Martial Inverse

Chapter 1737: Woman

Chapter 1737 Woman

After God's punishment came to this palace, Le Tian and Fatty Wei who were far away in the other direction also felt it,

"Eight heavy punishments from heaven, someone is going to be promoted to the peak of the holy rank." The domain name of this site is the whole spell, please remember the domain name of this site! ""

After a little induction, Le Tian made an accurate judgment. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a look of doubt flashed across his face.

"Hey..." Fatty Wei beside him let out a creepy laugh, and said, "He can break into this place without even reaching the peak of the holy rank. This person is not ordinary. I, Fatty Wei, feel inferior."

The Yin spirits in this ancient ruins of great powers are at least the existence of the peak of the holy rank. If there is no cultivation base of the peak of the holy rank, it is absolutely difficult to move here.

Le Tian glanced at him slightly, then seemed to think of something, frowned, "Could it be him."


Fatty Wei turned his head sideways, and then, a look of astonishment flashed across his face, and he shook his head violently, and shouted, "You said that guy, how is it possible, he just broke through to the peak of the Seven Tribulations yesterday, and he only thought about it in a day. To break through is simply a dream, it is absolutely impossible."

He couldn't believe it, even Le Tian didn't believe it,

But besides Feng Hao, is there another person who has not reached the peak of the holy rank?

After Fatty Wei also calmed down, he glanced at Le Tian beside him, and then suggested in a low voice, "Go and have a look."


Le Tian hesitated slightly, then nodded,

Crossing the catastrophe, this is not a joke, if it is really Feng Hao, after crossing the catastrophe, he will definitely be seriously injured, if he is attacked by Yin spirits or other people with good intentions, wouldn't he die unjustly? here,

Therefore, Lotte naturally cannot sit idly by,

To be honest, Feng Hao is the only one who can make him feel good and treat him as a friend.

I don't know why, but when he was in the auction house in Dongding City, he saw the private things belonging to Huangfu Wushuang in Fenghao's ring, so he wanted to tease him.

However, the ghost knows that this guy is like an endless vortex, directly dragging him down,

There are too many secrets, even now, Le Tian dare not say that he fully understands Feng Hao,

After a period of time, Le Tian locked his eyes on a stone room, until the situation inside calmed down, he and Fatty Wei slowly approached the stone room,

"Brother Hao."

After pushing open the stone door, Le Tian tentatively made a sound, but he saw a pair of red eyes like beasts...

It was as red as blood, without any impurities, filled with all kinds of negative emotions, and violent desires were surging. Just looking at these eyes, Le Tian felt that Feng Hao seemed to be like a powder keg about to explode, full of Dangerous, it seems that if you get close, you will be dragged down to hell by it, and there will be no bones left.

This is Feng Hao, Le Tian can be sure, but he can't figure out what made Feng Hao break through in a short period of time, and what made Feng Hao fall into such a state,

He frowned, but did not exit the stone room, and after explaining to Fatty Wei behind him, he walked in, closed the stone door, and approached Feng Hao,

And Feng Hao, as if he had been paralyzed, took a long breath, lay on the ground, and approached his own Lotte in a daze. In his eyes, there was no doubt, no surprise, and no surprise, just like looking at a strange man. like people...

However, when Le Tian approached him less than one meter away, an elegant fragrance floated into his nostrils, and suddenly, it made his body tremble, and those red eyes seemed to be It's like being activated, from the original calm state to a raging flame, enough to burn everything,

Seeing Feng Hao like this, Le Tian instinctively felt that it was very dangerous. However, perhaps out of confidence in his own strength, he still chose to approach, and, slowly squatting down,


As Lotte approached, the faint fragrance became even more intense. The wind that was originally like a dead fish suddenly exploded like a crazy beast, and directly threw the unsuspecting Lotte under him. A pair of palms imprisoned Le Tian's actions like an iron ring, and every time Le Tian condensed the strength, it would be shaken away by it,

"Brother Hao, it's me, I'm Le Tian, ​​let me go."

Le Tian didn't dare to look directly at those red eyes full of nakedness, struggling under him, trying to break free, Feng Hao's furnace-like body made Le Tian very uncomfortable. Zhang Juemei was no less beautiful than Huangfu Wushuang's face, and there were two seductive blushes,

"Hoo, ... hoo, ..."

Feng Hao kept panting heavily, and the scorching air continuously sprayed on Le Tian's face, as if he was confirming something. Finally, Le Tian opened his mouth, looking at the two crystal lips that were opening and closing, he seemed to be As if he had found his target, under Le Tian's astonished gaze, he lowered his head, sealed that alluring little mouth with one gulp, and sucked it in fiercely, constantly asking for what he wanted,

And Le Tian was completely dumbfounded at this moment. She stared blankly at the face that was so close in front of her, feeling the heat from Feng Hao's mouth. For a while, she couldn't react at all.

Ever since she went out for a walk, she has appeared as a man, and she also believes that no one can see through her disguise. However, at this time, for some reason, Feng Hao managed to see through it.

She was a little dazed, she had never encountered such a thing, let alone how to deal with it, to resist, and no one dared to do such a blasphemy to her,

However, at this time, she was being pressed down by a man who wantonly asked for it, which made her mind buzz for a while, and she couldn't turn the corner.

At the same time, Feng Hao didn't seem to be satisfied with the status quo. The palms that imprisoned Le Tian's wrists were close to her clothes. into pieces, her snow-white jade, her delicate body with bumps and convexities, was fully revealed at this moment, all presented in front of Feng Hao's eyes,

Even Feng Hao, who had already been immersed in the sea of ​​desire, saw such a beautiful scene, a flash of dementia flashed in those red eyes, and in an instant, it was like pouring a bucket of kerosene into the sea of ​​fire. It burned up, and there was a slight shock, and the only trace of rags on his body was also destroyed. At this moment, the two were facing each other,

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