Martial Inverse

Chapter 1738: Beast Incarnation

Chapter 1738 Becoming a Beast

Le Tian never imagined that this kind of thing would happen, and at this moment, feeling Feng Hao's fiery body like a furnace, some of the same emotions also appeared in her heart, which made her gasp a little bit, fragrant The air flow is constantly spewing out from her alluring little mouth, and those slightly squinted, watery eyes seem to be sending out a silent invitation,

Feeling the slippery and delicate body under him, Feng Hao completely turned into a beast at this moment, he took a single breath on that ruddy and alluring little mouth, and separated her tight and slender legs with his hands,

Although it is not a matter of human affairs, Le Tian seems to have felt something at this time. The beautiful face that looks like a fairy descending from the world suddenly showed a look of panic, and the whole person struggled even more, wanting to escape Feng Hao's imprisonment,

Although her only two friends, besides Feng Hao, are the fat man outside, but she still doesn't want her Qingbai to be lost under such unclear circumstances,

She wanted to call for help, but she couldn't. After all, she was naked at this moment. If Fatty Wei broke in, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing?

Therefore, even though Lotte was struggling, he didn't call Fatty Wei outside the stone gate,

"Could it be that he is really the Void Martial Master of this generation of the human race?"

At this time, Le Tian remembered an allusion, the Void Martial Lord of the human race seemed to lose control under certain circumstances, and this situation was also encountered by a certain woman in her power,

However, that was a long time ago...

But at this time, looking at Feng Hao's situation at this time, it is actually very similar to what was recorded in the allusion,


However, her struggle and disobedience aroused Feng Hao's wildness even more. Those red eyes were filled with violent emotions. With a soft growl, a violent momentum hit Le Tian, ​​and her talent was overwhelmed. It was a condensed force that directly crushed it, and then slammed forward with force,


Severe pain came from under his body, Letian bit his lower lip tightly, his eyes trembled and closed, two clear tears slid down his cheeks,

However, at this time, Feng Hao has completely fallen into the sea of ​​desire, but he doesn't understand pity at all. He only knows about crazy demands and rough movements, and even left shocking traces under Le Tian's snow-white delicate body.

Outside the stone gate,

Fatty Wei scanned the surroundings and found that no one had come before returning to the stone gate. However, when he was about to push the stone gate open, some strange groans faintly came from inside, which directly made his The palm froze in place, and his whole body seemed to be struck by lightning, he was stunned on the spot, not knowing how to react,

After a long time, he withdrew his palm in astonishment, stood where he was, and remained silent for a long time, his eyes flickering,

He is undoubtedly the one who knows Le Tian's identity the most, and Le Tian's personality, as the only best friend among the forces, he knows even more,

So, this time, after Le Tian came back, he even said that he had the opportunity to introduce a friend to him. Fatty Wei was a little stunned, but at the time, he didn't take this matter to heart.

After all, with his ability, in his own power, he is also a person with a high status and enjoys the enshrinement treatment. It is really difficult to find a few people in this world who can make him look good.

However, at this time, although he didn't go in, the faint voices from inside let him know what was happening inside.

Fatty Wei didn't intend to interrupt, mainly because he knew Lotte too well, and, in his opinion, even if Feng Hao broke through to the peak of the holy rank, it would be absolutely impossible to force Lotte,

If you go in at this time, if you disturb her good business, you will definitely be destroyed afterwards,

Thinking of this, Fatty Wei couldn't help but shudder, stayed away from the Shimen Gate, and acted as a sentinel not far from the Shimen Gate, but the look on his fat face became more and more weird.

He thought about how much trouble this news would cause if it got out, the more he thought about the consequences caused by this incident, the more intriguing the look on his fat face...

I don't know how long it has passed, Feng Hao's sanity slowly recovered, his first feeling was to feel the soft and slippery touch under his body, and he couldn't help being startled.

He still vaguely remembered that Fen Lao was constantly calculating himself, and then, Huangfu Wushuang was about to explode himself, so he escaped, and after the punishment from heaven, he fell into chaos and couldn't control his body control, until now...

He tried hard to recall what happened, it seemed that he heard a familiar voice,

Immediately, Feng Hao suddenly opened his eyes, and a familiar and unfamiliar beautiful face appeared in front of him. Immediately, he jumped up as if he was electrocuted, and separated a distance,

There, a delicate body that subverts all living beings is revealed there, like a work of art, with unevenness, no flaws can be found in any place, the beauty is suffocating,

However, at this time, on this delicate body, there are many strangle marks, red, blue, and white colors interspersed, plus that pretty face with tiredness, like a wounded kitten, It is even more heart-warming to give birth to a psychology of wanting to take care of her,

"Le Tian, ​​she turned out to be a woman."

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, his mouth opened and he forgot to close it.

Indeed, when we met for the first time, because of the close distance, he smelled a woman's unique fragrance. At that time, he didn't pay much attention to it, but now, it made him feel suddenly enlightened.

Le Tian is indeed too beautiful, even if she appears in the body of a man, she is still very charming, making countless beauties feel ashamed and dare not compare with her,

But at this time, after stripping off the disguise, she is even more beautiful, a bit shockingly beautiful, no less than Huangfu Wushuang's ketone body, and has a unique pure aura,

Le Tian is like a mischievous little fairy who has fallen into the mundane world. She is savage and acts according to her will, but at this time, she is sleeping soundly, but her pretty face is a little serene, adding a sense of holiness,

No wonder,

Feng Hao suddenly realized that she pretended to be a playboy, and she used to molested Huangfu Wushuang and the women in Chunfeng Pavilion, but it was all just to take advantage of her verbally, and she even pushed the spring into her arms, all of this was not right Is it proof that she is a woman,

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