feng Hao think The urge to vomit blood,

This old guy definitely did it on purpose,

He swore it was definitely on purpose,

However, even if he knew it was intentional, he couldn't control it anymore.

A wry smile hung on the corner of Feng Hao's mouth,

Maybe this is a good thing in the eyes of Fen Lao, but Feng Hao doesn't think so,

Huangfu Wushuang is definitely not the next Qingwu, if I do more excessive things to her, it will only make her more willing to do everything possible to revenge herself,

She is the proud daughter of heaven, perhaps the core child of a certain giant, and she is so proud that she can't bear this kind of blasphemy and insult.

Moreover, even if she breaks through, she may not necessarily be her opponent.

"Hmph, in about ten minutes, Huangfu Wushuang will catch up with you, you should think about the consequences of being caught up by her." Seemingly feeling that Feng Hao had loosened, Fen Lao reminded again kindly with,

Immediately, Feng Hao couldn't help shivering, a chill ran down his spine,

He forgot this point, if he was caught up, he would be unable to survive or die. In fact, thinking about it again, things might have been the worst.

"Death is death."

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Feng Hao made an evil decision. Feeling the strong aura behind him, a hint of evil flashed in his eyes, "You forced me to do this, so you can't blame me."

In the blink of an eye, he held two holy crystals of darkness and light in one of his hands, but after hesitating a little, he started to use the Yan Jue,

Immediately, a dark energy and a bright energy simultaneously penetrated into the virtual vortex in his body along his hands,

At this time, Fen Lao didn't dare to be careless, a brighter glow leaked from Feng Hao's forehead, and then his speed doubled a lot,

"You still have half an hour. After half an hour, Huangfu Wushuang will catch up with you." Fen Lao reminded him very carefully.

Hearing this, Feng Hao frowned, and then began to operate Yan Jue more quickly, and suddenly, his eyes showed a dark gray color, without any pupil light,

However, what is very strange is that this dark gray in his pupils is slowly fading and turning towards gray due to the continuous integration of the two attributes of darkness and light...

At the same time, the aura on Feng Hao's body also soared uncontrollably, if it wasn't covered by that layer of fluorescent light, it would spread out,

It seems that the aura emanating from Feng Hao's body does not reject this kind of light, on the contrary, there is a sense of melting water,

And even in this situation, the vortex of xuwu in his body is also rapidly changing, from the original calm, at this moment, it has turned into a vast sea that is close to boiling, and the waves hit the nine heavens.

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